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**Please do not use my translations without my permission or claim as your own**

Direct comments & questions to me sweetremiks@tumblr

Special thanks as always to Jordon (pseudosuicide@tumblr) for her editing job!


KAMIGAMI NO ASOBI – Balder Chapter 3

TITLE: “Expectations Intertwined”


YUI: Okay, I’m going now.

The day after the culture festival… I finished getting ready and put my hand on the door to leave.

MELISSA: Take care of that distance! But make sure it looks natural!

Just before I could open it, Melissa called over to me.

YUI: …Yes! I’ll be careful.

After Melissa saw me off, I left the room. I needed to get my distance from Balder for the both of us. I
didn’t know how to properly respond to his feelings. Just from remembering the events last night, my
body grew warm, and I couldn’t calm down. What do I do? Honestly, I was more confused than


YUI: It’s crowded today…

As if we were still feeling the aftereffects of the festival, the dining hall was abnormally noisy. Amidst
that crowd, I got food by myself and brought it to a table.

…I didn’t see Balder around. I breathed a sigh of relief. It would be awkward to see him now.

YUI: I hope today ends smoothly.

I prayed, but…

LOKI: ‘Morniiiing!☆ Can I sit next to you? Let’s eat together!

YUI: Ah… Loki-san.

Someone unexpected called out to me.

YUI: That’s fine… but this is rare. What kind of change of heart is this?

He’d never talked to me directly before.

LOKI: Oh, nothing! I was just thinking maybe I’ll eat with you too sometimes. It’s just a mood, okay?☆

YUI: Is… that so?

I didn’t think that was all.

YUI: Are you worried about yesterday…?

Loki ignored me as he sat down in his seat and pressed his hands together.

LOKI: Let’s eat!

YUI: Ah… okay.

We started our meal without explanation. Sharing a table with Loki was a strange new feeling.

LOKI: Yesterday was suuuper fun. I hope we can do it all over again someday. Don’t you think so?

YUI: The events were fun, and there were a lot of things to learn.

LOKI: But aren’t you still tired out from yesterday? You were working so hard! The lights on the tree
were top-notch!

Loki looked excited.

YUI: Oh no, they weren’t all that. But I’m very glad they made you happy.

I hadn’t really talked to him before, but he was unexpectedly approachable. I felt somehow shy at
receiving praise from someone like Loki, but it also made me feel like what I’d done was worth it.

BALDER: …What are you two talking about?

Suddenly, a voice cut in between us.

YUI: …!

YUI: Balder-san…

BALDER: It seems lively over here. Could I jump in?

YUI: Uh…

I remembered deciding I would keep my distance from him. But…

LOKI: Yeah, be my guest. We were just about to finish, though.

BALDER: That’s fine. …I’ll be joining in then.

The conversation progressed before I could refuse, and Balder ended up at the same table as me. His
expression was as gentle as always. It was like everything last night was a lie.

BALDER: I was surprised to find you two eating together. Did something special happen today?

LOKI: I just felt like it. Last night’s event was so much fun, so I came to thank her for that.

BALDER: She really did work hard on it. But I’m the one who knows that the best. It’s become a good
Balder looked straight at me as he said that. Even with a simple, normal conversation like this, I felt like I
was overreacting to everything because I was so conscious about the distance. I took a deep breath,
calmed down, and began to speak.

YUI: It wasn’t just me, but Balder was also very helpful. He was a very reliable partner to work with.

BALDER: Your words are the best prize I could receive. I’m very happy.

Balder leaned forward and gently grasped my hand.

LOKI: Whoa, wait a sec! Could you not get all smoochy when I’m here?

YUI: Ah… yes.

I was supposed to be putting some distance between us.


Balder looked a little put out. It was probably because the conversation had been interrupted. Loki
continued to jump into the conversation, and Balder and I barely exchanged any words with each other.

LOKI: Alllrighty. We’re done eating, let’s go!

As he said this, Loki stood up.

YUI: Huh? But…

Balder still hadn’t finished half his food, and I defended him out of habit.

