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Direct questions & comments to me sweetremiks@tumblr!

Thanks as always to Jordon (pseudosuicide@tumblr) for her editing job, though I think she did it
for Takeru this time.♪


KAMIGAMI NO ASOBI – Takeru Love Ending (chapters 3, 4 + 2 endings)

TITLE: “Mistakes of the Past”


It can’t go on like this. I need to change how Takeru is thinking about this. I raised my head and
looked straight at Takeru.

YUI: Takeru-san…

YUI: I don’t completely understand the pain you’ve been going through…

YUI: And I’m not saying it’s not painful when everyone is misunderstanding you and making
assumptions about you…

YUI: But with the way you’re thinking right now, nothing will change.

YUI: You actually know that too, don’t you?


Takeru frowned and remained silent.

YUI: So, please.

YUI: Let’s go back to school together.

YUI: And we’ll tell Zeus everything…

TAKERU: If I could be forgiven that easily, it wouldn’t have turned out like this.

YUI: We’ll keep reminding him until he understands.

YUI: If necessary, you can apologize. I’ll apologize together with you.

It wasn’t about him hurting me, but that he’d used his power, which was forbidden. He needed to
clearly apologize for that.

TAKERU: …Why do you have to apologize too?

YUI: If it’s for you, Takeru-san, I’ll do anything.


YUI: But if you don’t take a step forward yourself, then nothing will change.

YUI: Or do you want your school life to end like this?

YUI: If it was me… I wouldn’t want that.


Takeru’s eyes quivered. It appeared that I’d trapped him in.

YUI: I want to do club activities together with you, Takeru-san.

YUI: I want to graduate with you…

TAKERU: Kusanagi…

YUI: I believe in you, Takeru-san.

YUI: Even if other people misunderstand you, I believe in you…

With just those words, I might not have been helpful at all. But I wanted to let him know I was his
ally and friend.

As I spoke seriously, I stared at his face. Takeru was still painfully hanging his head. I wonder if my
feelings came across to him. I wonder if he understood me.

As a heavy silence flowed between us, I waited for Takeru’s answer. Takeru slowly lifted his eyes
and stared back at me with a frown.

TAKERU: …I’m happy you feel that way.

YUI: Then…!

TAKERU: But I can’t.

He shook his head and dropped his gaze once more.

It’s not a simple thing to mend a heart that was broken once. And he’d been carrying that burden
for a long time before coming to school. Takeru just didn’t want to fool himself. He wanted to be
completely honest about everything. He knew that running away from a decision wasn’t going to
lead to happiness. The biggest problem wasn’t Zeus. It was inside Takeru.

YUI: …Okay. If that’s the case, I’ll do something about it myself.

I nodded and stood up.

TAKERU: Do something about it… what are you planning?

I didn’t answer him, only turned my back to him and began to walk.
TAKERU: Hey, wait! Kusanagi!

YUI: …

Worried about my unresponsiveness, Takeru frantically ran after me. I didn’t turn toward him. I
just continued to stare straight forward. I headed back to school.


When I returned to school, I aimed for the library. Thoth was inside, having ended classes for the

THOTH: What would the one who left early and the good-for-nothing want with me? I won’t listen
to any stupid requests.


While scowling at Thoth, Takeru glanced over at me. He was wondering what I was planning to
say. It was written all over his face.

YUI: Lord Thoth, I have something to discuss with you.

THOTH: Hoh. I’ll listen if that is all I have to do.

YUI: I want to return Takeru-san to school no matter what.

YUI: And I want to reestablish the kendo club.

If there was anyone who could oppose Zeus, it was Thoth. It was difficult with just us, so I wanted
him to help. I knew he wasn’t someone who would easily cooperate with us, but I didn’t think
there was any other choice.

When I looked up at Thoth with pleading eyes, his expression was cold.

THOTH: Then you should go ask Zeus. This is not something to discuss with me.

YUI: I am responsible for that time Takeru changed into his god form.

YUI: Because I was stupid enough to lose my footing, it turned out like…

TAKERU: No! You didn’t do anything wrong! I just panicked and…

YUI: You saved me, Takeru-san! There’s nothing wrong with that.

YUI: You’re very intelligent, Lord Thoth. I assume you understand everything that happened.

YUI: As an instructor, please help your troubled students.

YUI: Please!!

I bowed my head deeply.

THOTH: …Be quiet. Don’t sound so hurried. Calm down for now.

YUI: Lord Thoth…

THOTH: I understand what you’re trying to say.

Thoth sighed deeply.

THOTH: I am also responsible for this. I was negligent in my supervision.

He slammed his book shut and stood up.

THOTH: I will mediate this time. Come.


Takeru’s eyes were wide in surprise.

YUI: Thank you very much, Lord Thoth!

I bowed deeply to Thoth as he started to walk, and then I followed after him. It seemed he was
heading toward the headmaster’s office.


ZEUS: What business do you all have with me? Have you reflected on your actions?

THOTH: Zeus, this is about Totsuka Takeru’s suspension and the dissolution of the kendo club.
Could you call it off?

ZEUS: Hoh. Why?

THOTH: He does not currently meet the graduation requirements. If left like this, it will have an
effect on the operation of the entire school.

THOTH: It will end without any results.

THOTH: I cannot say that’s a wise choice.

YUI: Zeus-san, I would like you to call it off as well. That time he used his powers was an accident!

However, Zeus never loosened his severe expression.

ZEUS: You may say whatever you like about what has passed. My request applies to the hereafter.

TAKERU: …You mean I might cause more problems?

ZEUS: You have repeated the same mistake many times. Do you deny this?


ZEUS: The fact that you cannot means that you are still struggling.

Takeru silently listened to Zeus’s words.

ZEUS: Takeru, I will prepare a trial for you. Show me your willpower.

TAKERU: A trial…?

ZEUS: If you can safely overcome this trial, then I will recognize your success.

ZEUS: Show this through your attitude.

Hearing Zeus’s words, I…


>Rejoice at this new chance

>Ask what kind of trial it is
>Criticize Zeus’s use of a trial

CHOOSE: Rejoice at this new chance

YUI: Takeru-san, this is your chance! If you overcome this challenge, you can come back to school!

TAKERU: You’re always so optimistic. This is a trial from Zeus. It won’t be that simple…

Takeru’s response wasn’t bad, but he seemed really distressed.

CHOOSE: Ask what kind of trial it is

YUI: A trial? What kind of trial?

ZEUS: I will not reveal it just yet.

CHOOSE: Criticize Zeus’s use of a trial

YUI: Wait a minute. Do we really need to give him a trial?

I was worried he was going to ask for something impossible.

ZEUS: This is what I have decided. I will not acknowledge any objections.

YUI: But…

(choices converge here)

ZEUS: I will prepare the trial tomorrow. Rest well this evening.

TAKERU: …Got it.

Takeru nodded honestly. It seemed he was accepting this challenge. Zeus lowered his head, and
Takeru and I began to walk out together.
If Takeru can overcome the trial tomorrow, he can return to school. If it’s for that sake, we can
overcome anything… I’ll show him.

NEW CHAPTER: Takeru Chapter 4 (Love Ending) – “The Storm-like Trial”


The next day, while the other students were taking class, Takeru and I were called outside to the
cold, frozen sports field. There, Zeus was waiting for us.

TAKERU: So, what’s this trial? What do I need to do?

ZEUS: You will know soon enough. Let us go.

TAKERU: …What the hell…

Takeru reluctantly followed after Zeus. It seemed that Zeus intended to take us outside the school


ZEUS: It is that mountain. Look.

