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KAMIGAMI NO ASOBI – Apollon Chapter 1

TITLE: “A Clytie Blooming in the Sunset”1


YUI: Rosa wichuraiana…

It was the white flower I’d received on the summit on the day of the field trip. Apparently it’s also
known as the memorial rose, because it represents pure loveliness. I wanted to know more about
this flower, so I pressed and dried it and looked for it in an illustrated encyclopedia. It can grow in
dry riverbeds and along the coast, not just in the mountains.

MELISSA: You’re quite the young maiden, Kutanagi.

YUI: …Kutanagi?

MELISSA: Admiring flowers is a nice hobby.

YUI: My name is Kusanagi…

MELISSA: So you like plants?

…I was being ignored. Well, he was just getting one syllable wrong. It wasn’t that big of a problem.

YUI: It’s not that I like them in particular… But since Apollon-san went through the trouble of giving
this me, I figured I should know about it.

MELISSA: Oho, a gift from a boy. You act surprisingly fast.

He smirked at me knowingly.

YUI: W-What is it?

MELISSA: Oh, nothing. Just a word of advice, but if you wanna conquer Apollon, take him to the

YUI: Uh… c-conquer? I don’t know what you mean…

MELISSA: If you wanna get closer to him. I’m always right about these things.

YUI: Is… that so…?

…I guess I’ll listen to his advice for now.

T/N: “Clytie” doesn’t seem to be the name of an actual flower, but the name of a water nymph who was in
love with Helios (god of the sun, sometimes equated with Apollo). He deserted her for someone else, and
she sat for days staring up at the sun until she became the heliotrope, a flower whose name literally means
“that which turns toward the sun”. I assume this title is meant to play into Apollon’s issue by directly using
the nymph’s name to suggest Clytie herself is blooming.
Even more than that, though, I was interested in the garden myself. I had no idea where it was,
and when I checked the map in my handbook, I saw it marked in a small area in the southwest part
of the island.

YUI: So it’s over here…

MELISSA: I’m rooting for you and your school life!

While I was looking at my handbook, I felt his small hand pat my finger in a comforting gesture.

YUI: Uh, ah… thank you.

Feeling satisfied that I knew more about this miniature garden, I began to get ready for school.


The classroom was chilly and deserted. But, this morning…

APOLLON: Fairy-san, good morning! Kalimera! The other Greek gods are here too.

I saw Hades and Dionysus beside Apollon, who was gripping their arms and leading them inside.

HADES: I’ll be in your care from now on.

DIONYSUS: Hey there, don’t be too hard me. By the way, “kalimera” is means hello in Greek.

YUI: Okay! Same here.

???: I’m coming in.

YUI: Ah, Takeru-san.

Escorted by Tsukito, Takeru made it to school as well.

YUI: Good mor…

TAKERU: Don’t come near me, you weed!

YUI: W-Weed…?!

TSUKITO: Totsuka Takeru. It is written in school regulations that speaking loudly in the classroom is
strictly forbidden.

Tsukito gently stood between us and chided Takeru.

YUI: But, calling me a weed is still okay…?

As usual, Tsukito was lacking in that area of emotion.

TAKERU: Sorry, Bro. I’ll be careful.

Instead of apologizing to me, he lowered his head to Tsukito. It seemed he was obedient only to
his older brother.

LOKI: Huh, so this is our classroom!

Spinning around elegantly, Loki danced into the classroom.

YUI: Ah, Loki-san.

LOKI: Ahh, hey there! Treat me well from now on.♪

As he greeted me, he stopped with a snap, and, bringing up two of his fingers, he gave me a light
bow. I sensed from his movements that he wasn’t an ordinary person.

???: …Is everyone here?

YUI: …!!

I suddenly heard a voice behind my back, and when I turned around, I found Thor standing there
silently. He was so tall that just looking up at his face made my neck hurt.

BALDER: So it seems. It’s wonderful to see the classroom so full.

Balder came in last, leisurely walking through the door.

It was the first time everyone in the class was here. The scene I wished for had finally arrived…
Finally able to see it, I felt my chest fill up with joy. The classroom overflowed with more activity
than usual, and it felt almost the same as a human classroom.

But at the same time, there was a strange restlessness drifting through the air. It felt like we were
all still wary of one another. It was just like an April classroom when no one is used to going to
school yet.

LOKI: So, where’s my seat supposed to be?

YUI: Ah, the seats are placed in kana order, so…

LOKI: Kanorder? Huh? What’s that?

It seemed like Loki wasn’t the only one confused at the new word.

YUI: Uh, it’s kana order…

I told them their new names and explained how Japanese names were ordered.

YUI: …and that’s basically it.

LOKI: So I’m named after a sword! You have some good taste!

DIONYSUS: My name is kinda awkward to pronounce. Dionysus Thyrsus?

HADES: You don’t have to say it yourself. It doesn’t matter.

DIONYSUS: I guess so.

THOR: …Humans have all kinds of rules. …I’ve learned something new.

TAKERU: It’s annoying to have to go along with a weed, but whatever, I have the same name as my

For now, it seemed like no one had any real complaints about their names. I felt relieved.

APOLLON: By the way, would everyone like to be a member of the student council too? I feel like
it’s more worth doing the more people there are.

As if he was becoming more aware of his position as the president, his eyes sparkled with life as he
asked everyone this.

YUI: You mean… everyone? I think that would be way too many.

YUI: Everyone else should… do something else… There are things called committees in human
schools, so maybe we should have them do things like that.

A broadcasting committee, a health-care committee… there were many things we could do that
would support the school.

DIONYSUS: Huh, we can’t just come to class…? I didn’t hear anything about this…

Dionysus’s shoulders slumped.

YUI: I’m sorry for the sudden suggestion.

YUI: But, I ask for your cooperation toward graduation.

DIONYSUS: Ugh… So much effort. Anyway, can we even do this?

Besides Dionysus, other students like Hades and Takeru were also dragging their feet. As opposed
to the student council members, they didn’t have much motivation. However, the student council
members managed to convince the other gods to enter some kind of committee for now.

Because Tsukito studied in the library often, Takeru said he wanted to join the library committee.
He didn’t seem to like the library all that much himself, but if this helped him work harder with his
studies, then I thought it was fine.

Loki was apparently good at spreading information, so with Balder’s recommendation, he joined
the newspaper committee. Loki decided on his own that his friend Thor should be in the
broadcasting committee, since it seemed related to newspapers somehow. I didn’t expect the
quiet Thor to be doing radio. I wonder if he would be able to do a full broadcast…

Dionysus nominated himself for the health-care committee with the reason that he wanted to
sleep on the beds in the infirmary. I felt really uneasy about his impure motives.
And finally, Hades was put in charge of the breeding committee. He would be raising tortoises
behind the school. Apollon told me afterward that Hades likes any kind of animal or plant. This was
another surprising hobby.

After each god was put into a committee, I felt like I’d gotten a glimpse of some surprising sides of

THOTH: Go to your seats. We’re starting first period with anatomy.

It wasn’t time for class to begin yet, but Thoth appeared and spoke to us harshly. He was
completely ignoring the existence of homeroom, even though it was a special day since everyone
had finally gathered together.

THOTH: Open your textbooks and beg for my instruction.

…He was oppressive as always.

THOTH: Hm…? You trash, why didn’t you bring anything?

Thoth glared sharply at the students who just showed up today.

LOKI: Heh, I left it at home! I mean, it was so heavy.

DIONYSUS: Ahh, sorry. I didn’t bring anything. But we can still do this without the book, right?


…Th-This is bad.

THOTH: Classes are cancelled. Goodbye.

Met with unwilling attitudes, Thoth lost even more motivation than his students.

YUI: P-Please wait! Lord Thoth!

YUI: I’ll get it ready right away, please just give me some time!

THOTH: Fine. I will wait for 30 seconds. Hurry up and do something.

YUI: O-Only…?!

THOTH: 29 seconds, 28, 27, 26…

Apparently I should’ve considered myself lucky that he even agreed to my suggestion. Deciding
that it was impossible to convince him, I hurriedly thought of a way to deal with this.

YUI: Those with textbooks, move your desks next to someone who does and share!

YUI: I’ll pass out some writing utensils!

As if slightly overwhelmed by my energy, the normally resistant students did as they were told.
THOTH: …2, 1, time’s up.

YUI: Th-This… Please teach us.

Somehow finishing just in time, we all managed to look like we were ready for class to start.

THOTH: I will not permit this again after tomorrow.

This is an exception… Strongly emphasizing that, Thoth returned to the podium.

YUI: …Yes.

Class began safely. However…



The apathetic students remained apathetic. Hiding his hands underneath his desk, Loki seemed to
be fiddling with something. I heard from his roommate Balder that he likes playing pranks and
making his own tools. Even now, he seemed to be working hard on his side job.

In contrast, Takeru had thrown both his legs on top of his desk and was leaning back in his chair
and stretching. He looked just like a delinquent from a school drama. With an occasional yawn, he
stared out the window, bored. “I have no choice because I lost in the sports festival”… He gave off
that kind of feeling intensely. Even the student council members had bitter expressions on their



It was good that they all came to school, but there was no meaning in studying like this. After
overcoming one obstacle, we were met with a new problem. I needed to break down this situation

When classes and cleaning were done, extracurricular hours began. The members of each
committee began their work, and if there was nothing else to do, they went home. I was about to
go to the student council room…

APOLLON: Let’s cancel student council meetings today!

Apollon suddenly announced this.

YUI: Huh, cancel…?

TSUKITO: Understood.

BALDER: You shouldn’t agree without asking the reason, Totsuka-san. Hey, Agana Belea. Did
something happen?
APOLLON: You’re all tired from the sports festival, right? So I want you to take it easy today.

BALDER: Human garlic soreness is pretty painful…

YUI: It’s muscle soreness!2

BALDER: Ahh, my bad. But I was pretty close. Would it be bad if I kept saying it like that?

YUI: You weren’t close at all! Please learn it correctly.

APOLLON: I have something to do after school, so please, could I please ask you to do this?

BALDER: If that’s the case…

APOLLON: Okay, bye. See you later, everyone.

Apollon waved a hand and left the classroom.

BALDER: Let’s go back to the dorm. I wonder if I can make it without falling today. This morning
was on the low side. I only fell 15 times.

Doubting that 15 times was really on the “low side”, I packed up my bag, and…

???: Kusanagi.

THOTH: Come with me.

My heart jumped out of my chest when Thoth suddenly called out to me.

YUI: L-Lord Thoth?

YUI: Um, where are we going?

THOTH: You will know if you come.

YUI: Well, yes, but…

THOTH: Let’s go.

He was always so forceful. I briefly wondered if there was no one who could oppose him.

YUI: Excuse me. Goodbye.

After saying goodbye to the other two, I followed after Thoth and left the classroom.


YUI: …The library?

He led me to the place he treated as his own personal room.