LOKI: There’s things I want you to teach me, so I thought I’d ask for some of your time! There’s a whole
lot I want to know about humans!

YUI: You’re interested in studying?

He hadn’t been proactive about studying before. It was rare for Loki to say something like that. I did
want to teach him things, but… I peeked over to see Balder’s reaction.

BALDER: Please go, don’t worry about me. It’s rare for Loki to have so much motivation.

LOKI: Okay, let’s go let’s go! C’mon, hurry!

YUI: P-Please wait!

Without being able to express my thanks to Balder, I was ushered out of the dining hall.


Because it was still early, there wasn’t anyone else here besides us.

YUI: …Well, what should we go over today?

I took a seat next to Loki.

LOKI: Mm, anything’s fine? Teach me whatever you want.

YUI: There has to be something you’re interested in…

Where did all that excitement go from a minute ago?

LOKI: Well… if I have to choose one, I guess I’m most interested in you…

YUI: Huh…

I couldn’t tell how much of that was true…


>Stay silent, unsure of what to do

>Ask if he’s joking
>Ask if he has interest in humans

CHOOSE: Stay silent, unsure of what to do

YUI: …

I stayed silent, unsure of what to do. Loki cackled.

LOKI: Gee, you get like that as soon as I say anything. That’s so funny. I feel like I understand why
Balder’s getting involved with you.

YUI: N-No way. I just didn’t know how to respond.

But no matter how much I explained to him, he continued to smile.

CHOOSE: Ask if he’s joking

YUI: Are you making fun of me?

Unsure of what his real intentions were, I ended up being suspicious of him. It might’ve been one of his

LOKI: No need to be so cautious. But that’s not so bad either.

LOKI: It’s nice when you’re fooled so easily, but it’s also worth it to get resistance. Ah, but being
interested in you wasn’t a lie.

Grinning, he pinched my cheeks.

YUI: P-Please stop.

When I showed some discomfort, he pulled on my cheeks even more. The topic ended without me really
knowing what his intentions were.

CHOOSE: Ask if he has interest in humans

YUI: Since you’re interested in me, then… you’re actually interested in humans, right?

He’d made some very complication implications. But his intentions were pretty simple.

YUI: You haven’t had much interest before, so now it’s kind of embarrassing, right?
YUI: It’s fine, you’re not too late! Let’s work together.

LOKI: Hah? How did you arrive at that conclusion…? Even I’m a little surprised?

YUI: Huh, is that not it?

LOKI: Well, you’ve got me there. Let’s ignore that last thing I said and leave it at that.

YUI: …Haa. Thank you.

For the time being, I was glad Loki seemed to be interested in humans.

(choices converge here)

It was then. The door to the classroom opened, and Balder appeared.

BALDER: Haa, haa… haa. Good morning… I haven’t seen you since the dining hall. Are Loki’s studies
going well?

LOKI: Of course!! I’m an expert now! I studied so hard I bored a hole in the desk!

YUI: That’s a lie… Mmph!

As soon as I tried to tell the truth, Loki clamped a hand over my mouth.

LOKI: I’m sooooo interested that I wanna study every day together from now on! Right, human-chan?

YUI: Mmm?!

I couldn’t say anything, so I tried to give him a look of protest. However, he didn’t seem to notice.

BALDER: …Huh? Wouldn’t that… be a burden to her?

Balder’s expression stiffened.

LOKI: It’s fine, it’s fine! She said she’s okay with it!☆

BALDER: …Hm, she did? I see, then that’s alright…

Balder was about to say something, but after hesitating for a bit, he ended up closing his mouth. The
look in Balder’s eyes was clearly one of dissatisfaction. I needed to say something…

When I tried to escape from Loki’s grasp…

LOKI: Weren’t you… trying to keep your distance?

YUI: Ah…

When I heard that, I didn’t know what to do.