Zeus indicated the mountain where we’d had our training camp.

TAKERU: What about that mountain?

ZEUS: This is your trial.

Hearing that this was the trial, Takeru’s eyebrows twitched. That mountain is… a trial for Takeru?
What exactly did that mean?

ZEUS: If you can reach the summit before sunset, I will clear your suspension and allow the kendo
club to continue.

YUI: Really?!

ZEUS: Yes. Naturally, transformation is forbidden. Climb the mountain not with your powers, but
with your own feet as a human.

I was happy, but I gazed up at the mountain anew. The summit of this tall, looming mountain was
far. It wouldn’t be easy to climb all the way up from here. It was different from when we did
training camp; this time, we had to start from the bottom. Could we really make it before sunset?

TAKERU: …Fine. I’ll do it.

Accepting Zeus’s challenge, Takeru balled his hands into tight fists.

ZEUS: Then I shall be waiting at the summit. Climb up before I grow tired of waiting.

Zeus floated in the air and flew off.

TAKERU: Damn… That’s playing dirty… I’d be so easy to get up there as a god.

Takeru shot an irritated glare in the direction where Zeus has gone. Then he began to run.

TAKERU: Kusanagi, let’s go! …I’ll climb that mountain no matter what it takes.

YUI: Yes!

TAKERU: I’ll get Zeus to acknowledge me. And then, I’ll return to school!

We aimed for the stairs that continued up to the summit.


Heading for the very top, we single-mindedly climbed the long, long stairs.

We climbed. And climbed. And climbed….

TAKERU: Kh… I can’t see the end at all.

The same scenery stretched out in every direction. Even though we were climbing, it didn’t feel
like we were going anywhere.

YUI: Me neither…

We tirelessly continued along the path. But even so, these stairs went on for a really long time.

TAKERU: Wh-What…? The wind suddenly…

Strong winds blew at our exhausted bodies from the direction we were heading. It made a
thunderous sound, as if it was trying to hinder our way up the path. Mixed among the blowing
wind, I heard Zeus’s voice.

ZEUS: Accidents accompany trials, do they not? This is a present from me.

TAKERU: Tch! That’s too much. I’m fine, but Kusanagi’s here too!

ZEUS: Is it not the job of a man to do something about this? Or are you unable…?

TAKERU: Fuck… don’t mess with me!

YUI: Takeru-san, please calm down.

Maybe he was irritated from exhaustion, but he was lashing out at things he’d normally let pass.

YUI: I’m doing my best too. Don’t let him provoke you. You’ll make yourself more tired.

TAKERU: Tch… I got it already. I’ll do it…

Then we climbed. And climbed. And climbed…

The tress were so dense, I had no idea how much time had passed. We still couldn’t see our
destination. That never changed.

TAKERU: What the hell is this… Aren’t these stairs too long?! He’s probably making us take the
long way around!

The stairs were built to match the slope of the mountain… It wasn’t necessarily the shortest route
to the top. Considering Zeus’s personality, it wasn’t entirely impossible.

TAKERU: …Shit, he purposefully made this climb harder, didn’t he?

Takeru was growing irritated and impatient.

TAKERU: Did he not want me to pass this from the beginning?

TAKERU: He’s probably up there right now, laughing at me. I must be some kind of fun show.

TAKERU: Anyway, why is this human body so inconvenient…?

As his exhaustion piled up, Takeru’s complaints gradually grew more frequent. It was true that my
body was approaching its limits too… It was a difficult problem for an average human, even with
effort. No matter how superhuman one’s strength was, they would need more time than this.

TAKERU: Ahh… seriously! I can’t do this!!

Takeru finally came to a stop.

Seeing Takeru like that, I…


>Ask him if he doesn’t want to pass

>Tell him to take this seriously
>Tell him to just keep going

CHOOSE: Ask him if he doesn’t want to pass

YUI: Do not want to pass? You can’t pass if you don’t climb.

TAKERU: Shut up…

Takeru turned his face away, completely sulking.

CHOOSE: Tell him to take this seriously

YUI: Takeru-san, take this seriously. No giving up.

YUI: This is a trial.

TAKERU: I’m doing this seriously! But he keeps pulling this shit!
Takeru’s fists trembled in frustration.

TAKERU: What’s this trial supposed to mean? Isn’t he just making fun of me?

TAKERU: It can’t be something impossible to clear…

Takeru exploded with dissatisfaction and kicked at the stairs.

YUI: Please don’t lose your temper. Nothing will be solved that way.

TAKERU: Hah?! What’d you say?!

YUI: That attitude is what causes misunderstandings.

I couldn’t hold it in anymore and just told him what I thought.

CHOOSE: Tell him to just keep going

YUI: Let’s just keep going for now. Complaining won’t get us to the summit.

TAKERU: I know that already… I just… need a break.

I was worried about the time. We need to keep going somehow…

(choices converge here)

YUI: Takeru-san, if we just sit around, the sun will set already. Let’s keep climbing.

TAKERU: I know that! Why are you nagging so much? You’re just a weed!

YUI: Don’t call me a weed!

I got strangely irritated, probably because it was the first time he’d called me “weed” in a while. I
knew this fight between us was stupid, but I couldn’t back out now.

TAKERU: Hmph… You’re just a human.

YUI: You and I are both humans right now. Let’s just cooperate and climb.


Making no effort to move, Takeru sat down on the stairs.

YUI: Takeru-san!

TAKERU: Shut up. If you want to climb, go ahead. I’m sick of this.

TAKERU: Like I could do something like this.

YUI: Didn’t you promise me you wouldn’t give up?

YUI: Was that just a lie…? I want to climb up together with you.
YUI: I don’t think you’re that kind of person.

TAKERU: …There’s no way I can do this. I’m just a useless, short-tempered, violent outcast.

TAKERU: You’re stupid to believe in a dropout like me.

YUI: …!!

YUI: Fine. I’ll climb by myself.

YUI: I don’t want anything to do with you!

Maybe I was on edge from the exhaustion too. Unable to ignore Takeru’s words, I continued on
alone. I didn’t sense him following me. It’s not like I wanted to say all of that to him…

Feeling intense regret, I felt my eyes fill up with tears. What could I say to make him understand?
Am I the one who’s mistaken? As I worried endlessly about these things, I turned my anger into
energy and pushed further up the stairs.

YUI: ……

I silently continued to climb.

YUI: Haa… Haa…

How much time has passed since I left Takeru? It got colder the higher I climbed, and my breath
froze in the air. But because I kept walking, my body was warm. I was completely focused on
moving forward, one foot after the other.

YUI: …The summit is still pretty far.

I sighed deeply and looked above. The sun was gradually sinking in the sky. Time was ruthlessly
passing by. I stopped for a moment and looked back at the stairs I’d climbed, but it felt like I hadn’t
gotten anywhere at all.



>Worry about Takeru

>Regret climbing
>Cheer myself up

CHOOSE: Worry about Takeru

YUI: I ended up hurting Takeru-san…

This whole time, I’d been worrying about the fight we had earlier. I couldn’t take back what I’d
said. It was late, but I’d finally realized I’d done something really mean.
YUI: I should’ve known he was the one hurting the most…

I took a deep breath and tightened my fists.

CHOOSE: Regret climbing

YUI: Just as Takeru-san said, this might have been reckless.

I gradually started to regret climbing by myself.

YUI: Besides, there’s no point if I just climb alone.

YUI: It’s Takeru-san’s trial, but I just took away his motivation. What am I doing?

As I recalled our earlier exchange, I was filled up with miserable feelings. But there’s no point in
me thinking about it.