Balder originally says ニンニク(ninniku; ‘garlic’) when the actual word is 筋肉(kinniku; ‘muscle’).
THOTH: Sit wherever you please.

YUI: Excuse me.

I sat in the chair closest to me.

YUI: …So, what is it?

THOTH: A message from Zeus.

THOTH: I will communicate to you, our human representative, whether the gods have the
potential to graduate at this point in time.

YUI: Huh…?! Y-You know that already? At this stage?

THOTH: Naturally. He is an omnipotent god.

YUI: R-Right.

YUI: So… what are the results?

Nervous about this unexpected development, I asked him.

THOTH: Presently, there is no need for worry. If nothing troublesome happens, then they can

Looking at the current situation, I couldn’t honestly think that the future was bright. The students
not in the student council had me especially anxious.

THOTH: As a human, you may not understand, but the situation changes by the hour. Even if it’s
not good now, a change will happen eventually.

As if he knew exactly what I was thinking, he said what I’d wanted to know.

THOTH: …With the exception of one person.

YUI: Huh…

THOTH: Unfortunately, there is a single straggler. I intend to meet with him from time to time. You
will be sitting in as well.

YUI: What?! Is that true?

Thoth was always so unreasonable. Why didn’t he mention that before? As opposed to Thoth, the
all-knowing genius god of wisdom, I need time to prepare myself…

But who is the problem student? Maybe it’s one of the students who just started today. If that was
the case, I didn’t know anything about them, and I would have to discuss what to do about it. But
either way, it was clear that whoever I’d be working with wasn’t very cooperative. Would I be able
to handle this well? My vague anxiety grew worse.
Then, I heard a knock at the door.

THOTH: …He has come.

My nervousness reached its peak. I squeezed my hands together tightly.

THOTH: Come in, moron.

???: Excuse me.

YUI: A-Apollon-san…?

The god who entered the room was completely unexpected.

APOLLON: Ah, Fairy-san? Why is… Fairy-san here?

THOTH: I called her because she is needed. …Sit wherever you want.

Sincerely bowing his head, Apollon took the chair next to me.

YUI: Lord Thoth, is it really Apollon-san, because, um…

I hesitated to finish that sentence.

THOTH: Are you surprised that someone unexpected showed up?

He sounded somehow amused.

In response, I…


>I can’t believe it

>Ask the reason
>Looks are deceiving

CHOOSE: I can’t believe it

YUI: What? I can’t believe it.

THOTH: It seems you’re being deceived by this moron.

YUI: Deceived…?

…Is that right? I would never think that Apollon, who was always active in student council
activities, would be a bad student. Rather, right now he seemed like the one who was making the
best effort to be positive about understanding humans. He communicated with me a lot, too… I
was completely puzzled.

CHOOSE: Ask the reason

YUI: Why? Please tell me the reason.

THOTH: I don’t know.

YUI: Huh…

YUI: What?!

Another unexpected answer.

THOTH: Stupid. Don’t rely on me for everything. It’s your job to find that out.

I was speechless at his outrageous behavior.

CHOOSE: Looks are deceiving

YUI: Looks are deceiving, huh…

THOTH: Don’t you just lack perceptiveness? Don’t speak as if you know.

YUI: I-Is that right?

Could a god who was so proactive and positive really be a problem?

(choices converge here)

APOLLON: What is it? What are you two talking about?

Unable to join the conversation, Apollon seemed confused.

THOTH: We’re talking about you being a moron and a bad student.

APOLLON: Ah, me…? I’m a bad student?

THOTH: Only that you have no potential to graduate at this point. Put simply, is that not a bad

APOLLON: N-No potential to graduate? Me? Why…? I intended to work hard in my own way…

Apollon looked severely distressed.

THOTH: Ask yourself the reason.

THOTH: As a condition for graduation, the limiter on your right ring finger must break.

I looked over at the ring-shaped limiter on Apollon’s finger. This limiter reduced a god’s power to
the level of a human… And when they truly came to understand humans, it would break. That was
proof of graduation.

The form of the limiter was different depending on the god, and each contained a guardian stone.
In Apollon’s ring was placed a beautiful green stone called a peridot. That stone caught the light
and sparkled like Apollon’s eyes.
THOTH: The extent of what we can perceive is only that you cannot graduate. The rest will be
resolved with your…

THOTH: With both your efforts.

YUI: W-Why did you just…

YUI: Is there no other information?

THOTH: Nothing. …My business with you is done. Leave quickly.

Thoth put an end to the conversation, took a book from the bookshelves and began to read. …He
just did whatever he pleased.

YUI: Um, Apollon-sa…

YUI: …?

When I looked, Apollon wasn’t in his seat. He wasn’t anywhere inside the room.

It seemed he went outside without saying anything. I stood up from my seat and left the library.


YUI: Apollon-san, are you alright?

Seeing him standing around the hallway, I called out to him.

APOLLON: I’m not okay, I guess… Yeah, I’m not okay at all. …But I need to pull myself together.

Just as he said, he seemed pretty depressed. His face was pale, and his eyes were a little emptier.

APOLLON: I’m the student council president. I don’t want to drag everyone down with me. I never,
ever want that to happen.

APOLLON: So… So, I’m going to work hard. With my studies and with the student council, even
more seriously than before.

APOLLON: It’s nothing for you to worry about, Fairy-san, so go ahead and enjoy your school life…

He gave me his usual smile, looking no different from normal.

YUI: …It’s okay to worry me. It’s my job to teach everyone, after all.

YUI: Besides, my school life right now is a really valuable experience, so I think it’s really fun.

At first, I was in shock and despair, and I didn’t think it was a good thing, but…

As I interacted with the gods, I was able to think more positively. My life up until now was
extremely ordinary, and that was what made it so happy. But…
YUI: Before I came here, I was worrying about something. I didn’t know how to solve it.

It was true that I felt lost and confused about the path I should take for my future. After I got
wrapped up in a situation that should have blown away all those worries, it actually became a
good opportunity for me to think about myself.

YUI: The environment I lived in was different from everyone else’s, so the way I think is different

YUI: But through cooperating and discussing things with everyone, I was able to overcome that
hardship. I really felt that.

Everything works out somehow. But you need to try to move forward yourself, or else nothing will
happen. I felt like I was personally experiencing that right now. The reason I could was because my
comrades were so important to me.

YUI: So please don’t push yourself so hard. I’ll help you anytime. Please don’t forget that.

YUI: You’re helping me a lot too, Apollon-san, so please rely on me sometimes, okay?

I was thankful many times for his bright personality and initiative at this school, so this was a good
incentive for me to help him.

APOLLON: I’m helping you out…? I can’t really tell, but I’m honestly very happy about that. Thank
you, Fairy-san.

Some of the color had returned to Apollon’s face, and he looked a little relieved.

YUI: So, should we go back together? We don’t have student council today.

APOLLON: Ahh, right. Let’s go. Could I perhaps walk you back?

A majority of the students had left already, and the hallway was quiet as we walked side by side.


We crossed the sports field, went through the entrance to the dorms and immediately came to a
hallway. I stopped there.

YUI: …Well, here’s my stop.

APOLLON: That won’t do, that won’t do at all. I’m seeing you all the way to your room. I’m worried
about you.

YUI: Is… that so?

The hallways leading to the boys’ and girls’ dorms were separate, but our rooms weren’t that far
away. I didn’t know what he was worrying about, but he didn’t wait for an answer before casually
taking my hand as if it was a normal thing to do.
APOLLON: Now, my lady. Please watch your feet.

His movements as he carefully led me by the hand were as refined as a butler’s.

YUI: Eh, ah, okay… I graciously accept.

Feeling nervous at this unfamiliar treatment, I let him lead me all the way to my room. I was so
stunned I couldn’t remember much from the last few minutes.


A few hours passed since Apollon walked me to my room. The sun had already gone down and the
sky was growing dark. But even now, I could still feel Apollon’s warmth in my hand.

…I still hadn’t gotten used to it.

The way he held my hand so casually made my heart beat so fast that my chest hurt. I thought I
would get accustomed the more time had passed, but for some reason, it felt like my condition
was worsening. What happened to me? I think it’s just a huge difference in culture, but…

I sighed. I wasn’t sure if I’d really gotten used to it, but for now…

YUI: …I’ll go eat dinner.

I headed for the dining hall.


The dining hall was built near the student dorms, and it was situated so both boys and girls could
easily use it together. Dinner hours ran from the time extracurriculars ended until two hours after
that. The various menu items changed daily and I could choose what I wanted from the wide
selection. Thanks to the limited hours, I usually saw the gods from my class there, except in
extremely rare cases. Today was a rare case.

YUI: …Apollon-san… isn’t here.

We were just together, so I thought I’d definitely meet him here. I was a little disappointed. As I
worried about what happened in the library, I finished up my dinner.


YUI: I wonder what happened…

As I returned to my room after dinner, I thought about him. …Maybe he’s still depressed about it.
If that’s the case, maybe I should go see him. I stopped walking and thought for a little while.

YUI: …Hm?

Suddenly, something strange came into my line of vision. It was beyond the window… in the
nighttime school building, wrapped in darkness. There was a single light there.
YUI: I guess someone’s still over there.

When I tried to specify which classroom it was…

YUI: …What?! The student council room?

The first thing that came to my mind was Apollon, who hadn’t shown up to the dining hall.

YUI: Could it… be?

There’s no reason for him to be in the student council room… I think. But I was curious, so I went
to check what was going on.


YUI: Excuse me.

I knocked and opened the door.

APOLLON: Huh, Fairy-san…? Why are you here?

YUI: Apollon-san! That’s my line. School hours are over already.

APOLLON: I just… I just had some tiny little business to take care of. Don’t worry about it. You can
go back to the dorm.

He was holding some books in his hands.

YUI: Are you… researching something?

APOLLON: I need to acquire all kinds of knowledge. I was researching school events first.

He really was taking it hard.

YUI: I saw a light from the dorm… I was curious, so I came to check it out.

YUI: Dinnertime is almost over. Let’s go back together.

But he didn’t reply. He was looking at the books he’d placed on the desk, reluctant to leave. I
didn’t think trying to dampen his will to learn was a good choice. Instead, I tried to think of
something I could do to help him out…


>Warn him that pushing himself is not allowed

>Share my own knowledge
>Bring him some dinner

CHOOSE: Warn him that pushing himself is not allowed

YUI: I understand your feelings, but pushing yourself is not allowed.

YUI: Your condition could worsen. It might have the opposite effect from what you want.

YUI: It’s different from when you’re a god. You’ll get tired if you put so much of a strain on

APOLLON: I’ll only… I’ll just put in effort as much as I can. So, to a certain extent, let me push
myself… okay?

YUI: …!

When he clasped his hands in front of his face like he was praying and looked at me with big, moist
eyes, I hesitated to stop him.

YUI: ……Fine.

Still at a loss, I answered him.

YUI: Try to take it easy, okay?