LOKI: …Okay! It’s almost time for class. Let’s get ready♪

Once Loki released me from his hold, he returned to his desk with a lively expression and set down his
textbooks and notebooks. On the other hand…

Balder’s expression was not happy. My heart shook when I saw him. What is he thinking? I couldn’t help
but wonder. Normally, I would start talking to him, but I was trying to keep my distance now. So I
carefully thought about what I should do…


>Say nothing
>Talk about Loki
>Greet him innocuously

CHOOSE: Say nothing

YUI: …

I still didn’t really know what I should do, but it wasn’t good to suddenly change my way of thinking.

I was worried our relationship would worsen, so I kept my mouth shut.

I believed this was the best thing for the both of us.

CHOOSE: Talk about Loki

YUI: Since Loki-san is actually showing some interest, I want to watch over him for a while longer.

Loki had decided that on his own, but I thought it would be best to follow along with that.

BALDER: I see… but I don’t want to hear about Loki right now. I wonder what he’s planning…

The conversation was cut short as Balder sent a look of distrust in Loki’s direction.

CHOOSE: Greet him innocuously

YUI: Um…

YUI: Let’s do our best today too.

BALDER: Ah, yeah… thanks. I’m glad you spoke to me.

Balder’s smile looked relieved.

BALDER: It’s fine to be close with Loki, but it gets lonely if you don’t talk to me.

YUI: I’ll keep that in mind…

BALDER: Well, I don’t want you to force yourself. …Let’s do our best.

His last words sounded like he was saying them to himself. Balder seemed worried about today’s
situation as well. I needed to work hard so our relationship could go back to the way it was.

(choices converge here)

The bell rung, and the curtains opened for our classes today.

All classes ended and extracurricular time began. Normally, Balder and I would go to the student council
room together, but…
BALDER: Shall we go to the student council room?

YUI: Ah… um…

If I was keeping my distance, I should refuse this offer. I was always closest to Balder when we were
escaping from his fans. We held hands, and we were often pressed close together. He always hesitated
to be the one to touch me first.

BALDER: What’s wrong? Are you meeting Loki again?

YUI: No, that’s not really it…

THOTH: Kusanagi, I have work for you.

Suddenly, Thoth cut in.

YUI: Ah… what is it?

THOTH: You’ve been summoned. Go to the headmaster’s office. Zeus is waiting for you.

YUI: Zeus-san…?

I wondered what it could be about, but I couldn’t think of a single thing. But, in the meantime…

YUI: I understand, I’ll go.

THOTH: Yes, hurry.

THOTH: …So this day has finally come.

Thoth left the classroom with those ominous words.

BALDER: It seems like you have something to take care of. It’s a shame, but I’ll go to the student council
room myself. …I’ll see you.

Balder quietly waved a hand and walked off. He looked somehow lonely as I watched him go.

YUI: I need to go.

I followed suit and headed for the headmaster’s office.


YUI: …?

As soon as I stepped inside, and eerie feeling ran through my body. The atmosphere in the room was
different from normal. There was no way to know at the moment whether it was a good sign or a bad
sign. Zeus was sitting on the seat in the back, and he looked like he’d waiting for hours.

YUI: Lord Thoth told me to come here. …Is there something you need to speak with me about?

ZEUS: It is an extremely important issue relating to this school… no, the entire miniature garden.

ZEUS: Listen well.

YUI: …Yes.

I felt tense looking at Zeus’s serious expression. What kind of issue would be so important that he
needed to call me over…?

ZEUS: Since being summoned to this school, you have completed various events as you worked on
educating the gods, have you not?

I nodded at Zeus’s words. Since the entrance ceremony, I’ve gotten everyone’s cooperation in both
regular classes and special events. All our successes and failures exist with these countless memories.

ZEUS: It appears those efforts have borne fruit.

YUI: Meaning…?

ZEUS: All the gods have been thoroughly educated. Rejoice, for you have completed the graduation

YUI: Everyone… passed?

ZEUS: Indeed. I see no problem with their growth.

YUI: I… Is that true?!