CHOOSE: Cheer myself up

YUI: Nothing will change if I just think about it. Let’s just focus on getting up this mountain.

If I stopped walking, nothing but bad things would come to my mind. I’ve gotten this far, so I’ll go
until the end. I didn’t want the time I’d spent to go to waste…

(choices converge here)

I didn’t know if I could read the summit, but I can’t give up here. I continued climbing, refusing to

YUI: Haa… Haa…

…My feet were heavy. My entire body had pushed past the pain, and everything felt numb. I felt
unsteady, every step a big effort. I’d desperately climbed as far as I could, but the summit was still
far. Even though I was supposed to be getting closer…

YUI: Ah…!

In my dizziness, I momentarily lost my rhythm, and I accidentally stepped outside of the stairs. My
staggering body fell to the side of the stairs.

YUI: Ahhh!

Instead of stopping, I began to roll down the slope. I finally bumped into a tree and stopped, but
the feeling of the impact on my body persisted, and I couldn’t stand up right away.

YUI: Ouch…

When I tried to slowly lift up my body, a sharp pain ran through my ankle. I seemed I’d sprained it

YUI: Oh no… What do I do…?

Even though I could lift my torso, it didn’t seem like I could stand up, or that my ankle would move
at all. At a loss, I sat there for a while. Even while I was sitting there, time was still passing. My
surroundings somehow looked even gloomier than before. The sunset was fast approaching.

YUI: Is this… as far as I can go?

My ankle hurt so much that I didn’t think I could climb anymore. Knowing that I had no choice but
to give up, I felt tears of regret well up in my eyes.


TAKERU: Kusanagi, where are you? Hey! If you’re there, answer me!

I heard Takeru calling my name. He was searching for me, sounding desperate and cornered.

YUI: Takeru-san! I’m here! I’m over here!

I raised my voice so he could hear me.

TAKERU: Kusanagi!! Are you okay?!

Following my voice, Takeru immediately walked down the slope and came.

TAKERU: I saw this and I was so worried…

Takeru was holding my shoe in his hand. Somehow, as I was falling, one of my shoes came off.
Luckily, it probably became a sign for Takeru to look for me.

YUI: Sorry… I fell down. Thank you for looking for me.

TAKERU: You… You’ve got scratches all over you. Can you stand?

He held out a hand to me, worried. I took his hand and tried to stand, but I couldn’t get my ankle
to move.

YUI: It looks like I might’ve lightly sprained my ankle…

It was hard to say it hurt so much that I couldn’t walk, so I spoke a little more ambiguously. When I
did, Takeru stood in front of me and faced his back to me.

YUI: U-uh…?

TAKERU: It hurts, right? Don’t push yourself. Get on, I’ll carry you.

YUI: B-But! That’s not good!

Takeru glanced at me with a hard look, shaking his head as if telling me I was being absurd.

TAKERU: Stop complaining and get on. We need to climb, right?

YUI: …!
TAKERU: If we don’t make it before sunset, it’s your fault.

Takeru leaned down even further for me. He was making it easier for me to get on his back.

YUI: Takeru-san… thank you.

TAKERU: Alright, get on already. We’re going.

YUI: Yes…!

I timidly reached my hands out to his back. Takeru reached behind him and took my hands, and he
finally lifted me up.

TAKERU: Hold on tight so you don’t fall off. Of course, I’m not going to drop you.

YUI: Okay.

I put my arms around his neck without hesitation. Takeru was holding me very easily in his arms,
enough to make me wonder where all this power in his small frame was coming from. He began to
climb the stairs.

It was hard enough climbing alone, but it was probably an ordeal climbing a mountain while
carrying me. But Takeru never dropped his pace, taking one confident step after another up the

Where our bodies touched, I could feel his warmth. Takeru was right here. He’d really come back
for me.

YUI: Um, Takeru-san…


>I’m relieved
>I believed in you
>You’re late

CHOOSE: I’m relieved

YUI: I’m relieved you came back, Takeru-san.

TAKERU: …I need to pass this, so of course I came back. There’s no other choice.

It seemed Takeru couldn’t be honest about that yet.

CHOOSE: I believed in you

YUI: I believed… you would definitely come back.

TAKERU: You still exaggerate too much. Besides, it’s dangerous for you by yourself. I just couldn’t
leave you alone.
Takeru looked back at me and glared to hide his embarrassment.

YUI: Were you worried about me?

TAKERU: If I say I was worried or not… You know that already. Don’t make me say it!

CHOOSE: You’re late

YUI: Takeru-san, you’re late. I got tired of waiting.

TAKERU: If you have time to complain, I’ll drop you. You wanna walk on your own?

YUI: S-Sorry. I was just relieved.

YUI: It was a joke.

When I apologized, Takeru laughed, amused.

(choices converge here)

It should have been physically difficult for Takeru to climb the mountain as a human, but he didn’t
complain anymore. Paying no heed to the slowly darkening sky, he continued up toward the

TAKERU: …Honestly, I thought about quitting back there.

YUI: Ah…

I couldn’t see his expression from here.

TAKERU: If had to go through this much, who cared about graduation?

TAKERU: I didn’t care what happened to me. If I was doing this alone, I probably would’ve given

TAKERU: But I couldn’t stop thinking about what you said.

TAKERU: You believe in me. You want to graduate with me.

As an answer to Takeru’s words, I tightened my arms around his shoulders.

TAKERU: When I remembered that, I realized I wasn’t alone.

TAKERU: Even though I was supposed to know that already. …I was making excuses and running

YUI: Takeru-san…

TAKERU: Even today. You continued forward with all your strength… you went through a lot for

TAKERU: Even though you don’t gain anything from this.

TAKERU: When I saw you like that, my own worries seemed so small. I’m such a kid…

TAKERU: It was such a simple thing. I took way too long to notice it.

No you didn’t… I didn’t put that into words, just shook my head. It was hard to admit one’s own
faults. But Takeru accepted that.

TAKERU: I want to believe in the me you believe in.

My feelings had reached him. Just as he was climbing the mountain, Takeru was trying to move
forward, one step at a time. I didn’t want to break his concentration, so I silently cheered for him.

The summit was only a short distance away now. However, the sun had already completely set.
The bits of sky I could see through the trees were soaked in the color of the night, and the stars
were twinkling.

TAKERU: …Hah… …Haa…

But even so, Takeru continued to climb without stopping. He should have known time was already
out, but he showed no signs of giving up. I silently watched over him as he saw this through to the


When we finally arrived at the summit, Zeus was there waiting for us. Takeru put me down, and
we approached Zeus together.

TAKERU: We took a while, but we’re here…

ZEUS: …So you have reached the summit. However, time is up.


At Zeus’s words, all the power left Takeru’s body, and he crumpled to the ground.

YUI: Takeru-san…

Takeru crouched on the ground and hit it over and over and over.

TAKERU: If I… hadn’t done that! If I hadn’t stopped that one time…!

TAKERU: If I didn’t try to give up, we would’ve made it. But I just…

Hearing his sorrowful voice made my chest feel tight. Takeru’s cheeks were wet with tears. He
wept, unable to withstand the regret he felt.

TAKERU: Damn it… Damn it!! It’s my fault…!

He deeply regretted what he’d done. As I watched him lament, my own eyes overflowed with
tears. The road to the summit had been long and difficult. It wasn’t anything half-hearted. Anyone
would want to give up climbing it. Anyone would have been discouraged. But even so, Takeru
climbed the whole thing and arrived here. And he’d been carrying me on his back, too.