Just telling him wasn’t enough, so I decided to stay and help him with his studies.

CHOOSE: Share my knowledge

YUI: If you’re researching events, I could tell you about my experiences.

I didn’t really want to stop him. Seeing his pleading expression made me hesitate to force him.

YUI: For now, I think it would be useful. I might be able to teach you something that’s not in the

APOLLON: Really…? Really? Okay, maybe I’ll take your offer and have you teach me things.

Like a child, Apollon suddenly brightened up.

APOLLON: I want to know all sorts of things… About you, about humans… I’m counting on you,

His smile was childish and playful. He stood up smoothly, and, elegantly pulling out the chair next
to his, he took one of my hands and led me to it.

YUI: Okay, leave it to me.

I sat next to him. Believing I could be useful, I began to speak.

CHOOSE: Bring him some dinner

YUI: I’ll bring you some dinner, then.

YUI: If you have a request, let me know.

APOLLON: …Then could I ask for the same thing you had? That’s what I feel like today.
He said this with a slightly embarrassed but friendly expression.

YUI: It was Japanese food. Can you eat that?

APOLLON: Uhh! I dunno, I don’t know… But I’m interested in what you… in what humans like. So,

Even though he was a little flustered, he took the challenge. Seeing him like that was charming.

YUI: Got it. Okay, I’ll be back.

I returned to the dorm and brought back his dinner.

(choices converge here)


Apollon took a deep breath and stretched his arms out wide. Late night was quickly approaching.
Without ever growing tired of it, he enthusiastically studied human culture.

YUI: Aren’t you tired?

APOLLON: Nope, I can still… I can still go!

He continued tirelessly, not showing a single weak point.

He was so depressed earlier. What a hardworking god. Having just finished reading another
volume, the two of us decided to take a short break.

APOLLON: The full moon is so beautiful tonight…

He suddenly looked outside the window and murmured. However, his gaze wasn’t pointed toward
the sky, but the ground… He was concentrating on all the plants blooming in the field. They caught
the bright light of the full moon. Every tree sparkled with new colors.

Normally I would look at the moon, but when I took another look at the scene, it was so different
from the daytime, and breathtakingly beautiful. I suddenly recalled what happened on the field
trip, and that he liked flowers and plants

YUI: …Um, Apollon-san.

YUI: When we reach a point where we can stop, would you like to go out somewhere? If you have
any time, Apollon-san…

As the idea came to my head, I suddenly suggested this. Even if it’s just a little, I want to make him
happy. I honestly felt that.

I want to see his smile. I want to cheer him up. Normally, I wouldn’t be able to invite someone to
go with me somewhere, but the suggestion naturally came out of my mouth. I was always
passively letting people invite me places before. I’d definitely changed since coming to this school.
APOLLON: I’m so happy to receive your invitation! Of course I have zero reasons to refuse!
Absolutely zero! Where? Where are we going?

YUI: Well… it’s a surprise. Look forward to it.

The place Melissa told me about came to my mind: the gardens in the southwest. I didn’t know if
Apollon knew about that place, but if he did, he would definitely be interested. He seemed so
deeply interested when he was looking at the plants in the moonlight just now. If I show him
something he likes, it could be a good change of pace.

APOLLON: Hearing that makes me so excited! I’ll get ready right away! Studying is over for today!
Okay, let’s go now!

As if he liked my suggestion, Apollon cleaned up the books and notebooks spread all over the desk
and stood up from his seat. I was really happy that he seemed so excited about it. I was so glad I
suggested it.

APOLLON: Okay, lead the way, my cute Fairy-san.

He held out and imploring hand, and I nervously took it.

YUI: Alright, let’s go.

We left the school at nighttime and went out to a place far away.


The fresh greenery glimmered in the light of the moon. The air on my skin was warm and a little

YUI: Apollon-san, we’re here.

We were at the greenhouse garden in the southwest of the island. It was the place Melissa told
me about.

APOLLON: Uhh, Fairy-san… where are we?

Apollon opened his eyes wide and looked a little wary, like it was his first time seeing something
like this.

YUI: It’s a greenhouse. All kinds of trees and flowers are cultivated here.

YUI: This is the first time I’ve been here, but I wanted to come here with you, Apollon-san.

APOLLON: So that means… There are a lot of plants… W-Why did you bring me here…?

YUI: Why… you ask?

YUI: When we were on the field trip, and when we were taking a break just now, you were gazing
at the flowers… I thought maybe you liked them.
YUI: But, perhaps you hate them?

APOLLON: Ahhh, no, it’s nothing! Nothing at all!! Ahh, I’m so happy. So happy! Ahahaha!

His expression brightened all of a sudden, and he started to speak in a loud voice. I felt uneasy
about this sudden change. It was like he was trying to hide something.

YUI: Ah, but… if you don’t want be here, let’s go back.

APOLLON: It’s fine, it’s fine! I was just surprised because it’s such a splendid garden. Okay? Don’t
worry about it.

Using big gestures and hand motions to tell me not to worry made him look a little desperate.

YUI: Is that so? Then, okay.

If he said it himself, there wasn’t any point in doubting him. I might have been thinking too much.
There might not have been a custom of gathering plants inside a building to display them in the
world of gods… …So this could have been out of the realm of a normal god’s common sense.

YUI: Do you like the greenhouse?

APOLLON: Of course. …I’m happy you feel that way about me. That you took me into

YUI: Don’t mention it…

YUI: I’m very thankful that you’ve been so enthusiastic about studying.

Amidst the many gods who weren’t interested in humans, Apollon was actively trying to learn. I
was very happy about that.

YUI: …We don’t have much time, but should we take a look around?

As I invited him, I walked forward. Drawn in by the soft colors and sweet aromas, I walked further
and further into the garden. Unlike the plants I saw on the field trip, there were so many plants I’d
seen before here. Sunflower, tulip, lily, iris… camellia, hoozuki, lycoris. The bright colors stole my
gaze, and I remembered my hometown… I found myself walking faster.

YUI: Apollon-san, do you know about hoozuki and…

I looked behind me.

YUI: …Huh?

I thought he was here, but he was nowhere to be seen. It seemed he went astray while I wasn’t

YUI: This path only goes so far. I’ll probably meet up with him eventually.
It wasn’t a very complicated path, so I didn’t need to worry myself searching for him. Besides,
maybe there are times when I want to admire the plants alone. Anyway, we were the only two
people in here right now.

YUI: Maybe I’ll look for him as I’m walking along.

When I tried to continue walking…

???: Yui!

???: Kusanagi Yui!

I heard a voice calling my name. …It was Apollon. Feeling responsible for the rather desperate tone
in his voice, I called back to him.

YUI: Apollon-san!

Then, his voice disappeared, and only the sound of his footsteps echoed around me. He was
running very quickly over here, his footsteps loud and heavy.

APOLLON: Ahh, I found you…! Haa, haa…

Apollon stopped in front of me, sounding relieved. He was breathing hard, as if he’d searched for
me in a panic.

APOLLON: Fairy-san, thank goodness… you’re still here.

He was looking right at me like he was about to cry for some reason.

YUI: Apollon… san…?

We weren’t apart for very long, but his expression was serious.

APOLLON: I thought… I thought you wouldn’t be you anymore… I was… worried what would

YUI: Me…?

YUI: You’re exaggerating. We were only apart for a little while.

APOLLON: R-Right, of course. You’re right. Something was just happening with me. Sorry for
surprising you.

As he said this, the sadness disappeared from his face and was replaced with his usual smile.
Apollon was restless, continually scratching his head and looking somehow awkward. I wonder
what really happened. He was always overreacting to things a little, but he’d seemed strange since
we arrived at the greenhouse.

APOLLON: But, please. Don’t leave. I won’t either…

He took my hand and firmly pulled… And my face collided with his chest. He already had one hand
around my back. Our bodies were tightly squeezed together.

APOLLON: I won’t let you go this time. I won’t ever let you go.

He looked down at me and spoke in a low, serious voice.

YUI: Apollon… san.

I’d never heard these kinds of words spoken to be me before. My heart could only pound
furiously. My chest hurt from my strong heartbeat. But, I didn’t know how serious he was.

To distract myself from that pain, I felt like I need to do something in response…


>Let me go
>We’re really close
>We should go back soon

CHOOSE: Let me go

YUI: Um, could you let me go…?

YUI: I can’t… move very well like this.

My mouth was dry from nervousness, and it was hard to speak.

APOLLON: That seems lonely… I feel like you’ll go somewhere far away from here.

He tightened the arm he had around my back. It was like he was refusing to let me go.

YUI: I won’t go anywhere, so please step away a little.

With a sad expression on his face, Apollon let go of me. But even so, he still held my hand and
pulled me along as he walked.

CHOOSE: We’re really close

YUI: We’re… too close…

APOLLON: I want to be closer, I want to be by your side. Fairy-san, you might sprout wings and fly

YUI: I’m not flying anywhere. So if you could please put a little distance between us…

Apollon loosened his grip on me and stepped away to a moderate distance.

APOLLON: Is this okay? You won’t be lonely?

YUI: Yes, this is fine. Thank you.

The pain in my chest settled a little, and I was able to calm down again.

APOLLON: Really? I feel a little lonely. Well, let’s just go like this.

Though he looked disappointed, he didn’t force me. Pulling me by the hand, he began to walk.

CHOOSE: We should go back soon

YUI: Um, let’s go back soon.

YUI: It’ll be really late when we get back to the dorm.

With that suggestion, he loosened his grip on me.

APOLLON: Okay, then I’ll… This time, I’ll go in front of you. That should feel better.

He wrapped his large hands around mine and lightly grasped them. With gentle, loving eyes, he
gave me a smile that eased my nervousness.

YUI: Thank you… very much.

After checking that I’d calmed down, Apollon pulled on my hand and slowly began to walk.

(choices converge here)

We continued along the path alone together, surrounded by the vibrant flowers. He occasionally
looked back at me, as if he was afraid of separating again.

APOLLON: …Is this walking speed okay? If you’re tired, tell me.

YUI: Ah, okay. I’ll let you know if that happens.

YUI: So please enjoy the plants right now. There are so many pretty flowers.

When I said that, Apollon stopped and looked straight into my eyes. Just from that, it felt like my
heart would leap out of my chest. Perhaps it was the moonlight, but his expression looked more
mature than usual, and I could feel my heartbeat speeding up.

APOLLON: I’m fine, okay? I’m fine. I have a beautiful flower right here by my side.

YUI: …!

Hearing him so casually say these outrageous words, I stiffened.

YUI: W-What are you…

APOLLON: Huh? Did I say something weird? Maybe I said something weird…

YUI: You can say things like “beautiful flower” so easily… it’s embarrassing. Besides, no one’s ever
said that kind of thing to me before.
Unable to sit through this interaction I’d never experienced before, I pointed it out without

APOLLON: I’m just telling the truth. It’s not something to be ashamed about. And besides…

Apollon suddenly brought his face closer.