I exclaimed when I heard this sudden good news. I’ve managed to arrive here after overcoming many
different trials. But, that was…

YUI: It wasn’t just my efforts. Because everyone cooperated with me…

ZEUS: But it would not have been possible with just them. These are the results of your work.
Acknowledge your own efforts.

YUI: …Yes. Thank you very much.

I accepted Zeus’s advice and mentally praised myself.

ZEUS: Now, as for the future…

ZEUS: I would like to immediately hold the graduation ceremony and send everyone off to their original
worlds… But that would be a bit dull.

YUI: Then… what?

ZEUS: Let us have a final event before graduation, so as to avoid any further regrets toward this school.
…Is that alright?

It was an unexpected suggestion. In response, I…


>Earnestly accept
>Be surprised as his concern
>Be sad that it’s over
CHOOSE: Earnestly accept

YUI: Yes, understood!

ZEUS: A good answer. Let us immediately begin our plans.

Though I answered him like that, the finality of it all tugged at my heart.

But I decided to be happy at everyone’s success. I replaced my sad feelings with other emotions.

CHOOSE: Be surprised at his concern

YUI: I’m surprised you suggested that, but I’m very happy.

Zeus wouldn’t have said that when I first met him.

I’d thought of him as having a lot of pride, but he might have also changed while spending time here.

ZEUS: It is important to think of the gods’ mental states…

YUI: Mental states…?

I didn’t understand the intention behind that word.

ZEUS: There is no need for you to know. Simply bring the final event to success.

Zeus didn’t seem like he wanted to explain. I had no choice but to accept it.

CHOOSE: Be sad that it’s over

YUI: I can’t believe it’s almost over...

When I thought about the fact that my school life would be ending here, I felt sad. At first, all I wanted
to do was return home. That was all I thought about, but… At some point, I noticed I was enjoying my
life here.

ZEUS: I informed you of graduation from the beginning. Do not lose your composure now. This is a time
to rejoice.

ZEUS: However, if you wish, shall I rewind time?

YUI: I’m fine. The time I spent with everyone is important to me. Nothing else like this exists.

YUI: Thank you for your concern.

It was sad, but I needed to accept reality and move forward.

(choices converge here)

YUI: Then, I’ll go begin work on the final student council event.

ZEUS: I look forward to your activities.

YUI: Yes…!

I slowly bowed and left the headmaster’s office.


BALDER: What? Graduation…

APOLLON: Our graduation has been confirmed?! That’s amazing…! That’s really amazing!

Balder looked flustered, but Apollon shouted in joy.

TSUKITO: It certainly came early. There is still time before graduation…

YUI: That’s just how excellent you all are. It’s really amazing.

BALDER: But it’s a complex feeling… We have to part ways, right?

Everyone’s faces came to my mind as I thought about graduation. The room was a silent for a moment.

TSUKITO: …Leaving the school. That is what graduation is.

YUI: …But, Zeus-san had a suggestion for something we could do before then.

I mentioned this brightly, trying to change the mood.

TSUKITO: What suggestion?

YUI: He told me to have a final event.

BALDER: Final… event…

APOLLON: Oh! Zeus has some good ideas sometimes. It’s weird, but I guess it’s a reward?

YUI: I don’t really know the reason, but I think that’s it.

APOLLON: Then we’ll just have to enjoy every last second! Once we clean up from the culture festival,
it’s back to planning! It’s gotta end with a bang!

YUI: Yes, let’s do that!

Thanks to Apollon’s excitement, I felt pretty fired up too.

TSUKITO: Can you write things down for us?

Tsukito asked Balder for a favor. However…


Balder hung his head, looking a little distracted.

TSUKITO: Balder Hringhorni?

BALDER: …Ah, sorry. Do you need something?

YUI: We want you to write things down. It’ll be easier to decide on the event that way.

BALDER: …Ah I got it. Leave it to me.

Balder finally got up and stood in front of the blackboard, chalk in hand.
TSUKITO: To end with a bang… the culture festival was a large group event and had festival elements
mixed into it.