ZEUS: If that is all, then I will end this now…

Zeus turned around.


Takeru stood up and walked forward to face Zeus.

ZEUS: What is it…? I have no business with a dropout.


I felt nervousness run through my body like an electric shock. It’s over, I thought… and in that

TAKERU: Please. Let me come back to school. I want to do club activities again.

Takeru lowered his head deeply. He was completely sincere with his request.

TAKERU: I know I’m asking this out of turn. But I noticed… I can’t keep going on like this.


TAKERU: I always blamed someone else for me being an outcast.

TAKERU: It wasn’t my fault. That was all I thought about. I was just desperately making excuses for

TAKERU: I kept trying to push my way of thinking, without even making an effort to understand
other people.

He’d considerably prioritized his own feelings over anyone else’s. Those were probably his serious
feelings, ones he couldn’t run away from. After shouldering the burden of having killed that
goddess in an accident, he probably wanted to run away from that. At some point, that had
isolated him.

TAKERU: But, that was wrong.


Zeus raised his eyebrows.

TAKERU: If I want someone to understand me, I have to open up and get closer to them myself.

TAKERU: Even if I don’t like it… or if it’s painful, nothing will change if I try to avoid it.

TAKERU: I have to accept how others think about me.

TAKERU: Just wishing for someone else to change isn’t going to get me anywhere.

He stared at his own hands. A sad expression appeared on his face for a moment, as if he was
remembering the past. But, that grief soon disappeared, and he looked straight ahead.

TAKERU: I probably didn’t want to accept it. That no one loved me. That I was alone.

TAKERU: So I toughened up and pretended I was fine… and I didn’t let anyone get close to me.

TAKERU: But I’m different now!

TAKERU: I have her with me. And I have a goal for graduation.

TAKERU: I want to aim for that… I don’t want to give up!

Takeru thumped a hand on his chest. Hearing him like this, my chest filled up with emotion.

YUI: Zeus-san… please!

YUI: Please forgive Takeru-san!

I lowered my head to Zeus, not even bothering to wipe away the tears on my cheeks.


Zeus quietly stared at Takeru. I gulped and watched them.

Would Zeus forgive Takeru after all that? Would he acknowledge that Takeru overcame the trial,

ZEUS: Hah… That’s what I wanted to hear.


ZEUS: You have done well, Takeru.

ZEUS: You might have taken a longer path than other people, but I cannot say you are too late.

ZEUS: That in itself is a precious thing.

ZEUS: One can change if one does not give up. But nothing may begin if one does not realize one’s

I see… So that’s what Zeus had been intending from the beginning. His goal wasn’t for Takeru to
complete the trial. It was to see how Takeru would handle it.

That was what was important. That’s why he purposefully made it difficult enough for anyone to
give up. So Takeru could know himself, realize his faults, and accept it… That was the true

ZEUS: Takeru… I believed you would not betray my expectations.

ZEUS: Return to school. I have been waiting!

TAKERU: Yeah… Thanks. Zeus!

TAKERU: You too, Kusanagi… it’s all thanks to you.

Then, I heard the sound of something breaking. A small blue stone rolled around our feet.

YUI: This is…!

TAKERU: …The limiter… the limiter broke!!

ZEUS: You seem to have finished your studies here, Takeru.

TAKERU: Then, I…

Since his limiter broke, Takeru’s graduation was now decided.

ZEUS: Be sure to attend school until the ceremony, and put your efforts into club activities to your
heart’s content.

TAKERU: …! I did it… I did it!!

He broke into a smile. His eyes brimmed with joyful tears.



>Hug him without thinking

>Check again that his limiter actually broke
>Take his hands and celebrate

CHOOSE: Hug him without thinking

YUI: Takeru-san!! This is great!

Unable to restrain myself, I hugged Takeru without thinking.

TAKERU: H-Hey! Don’t cling to me like that.

He turned red and looked lost, but…

TAKERU: I should be the one doing this kind of thing to you.

He said this, and tightly wrapped his arms around my shoulders in response.

CHOOSE: Check again that his limiter actually broke

YUI: Did it really break? Let me check…

TAKERU: Geez, you worry too much. Get up and celebrate!

Smiling, he lightly poked at my head.

CHOOSE: Take his hands and celebrate

YUI: Congratulations, Takeru-san!

TAKERU: Yeah! I can be with you again. That’s what I’m the happiest about!

We grabbed each other’s hands and shared our excitement.

(choices converge here)

After dancing around and celebrating for a while, we were returned to school with Zeus’s power.


Thoth tended to the sprain in my ankle. When I returned to my room, I was so tired I immediately
fell asleep.

The next morning, Takeru came all the way to my room to pick me up.

YUI: What’s going on, Takeru-san? Were we planning to go somewhere?

This was the first time he’d done this, so I thought something might’ve happened.

TAKERU: Ahh… Uh… I was just thinking maybe it’s harder for you to walk. Because your foot.

Sounding very flustered, Takeru checked my wounds.

YUI: After getting some care, it healed completely in one night.

TAKERU: Really? You’re not just acting fine or anything?

YUI: Really. No need to worry so much.

I gently smiled at him, but he turned red and looked away.

TAKERU: Th-Then that’s good. Okay, let’s go.

YUI: Okay!


Going to school together like this made my heart pound a little.

TAKERU: If it’s too hard to walk, just hold on to me.

YUI: I’m fine right now.

TAKERU: Hey, watch your feet. There’s a pebble rolling around.

He was even pointing a finger to guide me around.

YUI: Right. I’ll be careful.


YUI: …

While keeping a moderate distance from me, he seemed on edge, waiting to save me if something

YUI: Um…

TAKERU: What, what’s wrong? Does it hurt? Here, let me carry you…

YUI: No, that’s not it. It’s just getting hard to walk because you’re so nervous.

Seeing him overreacting to everything was so funny that I had to resist laughing.

TAKERU: I-Is that so? You tend to hold back on things. I thought maybe you were just bearing it by

YUI: I’m fine. Please act normally.

YUI: Besides, I’m happy you’re keeping pace with me.

There was no need to say it, but it was natural for him to do things like that. This is probably his
way of showing kindness.

TAKERU: There’s no way I’d just go ahead by myself... Don’t worry about it.

I was happy at his casual forms of kindness. My chest faintly grew warm.


Today, Takeru returns to school, and we can begin our kendo club activities again.

We were doing our first morning exercises in a while. Takeru was still taking my injury into
consideration and set up a light training menu for today.

TAKERU: I’ll start running, so Kusanagi, you supervise.

YUI: Got it. Do your best, Takeru-san.

TAKERU: Yeah… I’ll do enough for the both of us!

When I encouraged him, his cheeks turned a little pink, but he immediately broke into a smile. As
if reconfirming this joy he’d once lost, he ran around the field with a steady gait. His expression
was serious and glowing with liveliness. Takeru really looked like he was enjoying himself when he
was exercising. I was really, really glad he was able to overcome his trial. I felt happy, and…

YUI: Takeru-san, looking good! You’re going at a good pace!

I didn’t usually cheer for him, but I raised my voice before I realized it.

TAKERU: You’re looking cheerful today, aren’t you?

Takeru answered me while running, a smile on his face. While I watched Takeru, I reflected on the
happiness we’d gained.


When we went to the classroom after morning exercises, everyone was surprised to see Takeru.

LOKI: Mooorning! Wait, it’s Ta-tan! Why, why?!

BALDER: If you’re coming to school, then I guess you’ve been released from suspension.

HADES: You seem energetic.

APOLLON: Take-Take, welcome back! It feels like it’s been a long time. A really long time!