APOLLON: Your embarrassed face is cute. Very cute.

YUI: …!

Hearing him tell me that directly, I felt my face heating up. …I feel like I’m going mad when I’m
with him. With everything he said, I felt like a little bit of strength would leave my body. I just
couldn’t evade him very well.

APOLLON: Okay, we are we going next? If it’s with you, I’ll go anywhere. Everything is for you, my

YUI: Then, uhh…

Instead of enjoying the flowers, it seemed he was enjoying spending time with me. But why? He
seemed like he really liked plants. Maybe he was just being considerate to me. If so…

YUI: Let’s go a little further.

I chose a longer path so we could spend more time together. With this, the time he spends looking
at the plants might increase too. I believed this would be healing for him.

It was awkward being alone with a god… but it was also a strange experience that I found myself
wishing for.


When it was already long past midnight… we returned to the dorm. Just like he did in the evening,
Apollon walked me to my room.

YUI: Thank you for taking the trouble.

APOLLON: No need to thank me. Rather, I should be grateful to you. Thank you for the wonderful
date tonight.

APOLLON: Invite me again, okay? ‘Night, Fairy-san. …Good night.

Apollon smiled and waved as he left.

YUI: ……Was that… a date?

I felt flustered at this word I wasn’t used to hearing.

YUI: That wasn’t what I…

For one thing, dates were supposed to be done with a significant other. I’d never even thought
about love with a god… With that, I tried to stop myself from thinking too hard.

My head was filled with memories of holding hands with him and being called cute. My pulse grew
faster and my breathing shorter.

…Was I becoming more conscious of love? I’m cursed. I decided to forget this, so I slowed my
breathing and entered my room.


Melissa had already gone to sleep, so the room was quiet inside. I changed into pajamas and
hurried to bed. I faintly recalled today’s events.

He was shaken at first, but it seemed like Apollon was satisfied with our trip to the greenhouse. I
want to do something as a change of pace for him next time too, but what would be good for
him… what would be good for someone who likes flowers?

YUI: Flowers…

I tried brainstorming with that word.

YUI: Flower arrangement, pressed flowers, flower viewing, fire… flower?

YUI: Ah, fireworks.

I think summer is coming up. It seemed like a good idea to show him fireworks, something he
might not have seen before. …I’ll go ask the student store if they have some in stock. Placing my
hopes on the approaching summer season, I quietly fell asleep.


The next morning, I sleepily entered the dining hall. I showed up at the store before it opened and
ordered the fireworks I thought of last night… I only slept a few hours, so my eyelids were
unusually heavy.

YUI: S-Sleepy… But I need to be awake.

When I walked around, I was aware of just how substantial this drowsiness was. Worried about
Apollon, I looked around for him. It hadn’t been long since he’d been in a human body, so it might
be worse for him.

YUI: …He’s… not here again?

Just like last night, I couldn’t find him anywhere. …I wonder what happened. Feeling uneasy, I
decided to talk to the other Greek gods. The gods from the same mythologies lived together as
roommates. They might know something.

YUI: Hades-san…!
HADES: …What is it?

YUI: Um, I have something I want to ask…

YUI: Where is Apollon-san this morning?

HADES: Who knows. I haven’t seen him once today.

YUI: Not once…?

The boys’ dorm was built in the form of a maisonette, so the first floor was a shared space…And on
the second floor, each of the gods has his own room.

YUI: Maybe he hasn’t woken up yet?

Because of this structure, you would have to pass through the common space to go outside. If
Apollon wasn’t seen there, he might still be in his room.

HADES: I don’t know about him. …Are you through?

Hades spoke to me coldly.

YUI: Could I ask you to go check on Apollon-san?

Fearfully, I asked him.

HADES: I have no duty to you or him. If you need to, go see him yourself.

Leaving me with that, he disappeared from my sight.

YUI: How mean…

They were uncle and nephew, so I thought they’d be a closer. Does he not like Apollon? Or am I
not trustworthy enough for him to work with me? Just thinking about it wouldn’t solve anything.

YUI: …I guess I have no choice.

I’ll walk over to check on him with my own two feet. Before getting breakfast, I headed for the
Greek gods’ room.


YUI: Excuse me.

There was no answer when I called out. When I pushed on the door, it opened with no resistance.

It seems gods don’t particularly lock their doors. Of course there was nothing in the Garden that
would harm the gods. There was no need to be so cautious.

Accepting this new idea, I stepped into the Greek gods’ common room. There was no one inside,
and all the doors to the individual rooms were closed.
YUI: Apollon-san, are you here?

…There was no answer. I walked up to his room and knocked on the door.

APOLLON: ……Coming.

I heard a small voice. Immediately afterward, the doorknob turned, and the door opened slowly.
Apollon showed up, rubbing his sleepy eyes. I thought he was getting ready to leave, but that
thought disappeared within a few seconds. There were wrinkles in his shirt and pants, and his
whole uniform was in a state of disarray. Maybe he went right to sleep last night without

YUI: Were you asleep…?

APOLLON: …Fairy…san? Ahh… yeah. …Sorry.

He apologized for some reason.

YUI: Ah, it’s not your fault…

YUI: You went to sleep like that last night, right?

APOLLON: Right… That’s right. I got back, started studying again… and just lost consciousness.

YUI: Ah? You studied again after coming back here?!

APOLLON: But, but I need to work hard. I don’t want to be a burden to you… But humans sure get
tired easily.

As he said this, he yawned and stretched. I guess he was the type to overwork himself. He ran right
into things without thinking of the consequences. Thinking I should say something to him, I…


>Tell him to wake up

>Tell him to rest for today
>Praise him for being a hard worker

CHOOSE: Tell him to wake up

YUI: Um, you should wake up soon. Yesterday was yesterday, and today is today, so…

APOLLON: Wake up, wake…

APOLLON: Okay… A kiss. Give me a kiss? A good morning one.

He gently closed his eyes and tapped at his lips with his finger.

YUI: W-What are you saying?

I couldn’t hide my surprise at his reaction, which was like a newlywed in a drama.
APOLLON: Bad? Is it bad…? But I was reading a book that said people who are close do this kind of

He pouted cutely like a spoiled kid. Where did he get that knowledge…?

YUI: Y-You can’t! You definitely can’t. Not in this this situation.

Feeling my face getting red from embarrassment, I hurriedly explained.

APOLLON: Hah… is that so? The shock woke me up. I’m completely awake now.

CHOOSE: Tell him to rest for today

YUI: Please rest for today. Going to class will be difficult like that.

APOLLON: I’ll go, I’ll go to class. I have no time to be resting. I’ll be fine.

When he said that, he seemed somehow more awake, and he had his usual confident expression
on his face.

CHOOSE: Praise him for being a hard worker

YUI: You’re such a hard worker… I’m surprised.

APOLLON: Hard work is important right now. If I don’t work hard, I won’t catch up to everyone

Apollon looked a little lonely.

APOLLON: But thank you. Thanks to your compliment, I’m a little more awake.

(choices converge here)

APOLLON: Ahh, right… that’s right!

As if suddenly remembering something, he opened his eyes wide.

APOLLON: While I was studying, I thought of a good thing, a good plan!

His eyes were gleaming for some reason.

YUI: Plan…?

APOLLON: So, so could we gather together the student council? In our room, before class starts!

YUI: O-Okay. Got it.

He was so energetic, I agreed without thinking. After delivering those instructions, he withdrew
into his room to get ready. And I rushed out of the room to carry out Apollon’s wishes.


APOLLON: There is no other reason I’ve called you all here today. We will improve our class’s

Once Apollon woke up, this was the first thing he said. Everyone had gathered in here according to
his instructions, and we were all surprised at his sudden announcement.

BALDER: Improve…? Do mean, Loki and the others?

APOLLON: Yes! That’s exactly it, Baru-Baru. They still have negative feelings toward school.

APOLLON: So let’s show them the appeal with our own strength. With the best, most wonderful,
most splendid event there is!

TSUKITO: …You seem to have a plan.

APOLLON: A summer event… An ocean trip!3

APOLLON: I actually received information from Zeus that the season is changing tomorrow.

TSUKITO: Summer event, ocean trip…

TSUKITO: What sort of event is it?

APOLLON: An ocean trip is an event humans do in the summer, where they live in special
establishments built on the beach while they learn all kinds of things related to the ocean…

I couldn’t really catch the rest of his explanation because he was speaking so fast. I hadn’t taught
him anything about ocean trips. It seemed like he’d learned it all on his own. When he really put
his mind to it, he was an excellent intellectual.

APOLLON: That’s an ocean trip. That is what an ocean trip is! …Once more, should I explain it once

TSUKITO: That is unnecessary.

Tsukito calmly cut off Apollon’s impassioned explanation.

TSUKITO: I have understood the basic structure of an ocean trip, but what were you specifically
thinking of doing?

APOLLON: Watermelon smashing, tests of courage, pillow fights, and more! We’ll incorporate all
kinds of events that will foster bonds between us.

APOLLON: Besides deepening our understanding of the ocean, there’s also the interesting added
effect of deepening our bonds.

Nuance is slightly different in Japanese. 臨海学校(rinkai gakkou; ‘seaside school’) is apparently a common
event in Japan where a whole class takes a field trip to the ocean and stays for a few days to a whole week in
seaside cabins, where they learn about the ocean. It’s essentially a school-sponsored beach trip.
APOLLON: When people go to the ocean, they feel more relaxed, and it’s apparently easier to
create bonds. Isn’t that adventure?

With that last line, I was suddenly a little anxious about what kinds of books Apollon was reading.

YUI: That last piece of info… which book was that in?

APOLLON: A book called, “100 Ways to Spice up Your Summer Love Life That Would Make Even
Cupid Run Away Barefoot”. It’s been a great reference. Humans are so amazing.

YUI: Is that so…

I felt like something was off, but Apollon looked so proud of himself that I decided not to say

BALDER: Through creating bonds with us, maybe the less serious students could change their

YUI: …I see.

I believed it was true that spending time together in nature was a good way to get everyone to
relate to each other. Through a new feeling of solidarity, the entire class would be more serious
students… I think I understand. I didn’t know how well it would work with gods, but humans at
least were affected by their surroundings. If someone you trusted was making an honest effort,
you would also want to try harder.

APOLLON: Our fast-approaching midsummer beach! We’ll collide bare-bodied, and thus our
friendship will be born…!

YUI: C-Collide…?

He said something kind of questionable, and I wasn’t sure if it was right or wrong. Maybe all the
knowledge from the different books he read was starting to mix up.

BALDER: Lately I’ve been feeling annoyed at the bad atmosphere, so if we can improve that, then I

TSUKITO: …If that is what the president wishes, shall we work out the details?

APOLLON: As for the details, I’ve already thought of them for the most part.