TSUKITO: If we are to surpass that… then we need to add something.

YUI: Since it’s the very last event, it has to be something we can make good memories with.

Apollon folded his arms and thought for a while… then an idea struck him.

APOLLON: Oh, let’s stretch out the time!! For making memories, the longer it is the better. And that
way, we can surpass the culture festival, right?!

It was true that we could make more memories with a longer amount of time.

YUI: Summer vacation was one month independent study, but it would be fun to spend that time with

TSUKITO: Kusanagi Yui, I have a question.

YUI: What is it?

TSUKITO: Do you know of any long-term events? Please inform me of any if you do.

YUI: Long-term events…

I thought back along my memories about the various event I’d been a part of. If there was anything

YUI: Outdoors school… or… something like a field trip?

APOLLON: A trip!! That sounds like a long time! That’s great! Isn’t that great?

TSUKITO: May I ask for more details?

YUI: Of course.

YUI: A field trip for school involves going somewhere far to learn about things we can’t learn at school.

YUI: As you can probably tell from the name, we stay about two or three nights.

TSUKITO: But, we have been confirmed for graduation. There is no need for learning.

YUI: …Ah, then…

I thought of something when Tsukito said that.

YUI: Let’s make it a graduation trip. We’ll go around different places in commemoration.

TSUKITO: …I see. I can understand it that way.

APOLLON: That’s good, a graduation trip! It’s perfect for us! Let’s go with that, let’s settle on it! I won’t
accept any complaints!!

TSUKITO: The president is quite forceful…

BALDER: …That was surprisingly easy. There wasn’t a need to write anything down.

He put the chalk down with a wry smile and sat down on the sofa. As we were talking, Balder seemed to
be thinking about something the whole time. Though he seemed involved in our conversation, I noticed
he didn’t say anything. After that, we discussed the main direction of our graduation trip and did
research on some individual places.

YUI: Okay, I’ll be leaving first.


I left before Balder could say anything to me.


I moved quickly along the quiet after-school hallway so no one could chase after me. I went down the
stairs away from the student council room… then arrived at the lowest floor. I didn’t sense anyone
coming after me.

YUI: Phew… Maybe that was too sudden.

Though I thought maybe I was thinking too hard about keeping distance from Balder, I didn’t have the
courage to be alone with him. I ended up running away from the awkwardness. The time we could
spend together was limited, but… I was frustrated with myself for not being able to return to how it was.

YUI: What do I even do about this?

As I said that to myself, I headed for the entrance.

LOKI: Ah! Heyo! Since you’re here, I’m guessing student council is done for the day?

He had a newspaper in his hand and was putting up this month’s issue on the announcement board.

YUI: We still have to clean up from the culture festival, and we have to work on the next event, so
everything else I have to do is outside.

LOKI: Oh! That’s news! So what are you doing this time? Let the newspaper committee cover it! I’m
interested in you in particular, anyway!

YUI: C-Cover it?

LOKI: It’ll be top news and perfect for recording all those memories, right? It’ll be great, come on!

YUI: O-Okay.

I accepted Loki’s suggestion.

YUI: It’s the last event, so please help with getting everyone excited.

LOKI: Thanks!☆ Alright, starting total coverage now! I’ll be sticking close by!

Just as he said, he suddenly got closer and linked arms with me.

YUI: U-Um… don’t you mean sticking close by in a different way?!

LOKI: Oh, no need to sweat the small stuff! Alrighty! First is cleaning up, let’s go!

Loki pulled on my arm, excited.

YUI: W-Wait…?!

Loki led me all around the school, and I ended up doing all my duties together with him.


A few days passed… The season changed from winter to autumn. Thanks to Loki’s idea of full coverage,
the time I spent with him increased. I ran into Balder in the classroom, but I was self-conscious of the
distance, so I didn’t talk to him much. And day by day, he spoke fewer words to me, and he looked like
he was thinking hard about something.