TAKERU: …Hey. I’m back starting today, so… take care of me.

He was mumbling with a sour look on his face. He was probably embarrassed at everyone’s
unexpected welcome.

TSUKITO: Totsuka Takeru. Welcome back.

And even Tsukito…

TAKERU: Bro… I… I… I’ll do things seriously from now on!

TSUKITO: I heard that the kendo club has been safely reestablished. Congratulations.

YUI: Yes. From today, Takeru-san and I will start our club activities again.

TAKERU: We need to make up for the days we couldn’t!

YUI: That’s right. Let’s do our best!

As Takeru and I got fired up, I felt Tsukito’s gaze on us.

TSUKITO: By the way, is it alright to ask you two something?

TAKERU: Sure! If it’s for you, Bro, I’ll answer anything!

TSUKITO: How will your love reach a conclusion?

YUI: What?!

TAKERU: L-L-L-Love?! Br-Bro! What are you talking about?!

Takeru instantly turned red and glanced around nervously.

TSUKITO: This is about the novel I was writing during training camp, but I find myself out of ideas.
TSUKITO: Could you give me some advice?

He wasn’t inquiring about our relationship, but genuinely wondering about this problem.

YUI: …Even if you ask…

It was true that he was using us as a model, but… When he asked me something like that, nothing
came to mind.

How should I answer…?


>Dodge the question

>Respectfully disagree
>I can’t answer

CHOOSE: Dodge the question

YUI: Love… that’s kind of… how do say it…

For now, I felt it was a better choice to be vague and dodge the question, and I searched for the
right words.

TAKERU: What’s with you? Is that what you were thinking? Was it just me…?

YUI: Ah… no, it wasn’t, but…

I had no idea what to do with Takeru’s unexpected reaction.

YUI: Uh, I think we should put this aside for the moment…

TSUKITO: Lover’s quarrel…?

YUI: No!

Tsukito still looked confused.

CHOOSE: Respectfully disagree

YUI: Um, uh… we’re not necessarily going out…

I’ll just respectfully disagree. We don’t actually have that kind of relationship.


Takeru said nothing, but he had a complex expression on his face.

YUI: I mean, we’re kind of imbalanced. Takeru-san is a god… He’s just too great, so…

Thinking I might’ve hurt him unintentionally, I tried to cover for myself.

CHOOSE: I can’t answer

…I can’t. I just can’t answer him.

TAKERU: Bro… You shouldn’t just ask people that.

TAKERU: No matter what the truth is, I don’t like talking about this with people.

TAKERU: Kusanagi looks worried too. We can’t answer you like this.

TSUKITO: I see. That is a shame.

Takeru answered in my place. He looked really reliable.

(choices converge here)

TAKERU: If you want to know about love affairs, go ask Apollon. He’s a specialist.

APOLLON: What what? Did you call me? You called me, right?

TAKERU: I said your name, but I didn’t call you! You’re as noisy as ever.

Takeru didn’t hold back with Apollon.

APOLLON: You’re so mean, Take-Take. Anyway, what were you talking about?

Seemingly ignoring Takeru’s irrational response, Apollon came closer, looking amused.

TSUKITO: Totsuka Takeru and Kusanagi Yui’s…

TAKERU: Wahhh! It’s nothing!!

Takeru yelled over Tsukito and slapped a hand on his mouth.

LOKI: What is it, what is it? Looks fun.☆ Let me in on it!♪

TAKERU: I told you not to come over here!!

This was the first time I’d seen Takeru so excited in the classroom. Surrounded by everyone, he
was making a huge commotion.

HADES: …How strange. It seems the classroom will be louder from now on.

YUI: If you say it’s strange, then it probably is.

But even that was a good thing.


After school, Takeru called me up to the roof.

TAKERU: …Sorry. I called you out even though it’s cold.

Takeru was oddly fidgety.

YUI: What’s going on?

TAKERU: Ah… Well, uh… I was just thinking I should thank you.

He was unusually inarticulate.

TAKERU: I’m still here doing all this thanks to you. …Please take care of me until graduation.

YUI: …Okay.

Graduation… When I heard that word, I felt like I understood why it was hard for him to speak.

TAKERU: So this is what they call sorrow… Humans are seriously annoying.

He scratched his head in shyness, but he wasn’t smiling.

Humans and gods… There was a wall that couldn’t be overcome. I was once again aware of the
difference that separated us.

TAKERU: I don’t really understand it, but my chest kinda hurts.

TAKERU: I’ve never had something I was scared to lose before…

TAKERU: I’m glad I noticed, and I don’t have any regrets.

TAKERU: But I had no idea it would be this sad.

TAKERU: I feel like my heart could break…

YUI: …Takeru-san.

Feeling that we could share the pain, I reached out and touched his chest. In that instant… He
roughly pulled me into his embrace.

TAKERU: …I love you.

YUI: …!!

TAKERU: I love everything about you.

He hugged me recklessly, as if confirming his own feelings.

YUI: …Takeru-san!!

It was as if those feelings grew even stronger when we touched. Amid that strength, I felt
weightless and unsteady. So many emotions were flowing through me that I couldn’t form any

TAKERU: I love you…

His repeated words grew hoarse with sadness.

YUI: …Kh…

My eyes filled up with tears. I couldn’t answer him. I knew that if I did, parting with him would be
even more painful.

I wonder how happy he would be if I told him I loved him too. If I stay here in his arms like this…
We embraced each other, forgetting time itself.


Everything thereafter happened in the blink of an eye. Neither of us mentioned what happened on
the rooftop. We acted as if nothing happened between us. We had a silent agreement with each
other that that was the best thing to do.


Classes began as usual, with Thoth standing at the podium.

THOTH: Today, we begin preparations for the graduation ceremony.

The room rustled with voices at Thoth’s announcement. Graduation ceremony… It’s already that
time. Before I knew it, one year was about to pass. A few days before the ceremony, a sad, heavy
air fell throughout the school.

TAKERU: Should we… go to kendo?

YUI: …Okay.

There wasn’t much time for even our club activities.

THOTH: Wait, Kusanagi. I need to speak with you. Come.

I wonder what Thoth wants… I parted with Takeru and followed after Thoth.


THOTH: Do you plan to return to your own world?

YUI: Huh…?

I didn’t understand the intention behind that question.

YUI: Is there any other choice?

THOTH: It is also possible to send you to another god’s world.

YUI: So that means…

THOTH: You also have the choice of going together with any god you desire. Though you won’t be
able to return to your original world.

THOTH: What will you do? I will grant you the right to choose.

Return to my world, or go with Takeru. There were two paths laid out before me.

The fate I chose was…


>Return to the human world

>Go to Takeru’s world

(ctrl+f “CHOOSE: [your choice]”)

CHOOSE: Return to the human world

NEW CHAPTER: Love Ending 1 – “Love Deeper Than the Ocean”

Meeting him at this school was truly a fateful encounter. It would be so hard to part with him. If I
could, I would want to nestle close with him forever. I won’t be able to find someone I love as
much as I love him. That’s what I was confirming for myself.

But I’m a human, and he’s a god. A human like me remaining in a world like this was against
natural order. And I had a family to return to. My life in the modern world, too.

THOTH: Is that alright with you?

YUI: Yes… I’ve already decided.

If I continue to worry about it, I won’t be able to go home. I shouldn’t look back on things I’ve
already determined. I told myself that to stifle the sadness.

Why do I have to be a human? Why does he have to be a god? I knew that from the start, but it
felt like the pain would pierce through my heart.

THOTH: Alright, let’s make those preparations.