As he talked, Apollon picked up a piece of chalk and wrote down what he was thinking on the
board. Swimming competition, watermelon smashing, pillow fight, test of courage, beach
volleyball, campfire, shell gathering, surfing… A recital of the sirens’ beautiful voices, a game of tag
with nymphs at the bottom of the ocean… Things like that.

There were some weird things included in the list, but most of them were doable. But if we were
going to do everything in a 3-day field trip, this was a magnificently large list.
BALDER: Doing everything might not be feasible… If we really worked hard, I don’t think it’s
impossible, but if we fail, then wouldn’t it have the opposite effect?

Though his voice was gentle, he very sharply pointed this out. It seemed he was thinking the same

YUI: What do you think, Tsukito-san?

TSUKITO: If we were to raise our success rate, we should choose a plan that will more realistically
leave a good impression on the other students.

YUI: I also think that instead of pushing it, we should settle on something more solid.

APOLLON: If everyone thinks so, then that must be right. Okay okay, let’s go with a more efficient
and effective compact strategy.


Apollon faced the chalkboard and began to consider which ones to leave out. However, he was the
one who originally wanted to do everything, so it was probably hard for him to completely change
the plans.

YUI: It might be hard for Apollon-san to choose by himself… Could I ask you to help him, Tsukito-

I relied on the usually calm Tsukito to do the job.

TSUKITO: Understood. So, the objective is to simplify the agenda in order to increase the success
rate of this event, right?

YUI: Yes. That will be fine.

Tsukito nodded curtly, then picked up some chalk and faced the chalkboard.

TSUKITO: Entries that involve negotiations and coordination with outside persons have too many
uncertain elements. Rejected.

The siren singing recital and the undersea game of tag with sea nymphs were immediately

APOLLON: What, that’s going away? I think it’s a pretty good idea. Siren songs are very entrancing,
you know?

TSUKITO: Next. A pillow fight is not recognized as an official school event, and it is performed
behind closed doors…

TSUKITO: …Or so I have read in descriptions. Deleted.

Ignoring Apollon’s protests, Tsukito mercilessly removed them from the list.
APOLLON: Wahhh, that’s shocking! And I was really looking forward to it too… When people are
told they can’t do something, they want to do it even more, you know?

It seemed everything was so important to Apollon that he didn’t want any to be erased. When I
looked at his sad face, my heart hurt… But Tsukito was already considering which items to remove

BALDER: Hey, Totsuka-san. Don’t bully Agana Belea so much.

BALDER: Seeing him whine as you erase things makes us watching feel pretty bad too.

BALDER: In this situation, perhaps choosing things we will actually do would be more effective.
What do you think?

TSUKITO: Effective…

As if responding to Balder’s words, Tsukito stopped his movements and looked at Balder.

TSUKITO: Understood. Let us do that.

In times like these, Balder would check the situation and point out the most peaceful solution. He
was usually reserved and quiet, but he was a necessary addition to the student council.

TSUKITO: Completed.

YUI: S-So fast…

I appeared he had already chosen his answers in his head.

TSUKITO: Erase one night, and make it a two-day trip. I have carefully selected some items that
require only light preparation.

TSUKITO: I have divided the first and second days into themes.

YUI: Uh, themes?

TSUKITO: The first day’s theme is “deepening bonds through competition and group work”.

APOLLON: Haha! I think I got it! First, we do a swimming competition, then watermelon smashing
after that. Finally, we deepen our friendship with a campfire!

Exactly what and how was he understanding…? Taking over from Tsukito, Apollon explained the

TSUKITO: Yes, that is right.

YUI: H-He got it right?!

Was it something only gods could understand?

TSUKITO: The second day’s theme is “enjoying the ocean after strengthening bonds”.
TSUKITO: After having breakfast together, we will each spend time enjoying the ocean in leisure
and return home while still moderately tired.

APOLLON: Comrades sharing a meal from the same pot! Good! This is the greatest plan!

Eager to use expressions he’d only just learned, Apollon was as energetic as a child when
interrupting Tsukito.

TSUKITO: If everyone feels too exhausted, it may create a negative image of the event. To prevent
this, I recommend returning earlier.

YUI: I’m impressed you thought of these tiny details.

When I praised him, Tsukito nodded wordlessly. His face was expressionless, but he seemed a little
happy somehow.

YUI: Then there’s the matter of who will be participating. Having all the students in the school
might be too large in scale, so how about only including Class A?

YUI: Our original goal was to bring everyone closer, and I feel that would be more effective if we
carefully select the number of people who go.

BALDER: You’re right. I get the sense that with this opportunity, I could be closer to the gods I
haven’t interacted with much before.

APOLLON: Alright, if that’s set, then we just have to prepare. Let’s decide on roles and start getting
ready after school. In preparation for the coming summer…!


HADES: …Ocean trip?

DIONYSUS: What’s that, can you drink it? It sounds gross!

Right before classes began, we told everyone about tomorrow’s ocean trip. Their reactions were
varied. It was about what I expected, but the majority of students didn’t seem to have a good
impression of this kind of trip.

APOLLON: An ocean trip isn’t a drink, it definitely is not a drink. It’s something you experience and

APOLLON: Tomorrow, the Garden’s seasons will change. We decided to hold a new event to
complement that.

DIONYSUS: The ocean…? Sounds hot. I’m not really good at physical activities.

HADES: You’re telling us to go along with your foolish game?

LOKI: If I’m happy, then I don’t mind, but… can you really entertain me?
Almost no positive words were said about the event. However, Apollon wore his usual smile and
puffed out his chest in confidence.

APOLLON: You have too much free time anyway! Besides, you’ll be missing out if you don’t go, you
know? You don’t want to miss out, right? Leave it to me.

APOLLON: I’ll definitely… I’ll definitely make this into a good memory! This is the springtime of our

He made a bold announcement.

LOKI: Springtime of life? You know some big words. But I might’ve thought a little bit about going
along. Just a little.

DIONYSUS: If you say that much, then maybe I should go. It seems more fun than class, anyway.

As if incited by Apollon’s impassioned speech, the other gods began to show interest. Soon after,
the bell rang for classes to begin, and another unserious class began.

The summer event starting tomorrow… how will this class change as a result? Anticipation and
uneasiness swirled inside me.

The bell rang to end classes.

APOLLON: Let’s go, Fairy-san. After checking the route on the map, let’s depart immediately,
before the sun goes down.

Student handbook in hand, Apollon invited me to go with him. I had been assigned the role of
doing a preliminary check of the site together with Apollon.

YUI: Right, let’s go.

We should head northeast. According to the map, there was a wide beach with a seaside cottage
built on it.


After putting our bags in our rooms and changing into looser clothing, we headed outside school

APOLLON: Hey, sorry to keep you waiting.

When I saw Apollon in something besides our uniform, my heart unexpectedly fluttered. He felt
different from usual, and I couldn’t meet his eyes. Why is my heart beating so fast? Just because
he’s beautiful? Because seeing this outfit is a fresh feeling? But it felt like something else was
causing my heart to pound.

APOLLON: Why are you looking away? You’re wearing such cute clothing. Could you let me see?

As he said that, he appeared in my line of vision.

YUI: …!!

APOLLON: Well, no matter what you wear, you always look lovely. Everything I could dress you in
would look stunning on you.

YUI: Ah, not really… These are just my normal clothes, not really deserving of so much praise…

Embarrassment led to nervousness, and I noticed my voice get smaller and smaller.

APOLLON: You’re so funny, Fairy-san! So you don’t fly away in the wind, here, take my hand.

YUI: I’m not that light! But, thank you.

I ended up smiling at his usual exaggerations. At the same time, the stiffness I’d felt up until now
had dissipated. Before I knew it, he had his hand wrapped around mine.

A while ago, I would’ve resisted a lot, but now a pleasant, ticklish feeling ran through my chest.
The time we spent together was indescribably nice. Apollon strode forward without hesitation,
heading for a place we’d never been before. As I watched his back, I walked along with him. We
left the meadow, crossed the river, the edge of the island… All the while heading for the ocean.


The coastline was dyed with reddish colors. Apollon and I stepped onto the white beach that
stretched out in front of us.

YUI: So pretty…

How many times have I said that since I came here? I once again expressed my wonder. The
scenery was always beautiful here, so beautiful that my heart would tremble when I saw it. A
warm spring breeze blew from the open sea and gently pushed at the white waves.

APOLLON: I feel so light somehow… I feel very relieved.

YUI: Why’s that?

APOLLON: Because, because… everyone will be so happy when they see this.

YUI: Gods think that way too, huh?

APOLLON: Gods are no different from humans in that respect. We think beautiful things are
beautiful, and we dislike things we dislike. Our emotions might even be more plentiful than

YUI: That’s true… Every god I’ve met here is so humanlike, in both good and bad ways.

At first, I was afraid of gods and humans being together, and I felt some distance, but… After
getting to know everyone, I almost forgot about that difference.
APOLLON: Right? There’s no way this could fail. This place is so wonderful, we’ll definitely succeed.
Ahh, I want to show this to everyone even sooner.

Apollon swelled up with expectation and gave me a childish smile. I liked the way Apollon thought
about things. He never doubted, never feared, only moving forward. It was a simple, but
extremely difficult to do.

YUI: I’m looking forward to tomorrow.

As he gazed out at the ocean, Apollon nodded in response. We were moving quickly in our limited
timeframe, and our plans for tomorrow were solidifying. We checked the cottage to see if
anything was missing, and then headed back along the same path toward school.


When we arrived, the sun had already sunk below the horizon. The other committees were done
for the day. The school building and field were almost empty. The only rooms with light in them
were the library, the headmaster’s office, and the student council room.


YUI: Hello, we’re back.

We regrouped with the other members who had been working in here.

YUI: Including the cottage, we found no problems with the site…

YUI: How is it on your side?

BALDER: I safely acquired the watermelon we ordered, and it’s being kept in the refrigerator right
now. Loki nearly stole it.

YUI: It is alright?

It seemed Loki was a mischievous god and often messed with the other gods’ business.

BALDER: He gave up when I said I’d break ties with him if he tampered with everyone’s
watermelon. Even so…

Balder looked over at Tsukito uneasily.

TSUKITO: As for the items we ordered from the store, some of them will not be ready until

APOLLON: Huh?! Really? T-That’s not good…

YUI: Um, specifically, what couldn’t they give us today?

TSUKITO: There were several, but almost all of them can be replaced with substitutes. However,
there is one thing…
TSUKITO: Preparing enough swimsuits for everyone appears to be difficult. In the worst case,
giving up on swimming might be…

APOLLON: I refuse! If we don’t have swimsuits, we can just make them!

YUI: M-Make them…?

YUI: I don’t really think it’s something we can make…

APOLLON: Being unable to swim in the ocean is just preposterous. It isn’t too much to say that
that’s the main appeal of the summer sea! With the clashing of our bare bodies, bonds will be

The color in Apollon’s eyes changed.