LOKI: Autumn is the greatest season! It’s still bright even after walking to the ocean and back. Ahh it’s
the perfect temperature!

As I watched the sky above, engrossed in my thoughts, Loki spoke to me. After school, I left to survey the
location for the graduation trip. I was on my way back from that.

YUI: You’re right, I think it’s perfect weather for a field trip.

LOKI: Okay, let’s put the season aside and give me the nitty-gritty on the graduation trip! I think it’ll
make a beau-ti-ful article!

YUI: Thanks for your cooperation.

I lowered my head to Loki, and he grinned happily.

LOKI: We make the greatest team! Can we finish each other’s sentences? Communicate telepathically?
Like a mutual love thing?

YUI: I… guess.

While I answered him, only Balder came to my mind. Until just a little while ago, I would do everything
with him, so I just instinctively thought of him. But now…

YUI: …

LOKI: Hello there? What’s wrong?

YUI: I ended up thinking of Balder-san…

YUI: I’ve been keeping my distance from him, but I keep wondering if that’s the right thing to do.

After seeking some advice, I decided to do that for the both of us. However…

YUI: I always feel this sense of guilt… As if I’m hurting Balder-san somehow.

LOKI: You’re so honest! Balder doesn’t mind this one bit!

YUI: Is… that so?

LOKI: Yup! So don’t be so sad. Let’s have fun with this new relationship! Right?

YUI: He… doesn’t mind…

Though I was relieved that I wasn’t hurting Balder, I also felt sad. What would you call this emotion?

LOKI: Come ooooon, don’t make that faaaace. Cheer up!

Loki grasped my hands in his own.

YUI: Ah… Loki-san?

LOKI: Happy, happy happy! …How about now? Any exceptional results?

YUI: …A little.

LOKI: Just a little? How about a hug?

YUI: Y-Your feelings are more than enough!

I shook my head and stepped away from Loki.

YUI: Um… I’m happy you feel that way, Loki-san.

YUI: Thank you for your concern.

LOKI: That’s right, you’re much better when you’re smiling. There’s worth in messing around with you
when you’re happy! If you ever feel sad, call me over and I’ll bully you.

YUI: Geez, Loki-san…

Though I was forcing myself to smile, I felt happy thinking that this was his own way of comforting me.

YUI: …Shall we go back now?

I walked across the wide meadow together with Loki. While I felt the distance between Loki and me
grow smaller by the day… I couldn’t stop thinking about Balder.


YUI: I’m planning to go out again today, so I need to eat a lot for breakfast.

In the early morning, I left my room and headed for the dining hall.

LOKI: Morning!☆ Feeling good today?

YUI: Yes, thanks to your…

LOKI: Hug!

YUI: …?!

Loki suddenly hugged me.

YUI: W-W… What are you doing?!

LOKI: Well, you didn’t look happy, so. Happy, happy, happy! …How about that?

YUI: I’m happy enough already!

I hurriedly shoved Loki away from me. My heart was pounding from nervousness.

LOKI: What are you so embarrassed about? A hug is a perfectly fine greeting, right?

YUI: T-That might be true for you, Loki-san.

Hugging wasn’t a greeting, it was a demonstration of love between lovers… The more I thought about it,
the redder my face got. I shook the heat away from my head.

It was then.

YUI: …Ah.

I met eyes with Balder, who had been passing by. There was shock, sadness, and anger mixed in that

BALDER: ……Why?

YUI: Um, uh…

I didn’t know what to say. I froze up. However, Loki’s expression remained unchanged.

LOKI: Sorry about this, Balder, but we have plans after this, see ya!

Loki took my hand and began to walk. I couldn’t even exchange greetings with Balder.

As I was being dragged along, I turned around. Balder was still watching us.


Classes ended, and the bell rang for afterschool hours. As soon as he heard that sound, Thoth let out an
exhausted sigh.

THOTH: …So it has finally ended. I will no longer be spending my time trying to plant you all with useless

THOTH: Give thanks for everything so far. Class material is now open for suggestions. If there is a field
you’re interested in, say it.