THOTH: There is only a small amount of time left for you to spend here, but I trust you will
continue until the very end.

YUI: Yes.


Once the preparations for the ceremony were underway, we couldn’t use the gym anymore. It was
cold outside in winter, but we decided to do the last of our activities on the roof.

TAKERU: There’s only a little bit of time left to do club stuff like this…
YUI: Yeah…

When I thought about the fact that almost one year had passed since I met Takeru and the others,
it still didn’t feel like reality.

YUI: When we’re on this rooftop, I remember when we first met.

TAKERU: That was back when you followed me around like a tenacious weed. How nostalgic.

He smiled with a distant look, as if recalling the past. We’d built up so many memories in this

TAKERU: You… were seriously stubborn, you know?

I knew he was just teasing me. A while ago, I would’ve thought he was serious, but now it was

YUI: You were pretty hardheaded too, Takeru-san.

So I exaggerated a little on purpose.

TAKERU: …Then, I guess it’s a draw.

He beamed at me.

TAKERU: …Hey, I… after graduation, I’ll still continue kendo.

YUI: Really?

TAKERU: Yeah. I want to use my sword for peace. I’m interested in the spirit of kendo.

TAKERU: …Besides, I don’t want to forget… what you taught me.

I was happy he thought that way.

YUI: I’ll continue kendo too. Even after going back to my world…

YUI: I don’t want what I learned from you to go to waste.

TAKERU: Yeah… it’s a promise.

Takeru gave me a small, gentle smile, and I returned it, trying to hold back my tears.

The bond that grew between Takeru and me, and kendo, which had allowed it to happen. Even if
we were far, far away, unable to see each other again, we should be able to sense each other
when doing kendo. Even if our memories disappear, we’ll be bound forever.

TAKERU: …Ahh, shit. Don’t cry.

YUI: I-I’m not crying… Why would I…

As I tried to deny it, the tears wouldn’t stop falling down my cheeks.
TAKERU: I’m gonna start crying too. …Idiot.

YUI: …But… But… Takeru-san…

I feel sad because we’re talking about happy things. I tried to tell him that, but I couldn’t form the

TAKERU: Okay, okay, don’t talk anymore. Alright… just cry as much as you want. Get it all out now.

TAKERU: I’ll be here for all of it.

He gently stroked my hair as he said this.

TAKERU: In exchange, let’s leave with smiles in the end.

My feelings about my choice to return to the present hadn’t gone away. But I kept asking myself
over and over if my decision was correct, and no answer came to me.


And, the time for graduation finally came…

ZEUS: When I look back on the lives I have given you here during this one year period, I can see
that you have all matured.

ZEUS: I am grateful for your efforts, for they have changed the future. From now on, I wish for you
all to devote yourselves to the world.

ZEUS: …That is all I need to say to you.

ZEUS: Good work, everyone.

ZEUS: I pray that your paths are filled with joy and happiness.

The entire student body applauded after Zeus’s speech. It was truly a loud sound, encompassing
everyone’s memories of the past year. These were the friends I’d spent my school life with
together, after being thrown into a new world, alone. Everyone’s faces were fearless, completely
different from their expressions at the entrance ceremony.

What are humans? What is love? I didn’t think I’d conveyed it very well. I regretted that I was a
useless example, but seeing their faces, I was honestly glad that it turned out this way. The things I
had done hadn’t gone to waste. As I thought about it, the corners of my eyes grew hot with tears.

When Zeus ended the ceremony, the large amount of students prepared for the school vanished
into mist. The rest of us took our graduation certificates and left the gym.


We walked as slowly as we could to where we would part. Kronos, the god of time, had almost
finished his preparations, and he would be sending us all to our various worlds.
APOLLON: Thank you, Fairy-san. Thank you so much for working so hard for us.

APOLLON: No matter how much I say, I can’t thank you for everything. I can’t thank you enough.

TSUKITO: Good work during this long year. I will not forget the knowledge you taught me.

TSUKITO: I have been in your care. I’m grateful, from the bottom of my heart.

YUI: I’m very honored to have spent time with everyone at this school.

THOTH: It’s almost time. Those who are ready, get inside.

I shared a formal handshake with the two of them. And, I sent them off with a final wave.

HADES: Farewell.

DIONYSUS: Bye-bye, Kusanagi-san.

BALDER: Goodbye, Yui-san.

LOKI: It’s been fun! See you!

THOR: …Take care.

YUI: Yes, you too.

The gods left for their respective worlds. And…


The last ones remaining were Takeru and me. Saying he wanted to speak with me alone, he
grabbed my hand and took me to the rooftop.

I have to say goodbye to Takeru soon… Because I’m a human and Takeru’s a god, we shouldn’t be
able to see each other after this. Though I knew I needed to say something, nothing would come

TAKERU: Hey. Did you forget our promise?

He gently poked at my cheek.

“Let’s leave with smiles in the end.” His words sounded over and over inside my mind.

YUI: …That’s… right.

I raised the corners of my mouth and made something like a smile.

TAKERU: What kind of face is that?

YUI: ……Gh.

Takeru placed a hand on my cheek. It was warm. But I would no longer be able to feel this warmth.
YUI: …I don’t think I can keep that promise.

How many times have I cried? In front of him, and alone? I felt like I would burst open when I
thought about him.

TAKERU: You’re such a crybaby.

YUI: I’m sorry…

TAKERU: Tch, I can’t even make the woman I love smile. I’m so uncool right now.

TAKERU: I can’t even say anything clever.

TAKERU: Sorry. But, this is how I am. Forgive me.

He placed a light kiss on my cheek.

YUI: …Takeru-san.

TAKERU: I feel like I’d have regrets, so I’ll say it again.

TAKERU: I… love you.

His sweet whisper brushed against my cheek, and his words soaked into my chest.

TAKERU: What about you? I haven’t gotten your answer yet.

YUI: If I… say I love you… then I won’t… want to say goodbye… I’m scared.

YUI: And… I… that’s why…

TAKERU: That’s why…?

He spoke slowly, waiting for me to speak.

YUI: …I love you.

YUI: I… feel the same way.

I confessed the feelings that sprouted up in my chest. This is the last time. I won’t be able to tell
him again.

TAKERU: I’m glad. If you rejected me, I wouldn’t ever recover from it.

He smiled jokingly, and then took a deep breath.

TAKERU: All the painful things up until now might have happened so I could meet you…

TAKERU: I’m grateful to fate for that.

TAKERU: My memories here are my greatest treasure. I’m glad I met you.
We stood hugging each other for a while. Takeru’s cheek was wet with my tears. Finally, I slowly
let go of Takeru.

TAKERU: See you.

Short words of farewell.

YUI: Yes… Take care, Takeru-san.

My field of vision blurred with tears. I watched Takeru until I could no longer see him. He never
turned back. Even though he was already gone from the roof, I couldn’t move.


After a while, I finally arrived at the headmaster’s office.

YUI: ……

THOTH: You are the last one.

Thoth looked out from the room as said this.

YUI: I’ll leave right away.

I set my resolve and entered the room…

I returned to the human world. To the place I belong.


When I opened my eyes, I was met with a familiar sight.

YUI: My house…?

This was the Kusanagi shrine. I was in front of our storehouse. In my hands was a sword etched
with the characters: 天叢雲剣

YUI: …

YUI: …What was I doing?

I didn’t know why I was holding a sword in my hands. I think I just came back from that
completion ceremony… I parted ways with my friends, and came here…

But the memories were fuzzy, as if they had happened a whole year ago. Even though it was only a
few seconds ago… I was confused.