APOLLON: Leave it to me, just leave it to me. There’s no way it would die in my hands, no way at
all. I’ll definitely, definitely get everything ready…!

Something sounded a little wrong with that sentence, but his passion was a good thing. I decided
to play it by ear for any other problems that came up.

Apollon had been charged with making a guidebook, but I ended up doing it instead.


Everyone in the student council room instantly flew into a rush. Our time to prepare was limited,
and we wanted everyone could have as much fun as they could. Each one of us used everything
we had and worked tirelessly so as not to leave any regrets.

Since he was also a god of the arts, Apollon used his creative power to create original swimsuits.
Tsukito faithfully followed Apollon’s directions and helped with making them. Balder made a list of
all the things we needed, then checked everything and prepared the missing items. We worked
late into the night. Sometime after midnight, we promised to meet again tomorrow morning and
dispersed for the night.

Then, the next day.


YUI: …It’s… morning.

The dazzling light of the rising sun reached into my room through the window.

YUI: It’s kind of… cold.

Maybe it was because I was tired, but I felt strangely chilly. As I looked around for something I
could put on, I suddenly had an eerie feeling when I looked out the window.

YUI: Ah, red…?

Some of the trees had red leaves for some reason.

YUI: No way… autumn?

When I finally processed the shocking scene before me, I was awake in an instant. I hurriedly
changed into my uniform and headed for the student council room.


When I arrived at the student council room, everyone was already there. From their expressions, it
seemed that they had also noticed the unusual situation outside.

BALDER: Eh, no way! This is strange…

TSUKITO: Yes. Jumping from spring to autumn is not within common sense.

APOLLON: Common sense, huh…

Apollon voice was filled with an emotion akin to anger.

YUI: Does this mean the Garden’s seasons are special?

It wasn’t surprising for things to be different from usual. I remembered Apollon saying yesterday
that Zeus told him the seasons would change.

YUI: If we ask Zeus, maybe we’ll find something out…

APOLLON: I’ll go! I’ll go to the headmaster’s office and ask him.

Apollon acted calmly as if he was holding back his emotions, but he was still oozing with anxiety
and anger.

YUI: Ah, I’ll go with you…!

I wanted to know the truth about the seasons, so I left the student council room with Apollon.


APOLLON: Zeus…! Zeus!

ZEUS: You are noisy, Apollon. What is it?

APOLLON: The seasons are going insane. The next season after spring should be summer, right?

ZEUS: Do not speak from human knowledge only. The Garden has its own rules.

ZEUS: My dice are what govern the seasons here. They decide on the best choice.

YUI: Dice… You mean actual dice?!

APOLLON: That’s such a careless way of choosing…!

ZEUS: Careless? Is that so? Only a god would know the results… is that not an extremely fair way
to choose?

ZEUS: Besides, does it matter? As a Greek, you know only of summer and winter. Would this not
be a great experience for you?

APOLLON: Shut up…! That’s just an excuse! Didn’t you say the seasons would change yesterday?
Was that on purpose?

ZEUS: No one said it would be summer, did they? Who is the one who misunderstood?

APOLLON: …Kh! Do you even know how much we prepared for today?

Apollon was trembling with fury. He was working the hardest out of anyone in order to make
everyone happy. His feelings toward the ocean trip were twice as strong.

APOLLON: You’re always like that. You’re always pushing your own feelings and forcing people to
go along with that!

APOLLON: You’re the worst…! I’m so sick of your selfishness!

Unable to bear it, Apollon flew out of the room, his anger still at a height. Left alone, I wondered
what I should do…


>Convince Zeus
>Chase after Apollon
>Ask Zeus why Apollon is so angry

CHOOSE: Convince Zeus

YUI: Is the season… really staying like this?

YUI: The student council has been planning and preparing for a summer event, and if we focus on
education, then…

ZEUS: A god’s decision is final, there is no way to overturn it. This is the best path to take. I will not
allow resistance.

YUI: But…!

ZEUS: Work within the environment I give you. Do not oppose me.

YUI: …

He wasn’t listening to me at all. He was so stubborn. I felt like I understood Apollon’s words a little
bit. I gave up and decided to follow after Apollon.

CHOOSE: Chase after Apollon

YUI: Apollon-san, please wait…!

I chased after him. The innocent smile I saw at the beach passed through the back of my mind. He
hadn’t gotten much sleep since the day before, and it should be taking a toll on his body. And even
then, Apollon was helping while encouraging everyone along the way. Scene after scene flashed
through my mind. Even stronger than my worry that he’d lost his sense of motivation was my
honest concern for his feelings.

CHOOSE: Ask Zeus why Apollon is so angry

YUI: Why… is he so angry…?

YUI: Did something happen in the past?

Relying on my intuition, I asked this of a god.

ZEUS: Whatever may be between us is none of your concern.

YUI: But that might be related to his education…

ZEUS: Do not act out of place, human…! Find the best plan with the information you are given.

YUI: …!

Met with a sharp gaze and harsh words, I left the room as if running away.

(choices converge here)


???: Kh…!

When I went out into the hallway, I heard an anguished voice coming from somewhere. At the
same time, from inside the corridor… at the very end, I saw a dazzling light.

YUI: Huh…?

In the light was something I’d never seen before.

YUI: No way… Apollon-san…?

What was happening? I had no idea what the situation was.

In the next instant... The person I’d never seen before changed back into Apollon.

YUI: W-What was that…?

YUI: Just now… what happened?

Puzzled, I ran up to him.

YUI: Apollon-san, are you okay?

APOLLON: Ah, yeah… I’m fine, I’m totally fine.

YUI: Well, that’s good, but… what was that just now?

APOLLON: I don’t really know either, but… it looks like I temporarily broke through the limiter’s

APOLLON: That form, and the power flowing through my body… that’s my original form… my form
as a god.

I recalled the information I’d received about limiters in the past. Zeus had said that although they
can control a god’s powers, there might be some exceptions.

YUI: Did you… go on a rampage?

APOLLON: Maybe, that might be it. My emotions got too intense and I couldn’t control them…

I guess that was how angry he’d felt at Zeus’s words. I sensed a deep, wide distance stretching
between the two of them.

APOLLON: …But, that’s over now. There’s no use regretting something that’s already over.

His downcast eyes suddenly looked up at the sky.

YUI: But… can you allow that? After you worked so hard, Apollon-san?

Without thinking, I said what was on my mind. Isn’t he pushing himself? Isn’t he just trying to be
strong? I couldn’t help but try to speak for him.

APOLLON: We did the best we could. We need to work within the environment we’re given. Let’s
work hard. We’ll definitely make this into a success.

He slowly lowered his gaze to me, and I saw a light glowing in his eyes. He was just like the sun.
Bright, strong, and kinder than anyone. As the god of the sun, he was glimmering.

APOLLON: If we sit here worrying, then nothing will happen, right? At times like these, we need to
just forget eeeeverything and move on ahead!

Acting silly, Apollon pointed in front of himself and grinned.

APOLLON: This comes recommended from a god! It’s divinely effective. See? Don’t make that face,

Winking lightly, he grasped both of my shoulders and peered at my face.

YUI: You’re too close again.

I’d intended to comfort him, but at some point, I was the one being comforted. He was
encouraging and calming just by being there.
YUI: But, we will… we will make this succeed! Definitely!

APOLLON: Hehehe. Fairy-san, you’re starting to sound like me! I’m so happy! It’s like we can read
each other’s minds.

When he said that, I realized I’d been repeating the same words.

YUI: N-No way!

My voice was loud and shrill with embarrassment. The two of us laughed together.

That’s right. Let’s do what we can do right now. I renewed my vow to put all my efforts into the


After finishing the last of our preparations, we had breakfast and then got ready to leave on the
trip immediately. We hadn’t been getting much sleep and we were pretty tired, but everyone was
overflowing with motivation.



APOLLON: Are you ready? Are you all ready, everyone?

After homeroom ended, our student council president called out to everyone.

HADES: Are you seriously still going…? It’s autumn now.

APOLLON: Seriously, I’m totally serious about this. Uncle, you’re not going to yield to his fickleness,
are you?

HADES: I suppose.

As they exchanged words, their faces grew dark. The person Apollon was talking about was
probably Zeus. The detested main god of Greek mythology… It seemed like their relationship with
him was even more complicated than humans could imagine. As if erasing his uneasiness, Apollon
gave everyone a smile filled with hope.

APOLLON: Okay okay, let’s go! Everyone, we’re leaving for the ocean!

We left behind our apathetic teacher Thoth and exited the school grounds.


We took the same path as yesterday. But today, we were walking with the whole class amid
different scenery. Even though it was now autumn, there wasn’t much of a change other than that
some of the trees had red and orange leaves. The meadow looked almost the same as it did
yesterday. The biggest changes were the feeling of the cold wind on my skin and the scent of
nature in the air. The fragrance carried in the chilly wind was lonely and dry, unlike the fresh scent
of the spring breeze. Feeling that wind on our bodies, we headed toward the northeast part of the


BALDER: Uwah…! Pretty… Ah! W-W-W-Wahhhh?!

Fascinated by the scenery, Balder took a step onto the sand and splendidly fell over.

LOKI: Hehehehe! That’s hilarious! Nothing even happened and you fell over. Well, I guess it’s just
that beautiful, huh?

With the ocean finally in front of them, the gods raised their voices.

DIONYSUS: Mmm, what a nice sight! I wish I’d known about this sooner… It looks like it’d taste so

TAKERU: The sea’s always so calming. It was a pain getting here, but I guess it was worth it after

When Takeru, the sea god, caught the ocean in his gaze, his mood seemed to lighten.

HADES: The location isn’t bad at all. But…

THOR: …It’s cold.

YUI: Y-Yeah…

Just as Thor pointed out, the wind around us was icy, and my skin was rough with goosebumps. It
wasn’t just a little cold. There was no way we could get the kind of release we could get in

TSUKITO: Unfortunately, contrary to our plans, the ocean is not at a temperature where we could
enter it.

TSUKITO: I recommend cancelling the swimming competition.

APOLLON: No good, that’s no good, Tsuki-Tsuki! Don’t give into things like the weather, or

APOLLON: Okay, everyone…! Put on these fashionable swimsuits and let’s jump in the ocean

Saying this, he displayed swimsuits of all shapes and sizes, enough for all of us. He made all of
them in such a short time. They were good handmade swimsuits, in no way inferior to the kinds of
things sold in the human world.

APOLLON: We can’t lose to the Garden’s creator Zeus…! Now! Ta-daaa!

Yelling, he pulled off his clothing in one stroke.

YUI: Ah…!

I instinctually tried to cover my eyes with my hands, but it was so sudden, I didn’t make it in time.
My gaze was arrested by Apollon, who was standing there naked as a baby… …Except that he
wasn’t. He had been wearing a swimsuit underneath.

APOLLON: I heard that humans put on swimsuits before they get in the ocean or a pool. How is it?
Were you surprised?