YUI: Well, whatever. Anyway, I should clean up.

Holding my head, which felt oddly empty, I returned the sword to its box and left the storehouse.


The burning red sky stretched above my head. It felt like a long time since I’d seen such a beautiful
sunset. I stopped where I was. I stood there for a while, looking up at the sky as it gradually
changed hue. Slowly, slowly, the sun sank in the sky.

The evening sunset. For some reason, it felt incredibly nostalgic. I didn’t have a particularly
impressionable memory associated with the sunset, but I felt some kind of attachment to it. I felt
like I spent this time inviting the night together with someone…

YUI: What am I even thinking? This is weird.

While talking to myself, I quit looking at the sky and began to walk again. As I passed under the
shrine gate, I saw the figure of a boy walking along the path. He had a small build and a sour look
in his eyes. I didn’t know him.

…I wasn’t supposed to know him, but I felt a sense of longing for no reason. I couldn’t take my
eyes off him. It was like time had stopped. He suddenly looked up, and our eyes met.

In that instant, my heart leapt. He was supposed to be a stranger, but I knew that, without a
doubt, I’d met him somewhere.

???: Kusanagi.

He walked up in front of me. His gaze was directed right at me, and I understood that he was
definitely talking to me.

YUI: Uh… who are you? Why do you know my name?

When I asked him this, he gave me a painful, lonely smile. He seemed like he was holding back
some emotion that could overflow.

???: So you really don’t remember...

YUI: Huh…?

I’d forgotten about him. That was what it sounded like.

TAKERU: I’m Totsuka Takeru. You gave me that name. …Though you probably don’t remember

YUI: Totsuka Takeru… san…

I said his name over and over. It was supposed to be my first time saying it, but it felt like I was
already used to it.

TAKERU: I missed you, and missed you… That was all I could think about up until now.

TAKERU: It feels like forever since I said goodbye to you that time…

TAKERU: When I close my eyes, all I see is you.

TAKERU: The fun times, the painful times… everything, everything is precious to me…

I could only stand there staring at him, dumbfounded at his unbelievable confession. His gaze
pierced through me, full of sorrow and despair, and an unmistakable joy.

TAKERU: I finally saw you again.

Seeing him smiling gently, with tears welling up in his eyes, my chest hurt.

TAKERU: I didn’t want any regrets, so I came. To see you, Kusanagi.

YUI: To see me…?

TAKERU: The one who taught me my wishes would be granted if I didn’t give up… was you.

He held out a hand to me, and I put mine on top. My hand moved on its own for some reason.

YUI: Ah…

In that instant, he strongly pulled me into a hug.

I was surprised. It felt like I’d been hugged like this before.

TAKERU: I won’t let you go ever again. That’s what I decided.

YUI: Huh?!

TAKERU: I’ll protect you. I swear on my life.

I looked at his face, speechless. He seemed rough and brash, but oddly enough, I couldn’t dislike
him. Was that the same feeling as when I felt like he’d hugged me before?

If so… I want to remember. I want to know about him once more.

It wasn’t a bad thing to start everything anew, I thought.


CHOOSE: Go to Takeru’s world

NEW CHAPTER: Love Ending 2 – “The Warmth of our Hands”

YUI: I’ll go to Takeru-san’s world with him.

YUI: I want to be with him forever.

This was my answer after thinking it over. It wasn’t that I was forgetting about my family or my life
back at home. I was so reluctant to leave them behind that my determination wavered.

But meeting him here at this school was fate. It would be hard to leave him. I won’t be able to find
someone I love as much as I love him. That’s what I was confirming for myself. Until my life is
exhausted, I want to be in his arms.
I’m a human, and he’s a god. Someone like me remaining in a place like this might be against the
natural order. But even if I had to fight against this destiny, I didn’t want to leave him.

THOTH: I have heard your request. …Let us make the preparations.

YUI: Can I really… go with him?

THOTH: Of course. What do you think gods are supposed to be?

YUI: I wasn’t trying to make fun of… It just sounded too good to be true.

YUI: Lord Thoth, thank you very much!

THOTH: I was only passing on Zeus’s message. ...Do not waver. Carry out your mission until the

YUI: Yes!


Today was the last day of the kendo club. We couldn’t use the gym anymore because graduation
preparations had started, so we decided to do our last training on the rooftop.

TAKERU: It’s cold…

YUI: It really is…

Finally hit with the realization that this was the last time, I spoke less than before.

TAKERU: It’s a weird feeling.

Takeru was probably afraid of the feeling of something that always happened was suddenly not
happening anymore.

TAKERU: I had to go to school, then I met you, and I started doing club activities…

TAKERU: I couldn’t stand it at first. I didn’t care what happened. But that seems like a dream now.

With a gentle expression, he ran his hand along the bamboo sword as if it were a precious thing.

TAKERU: I’m grateful you taught me about kendo.

YUI: Takeru-san…

TAKERU: I’m glad I could be in this club with you. I honestly think it was really fun. …Well, things
happened along the way.

He shrugged his shoulders, turning his eyes away and smiling in a slightly self-deprecating way.

TAKERU: But, this is the end, isn’t it…? …Honestly, I’m kind of sad…

TAKERU: I want to do this again…

My heart beat faster when I heard his honest feelings. I was happy that he felt he same way. I
decided to tell him what I wanted to say but hadn’t said yet.

YUI: Takeru-san… Um…!

TAKERU: Mm? What?

I need to tell him I’ll be staying in his world…

He told me he loved me, but what if me wanting to be with him was just one-sided? I felt anxious
about that. I was worried that I just decided without discussing it with him, and that I hadn’t even
answered to his confession yet. And besides, feelings of love and actually living together were two
different problems. I was worried about the fact that I’d made that judgment on my own.


YUI: Is it okay if I stay by your side even after graduation…?

My voice trembled as I timidly asked him. I peeked at his reaction.


Takeru opened his eyes wide in surprise.

TAKERU: What kind of fantasies are you talking about now? There’s no way that can happen.

I told him about my conversation with Thoth.

YUI: I can also be sent your world, Takeru-san.


Worried about his sudden silence, I glanced at his face. I guess he really did get mad…

YUI: Um… Takeru-san?

TAKERU: Yes!!!! This is awesome!!!!

Takeru released all his joy at once, and my body froze for an instant.

TAKERU: Ahh, sorry. For yelling all of a sudden. You just said something crazy.

YUI: …Is it okay if I go with you, then?

TAKERU: Obviously! I want to be with you too. Come with me!

YUI: Okay!

TAKERU: If I’m gonna be honest, I was thinking about kidnapping you and taking you with me.

YUI: Huh…?!
TAKERU: I didn’t want to be apart from you. Being far away from the one you love hurts like hell,

YUI: One… you love…

I blushed at his very blunt words. He always loved with all of his strength. That’s what I felt.

TAKERU: But do you even know how much I worried over you?

TAKERU: Tell me sooner, idiot.

He lightly tapped my head.

YUI: I’m sorry…

YUI: I love you too, Takeru-san.


YUI: I was always afraid that it’d be harder to say goodbye if I told you that, so I didn’t say

YUI: Your confession at that time really made me happy.

TAKERU: Crap… I’m the happiest guy ever right now…

YUI: It’s the same for me.

I felt more relaxed seeing Takeru’s happy face.

TAKERU: I’ll treasure you. I’ll make you happy, okay?

YUI: Yes…!

Takeru tentatively put his arms around me, and I was wrapped in his warmth.

From now on, I’ll be able to feel this warmth. For always.