Where exactly was he learning all this stuff?

YUI: Yes… I was surprised. In a different way.

Only kids did that kind of thing… I was about to tell him that, but he looked so proud of himself, I
decided not to sweat the details. The other students…

HADES: Don’t be so reckless. You’ll only ruin your body. I would rather not have to look after you.

BALDER: I feel the same. Going into the ocean at this temperature would be a little… For you,
Agana Belea, it seems very cold.

APOLLON: N-N-No, it’s not cold…! It’s not cold at all, not one bit!

Contrary to his assertion, Apollon was shivering in the cold.

APOLLON: Tsuki-Tsuki! Come represent the student council and go in the water with me! We’ll
lead the way for everyone, we have to lead the way!

No one was agreeing with him. Finally feeling helpless, he looked around for a supporter.

TSUKITO: Understood.

Without any display of hesitation, Tsukito complied with Apollon’s wishes as usual.

TAKERU: Bro! Quit it already! You don’t need to play along with this idiot.

Takeru hastily tried to stop Tsukito as he brought his hands to his clothing.

TSUKITO: Please release me, Takeru. These are the president’s orders.

He put his hands on his own clothing once more.

YUI: Wait! Wait a second! Please go behind something and change.

I hastily hid my face in my hands and turned around.

TSUKITO: It is alright. I do not mind.

YUI: That’s the not the issue here!!

TSUKITO: Preparations are complete. I calculated that instead of finding shelter, changing here
would be faster.

Tsukito gave his reasons after the fact. When I turned around, he’d really finished changing. …His
lack of hesitation was eerie.

APOLLON: Okay, Tsuki-Tsuki! Now, we depart for the ocean…!

TSUKITO: Understood.

Apollon sprinted toward the autumn ocean and jumped in. Tsukito followed suit.

APOLLON: Uah, ish cold…!

APOLLON: Ahh, no, it’s not cold at all! Co, col, col… achoo!

I seemed like his circulation had already slowed down. I guess it was cold enough to affect a sun

APOLLON: It’s… not warm, but fun! Ocean… so much fun!

Quivering in the cold, Apollon tried to appeal to the others on the shore.

BALDER: No matter how you look at it, it’s more fun to see you like that, Agana Belea…

At Balder’s words, many of the gods nodded in agreement. His painful but valiant attempts
seemed to backfire. On the other hand, Tsukito…


…was shivering wordlessly. The water was definitely cold.

TAKERU: Brooo! Don’t push yourself! I’ll come save you, so just wait there!


Takeru ran up and tried to get in the water, but Tsukito silently shook his head.

TAKERU: Why not?! Bro…!

He stamped his feet on the sand in frustration.

LOKI: Aha, Ahaha…! The student council’s so funny! You’re way too desperate!

THOR: …Loki, be quiet. …It’s not something to laugh at. …They’re being serious.

DIONYSUS: Okay you two, no need to work so hard. We got it already, it’s fun. There’s no way
we’ll get in anyway…

APOLLON: Why…?! Why, Di-Di?! I want to get in the water with everyone!
DIONYSUS: You’ve always been so stubborn about things you put your mind to. Here, you say
something too. Otherwise, something bad might happen to these two.

…There was some truth to what Dionysus was saying.

YUI: Apollon-san, Tsukito-san. Please come out of the water now. You’ve done enough.

YUI: Everyone understands how fun the ocean is now. So let’s deepen our bonds some other way.

TSUKITO: President, your orders.

APOLLON: Mnn… if you say so, Fairy-san. But even if our plans fell through, we didn’t fall through…
Let’s get out.

Teeth chattering, he was trying to accept the situation in his own way.

TSUKITO: Understood.

Quivering violently, they got out of the water and wrapped themselves in towels.

…Tsukito’s lips looked a little blue. I wonder if he’s okay.

YUI: Um… Please wait a while and look at the ocean if you like.

DIONYSUS: Okey doke. Hades, wanna take a walk down the beach?

HADES: I dislike exercise. Go by yourself. I’ll be resting under that tree over there.

Turning on his heel, Hades headed for the tree.

DIONYSUS: Ooo, how cold. …Well, I guess I’ll take a break too!

With no sign of motivation, Dionysus lazily followed after Hades. After getting everyone to wait,
the student council members gathered together.

YUI: …So, what should we do?

BALDER: Conducting an ocean trip without using the ocean seems pretty difficult…

TSUKITO: Then perhaps we should think of things to do on the beach?

YUI: Yes, that’s what it looks like.

BALDER: Looking at the bad impression we gave everyone, it seems we have a big hurdle to

YUI: R-Right…

What do we do at a time like this? I wracked my brains…

>Besides swimming, go along with the original plan
>Spend the trip in the cottage
>Ask Apollon’s opinion

CHOOSE: Besides swimming, go along with the original plan

YUI: We could do things that don’t use the ocean… like watermelon smashing and the campfire.
How’s that?

This was the suggestion I made.

BALDER: Ah, right. But there might still be a problem.

YUI: Problem…?

BALDER: With this extra time, everyone could get bored. In order to avoid that, we need a new

YUI: I see.

What could it be? We needed to think of a new element to add.

CHOOSE: Spend the trip in the cottage

YUI: How about spending the trip in the cottage? Apollon-san and Tsukito-san are probably

APOLLON: Thank you for concern, Fairy-san, but it’s tasteless to hole up during an ocean trip. I
don’t want to do anything tasteless.

It seemed like we needed to think of something we could do outside.

CHOOSE: Ask Apollon’s opinion

YUI: Apollon-san, do you have any ideas?

I tried asking him. He looked a little tired from the cold, but I knew that as our president, he would
have a good idea.

APOLLON: …How could you ask me, when I just failed to show everyone how wonderful the ocean

APOLLON: I feel so much better just hearing that! You’re a genius at encouraging me. Thank you,
I’m so grateful!

Taking both of my hands, he furiously shook them up and down. Instead of a handshake, it felt
more like he was just swinging my arms around.

YUI: A-Ahh okay… anyway, do you have any ideas?

APOLLON: …I can use that, maybe.

YUI: Uh, what…?

I didn’t know what he was talking about.

(choices converge here)

APOLLON: It doesn’t matter if I use something forbidden, does it…?

Apollon asked no one in particular.

YUI: What do you mean?

APOLLON: To tell you the truth, I have an ability that’s not suppressed by the limiter.

YUI: Huh…? You can have something like that?!

BALDER: Yeah, I have one too.

YUI: What?!

YUI: R-Really?

I had no idea.

BALDER: I’m immortal… even with the limiter, that won’t change.

YUI: Is that so!

BALDER: Agana Belea, what can you do?

APOLLON: Prophecy.4 I can see into the future.

YUI: You can do that… even now…?

APOLLON: Right, that’s right. If I concentrate, I can hear a voice. A voice of someone I don’t know…

Of course he was no ordinary human if he could do something like that. These people looked and
acted much like humans, so I almost forgot that they were actually gods. Immortality was an
obvious one, but the power of prophecy was something I couldn’t even imagine as a human.

APOLLON: But it’s incomplete, still incomplete. I know the results but I don’t know how to get
there. Sometimes I don’t even get a response.

YUI: That’s very mysterious.

Dictionary entry: PROPHECY (in mythological tradition) One of Apollon’s divine abilities. He can see into the
future, but not anything having to do with himself. (in the world of Kamigami no Asobi) He can’t fully
activate it while in human form, so it has less accuracy.
He would ask inside his mind, and someone would answer him and tell him the result. And
sometimes he wouldn’t get anything. That was Apollon’s power of prophecy.

APOLLON: Anyway, so… I’ll just ask directly. What will lead us to success in this ocean trip?

As he said this, he closed his eyes.


He remained silent for a while. Everyone stood watch over him.

APOLLON: …flower?

He spoke those words as he heard them.

BALDER: Flower…? Which flower? The flour you bake with or the flower that grows in the ground?

YUI: It’s probably the second one. I can’t imagine us succeeding with baking flour. 5

But even then, how are flowers related to our field trip…?

APOLLON: Flower, flower… flower-viewing? Um, one more time… flo… wer… day? What is it? I
can’t hear the other part of it no matter what I do.

YUI: …Ah.

At Apollon’s words, I suddenly remembered something.

YUI: Flower… fire flower? Fireworks?6

APOLLON: Fireworks…? What is fireworks?

TSUKITO: Flames shot into the night sky… is that about right?

TSUKITO: It’s an art form developed by humans. Because fireworks look like flowers, they are
sometimes called fire flowers.

APOLLON: Ohh, fireworks! Amazing! That has to be it, Fairy-san! Fireworks must be the right

APOLLON: …So, where are they?

YUI: If you don’t mind something small, I ordered some from the store recently. It hasn’t come in
yet, though.

YUI: But if you’re looking for the big kind that goes up into the sky, it might be hard to get.

The pun makes a little more sense in Japanese. Apollon says hana, which can mean either ‘nose’ or
‘flower’. Balder asks if Apollon means a nose or a flower, to which Yui responds, ‘I can’t imagine us
succeeding with a nose’.
Fireworks = hanabi lit. ‘flower fire’. So many puns happened.
APOLLON: Let’s prepare for it anyway, just try to prepare. We shouldn’t give up before trying.
Fireworks are the key to success, after all.

APOLLON: Baru-Baru, Tsuki-Tsuki, start everyone on an activity that can replace swimming. We’ll
go get those fireworks. Let’s go!

Apollon made an instant decision and began to run. Once he gets like this, it’s impossible to stop
him. He went straight ahead, always looking forward. I followed after Apollon, running along the
path from the beach to school as fast as I could.


YUI: Huff, huff…

…We’re here. Instead of saying that, though, I continued my heavy breathing. Because I just ran a
long distance, my heart rate was unnaturally high. But I continued to walk with Apollon into the
school building.


It was lunch break at school, and the store was noisy with students. We pushed through the crowd
and called out to the clerk at the register.

APOLLON: One order of fireworks, ASAP! Super super super express delivery please!!

STORE CLERK: I can hear you without you yelling. Ah, it’s the girl who ordered fireworks yesterday
too. Back again?

The clerk looked over at me, as if avoiding Apollon, who was full of energy.

STORE CLERK: You want the same thing?

I ordered small sparklers yesterday. Right now, I wanted…

APOLLON: The kind you launch into the sky! And big ones, as many as we can carry!

Apollon interrupted as I was about to answer and slipped right in front of the store clerk once

STORE CLERK: Wha? What the heck is that?

YUI: Fireworks you launch into the sky would be…

I explained it to the clerk, who only had sparse knowledge of human culture.

YUI: It would be good if we could get the bigger fireworks within today… or at least by evening, if
you can.

STORE CLERK: Ah, okay… I’ll go ask Hermes-san.

APOLLON: Tell Heru-Heru he’ll be punished if he doesn’t make it in time!