And, it was finally time for graduation…


In the auditorium decorated with the colors of ceremony, we were given our final speech.

ZEUS: When I look back on the lives I have given you here during this one year period, I can see
that you have all matured.

ZEUS: I am grateful for your efforts, for they have changed the future. From now on, I wish for you
all to devote yourselves to the world.
ZEUS: …That is all I need to say to you.

ZEUS: Good work, everyone.

ZEUS: I pray that your paths are filled with joy and happiness.

The entire student body applauded after Zeus’s speech. It was truly a loud sound, encompassing
everyone’s memories of the past year. These were the friends I’d spent my school life with
together, after being thrown into a new world, alone. Everyone’s faces were fearless, completely
different from their expressions at the entrance ceremony.

What are humans? What is love? I didn’t think I’d conveyed it very well. I regretted that I was a
useless example, but seeing their faces, I was honestly glad that it turned out this way. The things I
had done hadn’t gone to waste. The corners of my eyes grew hot with tears.

When the applause gradually died down, Thoth, our facilitator, announced the next speaker.

THOTH: And now, the representative of the graduating students.

THOTH: Apollon Agana Belea, please come forward.


His loud voice echoed throughout the gym. Apollon stood up from his seat, went up to the
podium, and faced Zeus.

APOLLON: As I thought about the fact that today would be the last time I would see this school’s
familiar scenery, each step I took toward school was firm.

APOLLON: The reason every student was able to graduate on this joyous day, is because of the
bonds they have formed here. We have all spent our normal, everyday lives here supported by
someone else.

APOLLON: I would like to extend my gratitude to everyone. Thank you… I’m truly grateful.

APOLLON: After graduating from this school, I will push on toward my future with all the things
I’ve learned here. I vow to never give up and continue to challenge myself.

APOLLON: Thank you for everything.

With those words, Apollon bowed his head to Zeus. The students behind him all bowed as well.
Apollon turned around and returned to his seat.

After that, Thoth announced the closing of the ceremony, and the curtains closed on our first and
last graduation ceremony. At the same time, the students who had been prepared for this school
vanished into mist. Their roles were now over.

TSUKITO: It ended safely… everything disappeared without a trace, just like in the beginning. They
will only remain in our memories.
BALDER: Yeah. I don’t want it to end. But I feel a strange, refreshed feeling somewhere.

LOKI: What’s thiiis, are you crying, Ta-tan? Look, here. There’s tears on your cheek!

TAKERU: W-What did you say? Y-you liar! There’s nothing on my face!

Lured in by Loki, Takeru wiped his cheeks. His eyes were a little red. Thor saw this and placed a
hand on Takeru’s head. Thor’s expression was gentle as he pet the shorter god’s head. Takeru was
facing away, his shoulders shaking.

YUI: Even the gods can cry at graduation.

HADES: Aren’t you the one who taught us that?

DIONYSUS: I wonder if I got more humanlike. Ahh, it doesn’t look like I can be a god again, so
maybe I should just retire?

APOLLON: Di-Di smelled like a human from the beginning!

Everyone laughed loudly at Apollon’s comment. I wanted to enjoy our very last moments, and it
seemed everyone else was thinking the same thing. We joined shoulders and joked with each
other as we received our diplomas and left the gym.


Our long school life here had finally ended, and the other gods returned to their respective worlds.
Takeru and I left for the world of the Japanese gods.


The white, frothy waves crashing against the coastline caught the light of the sun and glimmered.
The ocean stretched far beyond, and the endless horizon and clear blue sky expanded all around
us. As I gazed at the rough, yet beautiful scenery, I journeyed through the world of Japanese myth
together with Takeru.

TAKERU: You’re probably tired, huh? Let’s take a break.

YUI: It might be good to gaze at the ocean for a while from here.

TAKERU: Yeah. Right!

I put down the sword I was carrying and sat on the ground, cuddling up next to Takeru.

TAKERU: Wait, you’re bleeding!

When he looked at my face closely, Takeru was frantic.

YUI: Huh? Where? It doesn’t hurt anywhere…

TAKERU: There’s a cut on your cheek. This is bad. You need help right away.
YUI: It doesn’t hurt. If it’s just a light scratch, then there’s no problem.

TAKERU: That’s not the issue. For a girl to have a wound on her face…

He frowned and turned pale. Lately, Takeru has been overreacting to things.

TAKERU: Maybe it got grazed during that last battle… That was a pretty tough monster back there.

When we’d come across a monster on our way, some strong wind had rushed past the side of my

TAKERU: We need to take care of this… uh… ahhh…

Takeru closed his mouth for a moment and looked like he was thinking about something.

YUI: What’s wrong?

Takeru timidly brought his face closer to mine and softly pressed his lips against my cheek.

YUI: …!

TAKERU: …No… ah… the antiseptic… it’s, uh… you know, we’re out.

TAKERU: Sorry. I couldn’t think of any other way…

YUI: N-No, it’s okay…

The both of us were flustered, and an awkward air hung above us. Some time has passed since we
could be together like this, but I still wasn’t used to it.

TAKERU: I was planning on protecting you no matter what happened, but I’m still putting you in

It seemed he was worried about the fact that he’d been involving me in his monster
exterminations. When we returned to the world of Japanese myth, he’d volunteered to eliminate
the monsters terrorizing the world, and he set out in place of the other gods. He’d hated the gods
in Takamagahara, but now he was trying to cooperate and be useful to them.

YUI: I don’t want to be apart from you, and I want to do things together.

YUI: So please don’t worry about it.

I spoke firmly so he would calm down. Of course, I wasn’t lying. Those were my honest feelings. I’d
thrown away my old world so I could come here and be with Takeru.

TAKERU: …Right. And if I’m not there, I can’t protect you in those crucial moments.

TAKERU: I don’t want to be away from you for even an instant…

Even now, we continued to have the same feelings for each other. Without losing consideration
for each other, we’d come to respect each other and built up trust between us.
TAKERU: Also… can I ask you something?

His question was very reserved. I nodded in consent.

YUI: What is it?

TAKERU: I always wanted to ask this, but I couldn’t…

TAKERU: Do you have any regrets?

YUI: Regrets? About what?

TAKERU: It’s obvious. Throwing everything away to come with me.

Takeru looked away uncomfortably, and I laughed.

YUI: Takeru-san, you’re asking me that now?

TAKERU: But it’s an important thing! Don’t say that.

YUI: I’m happy you’re worried about me.

YUI: But I don’t have any regrets. I’m very happy right now.

I smiled at Takeru, then scooted closer and leaned my head on his shoulder.

TAKERU: …Gh! W-We should get going!

Takeru was shaken and his face was completely red, but his voice was gentle.

TAKERU: Here, grab on.

Just as he said, he wouldn’t let me go. He held out a reliable hand to me.

YUI: Yes!

Our hands touched, and Takeru firmly grasped mine in his.

TAKERU: About… earlier. …I… am also really happy to be with you.

He muttered quietly.

YUI: Huh, one more time please.

I pretended I didn’t hear him.

TAKERU: I’m saying I love you!

The warmth in our joined hands gradually warmed up my heart.

TAKERU: Get it already, idiot! Don’t make me say it over and over.

YUI: But I want to hear it over and over.

TAKERU: Geez… Fine, it’s my loss.

TAKERU: If you tell me that, of course I want to say it over and over.

YUI: Then, one more time please.

I felt happy just holding hands together, and my feelings for him only grew stronger.

TAKERU: I love you. I’ll love you until the day I die.

Like magic, Takeru’s words put a smile on my face. As I thought of being able to live with him like
this, my chest filled up with joy.


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