APOLLON: If he tries anything sneaky or bad, I’ll know right away with my prophecy powers, so get
me the right thing!

It seemed like something had happened with Hermes-san before…

STORE CLERK: Got it, I’ll let him know. …And the fireworks you asked for yesterday have arrived.

I received the small sparklers.

STORE CLERK: Will that be all? The register’s getting crowded…

When I calmed down and looked behind me, the line of students waiting to purchase lunch
stretched on like a snake.

YUI: I-I’m sorry! I’ll leave the rest to you.

I left the store as if running from everyone’s stares.

APOLLON: Thank you! Thank you very much, Fairy-san. Your explanation really helped me out

YUI: Ah, no, you’re the one who helped me.

While we were coming back here, Apollon had pulled on my hand many times and helped my tired
body continue. If he wasn’t here, I probably wouldn’t have made it here until after lunch.

YUI: All that’s left is to wait. Once we have them, let’s hurry back to the beach.

We squatted in a corner of the hallway and did nothing but earnestly wait for our fireworks.
Because it was autumn, the sinking of the sun seemed overwhelmingly fast… The bright red sky
was soon dyed in darker colors. The crucial fireworks…

YUI: …They still haven’t come.

According to the clerk, the manager Hermes had said they could get it within today… But they still
hadn’t come. It might have been about time to give up. I wasn’t sure what I should do…


>Wait some more

>Ask Apollon for a prediction
>Give up and go back to the beach

CHOOSE: Wait some more

…Let’s wait. But, if they don’t come… I ended up thinking of the worst possible situation.
APOLLON: Are you afraid, maybe? Your hands are shaking. And they’re getting cold.

He took my hands softly and warmed them up in his own.

YUI: It’s like you’re looking right into my heart. Is this part of your prophecy powers too?

APOLLON: Yes! Or, I want to say that but it’d be wrong. This kind of thing, I can tell just from
looking at you.

YUI: Huh…?

APOLLON: I’ve had my eye on you this whole time. Since we first met… yes, always.

My body jolted as his unusually sweet voice tickled my ear.

APOLLON: Right, at times like these… scary, scary, fly away!! Don’t humans say that? How’s that?
Do you feel any better?

He gently stroked my hand like a mother would to her child, and my bad feelings floated away into
the sky.

YUI: Hehe, ahaha. No, it’s “pain, pain, fly away!”

I smiled naturally at his adorable mistake. When he saw me, he smiled together with me. His
power of prophecy… I needed to believe in his words and wait for the flowers that would lead us
to success. I renewed my determination and continued to wait with Apollon in the hallway.

CHOOSE: Ask Apollon for a prediction

YUI: Apollon-san, could you make another prediction? I’m worried about whether or not the
fireworks will make it in time. We’re almost at our limit…

APOLLON: They’ll come. It’s okay, they’ll come. Let’s believe that fireworks are the right answer
and wait. Do you not believe me?

YUI: That’s… not true. I’m sorry. I was being impatient.

APOLLON: We’ll hurry when we need to. Just like when we ran back there. But you know, there
are times we need to wait, too. Believe in me, okay?

He gave me a comforting smile. I believed in him and nodded. The part of him that could change
his feelings so quickly and stay by his own decisions was so reliable. I respected him for that. I
should learn from him as well.

CHOOSE: Give up and go back to the beach

YUI: Apollon-san, let’s give up. It’ll be bad if we don’t get back to the beach soon.

Besides, the word “flower” from his prediction wasn’t limited to fireworks. It was still unclear what
the other part of it was. It was just my guess from what Apollon had said.
APOLLON: I’ll wait, I’ll wait right here. I think your guess was right.

YUI: But it might have just been a random thought…

The more he said, the less confident I felt.

APOLLON: I want to believe you. If you want to go back, you can leave me here. I have no intention
of giving up.

When I heard those words, I couldn’t bring myself to go.

YUI: Apollon-san… I understand. Let’s wait.

I felt comforted by the determined look in his eyes. If he believed in my idea, I wanted to believe in
his prediction.

(choices converge here)

It was then.

STORE CLERK: Hello there!

The store clerk called out to us.

YUI: Y-Yes!

APOLLON: Is it here?!

We shot up and rushed to the register.

STORE CLERK: Here you go.

From behind the register came a big box… a big box with big, cylindrical fireworks packed inside.

APOLLON: Ohh… oh gods! Splendid! Perfect! Wonderful! Marvelous!

They really came.

YUI: Th-Thank you very much!

STORE CLERK: It’s my job.

YUI: Even so, thank you! Please give my regards to Hermes-san as well!

YUI: Apollon-san!

With a smile on his face, Apollon picked up the large box from the counter.

APOLLON: Thank you, Fairy-san!

YUI: Why are you thanking me?

APOLLON: You believed me, right? There is nothing I could be happier about!
When he said this, he gave me a wide grin. Ah, he was so genuine and honest with his words. I felt
very refreshed.

YUI: It was just as you predicted. I knew it would work out somehow!

APOLLON: Right! Just as I said, right? Alright, shall we go, Fairy-san? Run, run, run awaaay…!

We flew out of the school building.


We crossed the nighttime meadows, aiming for the beach. On the way, the area around our feet
grew dark, and an ominous smell reached my nose. Something cold touched my skin.

YUI: …No way.

Autumn rain. The tiny droplets poured down to the earth. It wasn’t that bad yet, but…

YUI: Let’s hurry, before the rain gets worse.

I spoke those words to Apollon, and we both sped up.


YUI: This… can’t be…

When we arrived at the beach, the rain was falling down hard. The campfire, now extinguished,
looked like it had been burning just a few minutes ago.

BALDER: Ah, there you are! Welcome back! We’ve been enjoying ourselves over here.

We were greeted with warm smiles. From those expressions, I could tell that Balder and Tsukito
were carrying out our events and keeping everyone entertained.

LOKI: You’re late! Why’d you have to get me all excited?

As proof of our success, I could see the traces of smiles on everyone’s faces, even though they
were so unmotivated this morning. But, the crucial fireworks… we’d finally gotten them, but it
would be difficult to set them off in this weather.

YUI: We came all this way…

My shoulders drooped, beaten down by the rain. Together with Apollon, I’d worked so hard to
make things fun for everyone… Was the “flower” prediction wrong? I was tormented by miserable

APOLLON: Hey Fairy-san, listen. I’ll tell you something good. You see, my predictions always come

His voice was gentle, and a smile still remained on his face.
YUI: What… are you saying…?

APOLLON: Maybe I really shouldn’t be doing this? Thanks to my anger this morning, I got the hang
of it.

In that instant, Apollon was covered in light.

YUI: This is!

It was the same light I saw in the hallway this morning. I was overwhelmed by the dazzling light.
The next moment… Apollon had reverted to his original form.

APOLLON: Now, scatter.

A red ball of fire appeared in his hand, and he released it into the sky. The clouds above our heads
melted away, and in an instant, the starry sky stretched out above us. Some mist still hung in the
air, but the rain had completely stopped.

YUI: A-Amazing…!

YUI: This is… the power of a god…

I was both surprised and moved. I turned my gaze to the other gods.

DIONYSUS: Apollon, good work! I’ve changed my mind about you!

HADES: I cannot believe you ignored the rules and broke your limiter temporarily… who knows
what will happen after this.

LOKI: Yo, class pres! Magnificent! Bam bam bam, poof!

TAKERU: How’d he break his limiter…? I tried so many times already. Dang, he’s good!

The other students were also surprised and pleased. And the one who put this clear sky in place…
was no longer in his god form, but a student like the rest of us.

APOLLON: Are you relieved for now? Relieved a little? This is what it means to keep a promise.

YUI: I’m more surprised than relieved. I can’t believe you can change the weather.

TSUKITO: This is a violation of school regulations.

The single calm student laid down judgment on Apollon’s actions.

BALDER: But it’s fine for today, right? If the seasons had been right, this wouldn’t have happened

YUI: Right! That’s right.

TSUKITO: Is that so? It is true that you can say rules are meant to be broken…
With a look of understanding on his face, Tsukito nodded and took a step back.

APOLLON: Alright, for today’s finale, we have the ultimate climax!! Fairy-san, could you help me…?

YUI: Yes, of course!

I nodded, and we both faced the other gods.

YUI: Now for our final event…

YUI: The season is a little bit off, but we will be displaying beautiful flowers you can even see by
the ocean.

YUI: Everyone, please look up at the sea and sky and wait for a moment.

YUI: Alright, let’s go!

Apollon and I separated from everyone else, looking for a good spot to launch the fireworks. The
silent, sandy beach... In the dim starlight, I could barely make out the forms of the other gods. We
lined up the big fireworks there and readied some matches in our hands.

YUI: …President, are we ready?

APOLLON: Yeah! Of course, vice president!

YUI: At your signal.

Apollon nodded. His smile looked a little nervous.

APOLLON: …And now! Let’s make these flowers bloom!

He struck a match and lit one on fire. I followed immediately afterward, lighting the fireworks one
by one. The autumn sky was painted with bright flames.

Artificial flowers born from science. The miraculous scene above us would never be seen in nature.
The fireworks soaring above the Garden were beautiful.

From beyond the darkness, I heard the sound of huge applause. Everyone was watching these
same flowers from somewhere else. Were they excited? I put out the match in my hand and
sighed in relief. Then I looked up at Apollon next to me. He was watching the sky, looking satisfied.

APOLLON: I see, these… these are the flowers of your world.

Murmuring those words, he dropped his gaze to me.

APOLLON: Thank you, Fairy-san. Thank you for this wonderful sight.

YUI: What are you saying? You worked harder than anyone else. I just helped a little.

APOLLON: That’s not true. Thanks to you, this event was really… was truly fantastic. I’m really
As if trying to convey that happiness, he squeezed my hand firmly.

APOLLON: I said all those big things earlier, but I actually felt so scared that I could’ve broken from
the very beginning.

APOLLON: I couldn’t believe in my own prediction, and I even started to think it would never work

APOLLON: But thanks to someone by my side, I had so much courage.

APOLLON: Thank you, truly. …I love you.

His face was suddenly closer.

YUI: Huh…?

I was so surprised that I couldn’t move a muscle… He kissed me on my cheek.

APOLLON: Let’s watch the rest of the fireworks together.

Though he invited me to watch with him, I was so shaken than I couldn’t concentrate on the

YUI: ……

I stared at the ground so Apollon couldn’t see my face. The feeling of his lips still remained on my
cheek, and I felt this strange heat around that area… Feverish from shyness and embarrassment, I
felt my whole face burning. He was a god, whom I should respect and admire. But I felt something
closer to love for him.

…I love you. His voice speaking those words replayed in my head countless times. It was a feeling I
couldn’t fathom… what will happen to it from now on? Expectation and uneasiness remaining
inside my chest, I announced the end of our ocean trip.

NEW CHAPTER: APOLLON CHAPTER 2 – “A Stage Blessed by Thalia”

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