TAKERU: Okay! Teach us about martial arts!

THOTH: Rejected. I’m not interested.

TAKERU: Y-You bastard…!

THOTH: I will be waiting for any meaningful opinions. …Until then, goodbye.

After shrugging off Takeru’s suggestion, Thoth left the classroom.

TAKERU: Shit… That bird brain never changes!

Takeru pouted in frustration. Just as he said, Thoth was the same as ever.

LOKI: Alrighty, shall we go out again today? Lead the way.☆

YUI: …

I felt a gaze from behind me. I turned around and saw Balder staring at me. I looked away and let Loki
lead me out of the room. We left campus to go look at some more locations for the graduation trip.


I crossed the meadow with Loki and stepped into the forest.


Our destination was just beyond this. It was…


YUI: We’re here.

LOKI: Ahh! This place! Reminds me of the culture festival!

YUI: Those lanterns were really pretty…

When I looked up at the sky, the vivid memories came back to me. I went somewhere far on Balder’s
suggestion, and we sent off our lanterns together. The countless lanterns sparkled like stars in the sky…

…Balder’s dark expression crossed through my mind.

YUI: …

LOKI: Ah… You’re making a sad face again. What’s wrong this time?

YUI: I was just remembering… when Balder-san and I watched the lanterns together.

LOKI: Balder again…? Why is it always Balder?

YUI: We… were always together.

After school, in student council. Over the long summer break, the winter culture festival, always.

LOKI: Are you in love with him?

YUI: …Huh?

LOKI: Balder tried to woo you here, right? How was it? Were you happy? Sad?

LOKI: What did you think? Hey, tell me… Okay?

Loki’s serious expression looked just like Balder’s on that night. In response to his continued
questioning, I said…

>I was surprised
>Don’t ask
>I don’t remember

CHOOSE: I was surprised

YUI: I was surprised… He was completely different from the usual Balder-san.

YUI: That dark, hurried expression… I thought it was a little scary.

LOKI: Ahh, I see… You’re pretty dim, but at least you have some sense of danger.

YUI: But, it was just a little. Balder-san is such a nice person…

YUI: I don’t think I should take a vague attitude toward this.

Was the scary part Balder’s good favor, or was is the inevitable parting? I’ve come this far without an
answer to that question.

CHOOSE: Don’t ask

YUI: Please don’t ask about that.

YUI: That… has nothing to do with you, Loki-san.

LOKI: Nothing to do with me? I wonder about that…

He whispered meaningfully. I couldn’t read his true intentions.

CHOOSE: I don’t remember

YUI: I… don’t really remember.

LOKI: Hmm… Is that how you think of Balder’s feelings?

Loki looked at me with cold eyes.

YUI: That’s not it. I was just really confused…

(choices converge here)

LOKI: Let’s stop talking about Balder. More importantly…

YUI: …!

Loki brought his face closer to mine. It was just like Balder back then.

LOKI: What do you think of me?

YUI: Huh…?

LOKI: We’ve shared so much time together. What do you feel?


I couldn’t find an answer for this question. It was so much like my memory of Balder.
YUI: Why… do you ask that?

LOKI: I want to know how you feel. There’s no other reason. No need to know. So… an answer? Come


My head was filled with a chaotic sense of déjà vu.

YUI: P-Please wait. Give me some…

LOKI: I can’t wait.

Loki grabbed my wrist firmly.

YUI: …!

It was then.

BALDER: Loki…!!

I heard a voice from behind me. Loki jumped away from me.

YUI: B-Balder-san?! Why are… you…?

BALDER: I was worried about you. I thought maybe Loki was doing something to you.

With an uneasy expression, Balder reached out a hand to me and pulled me into a firm embrace.

BALDER: I can’t hold on anymore. You’re mine.

My body creaked in Balder’s tight grip.

YUI: Ouch…!

In the slowly increasing pressure, I let out something close to a scream, but it didn’t seem to reach
Balder’s ears.

BALDER: I wanted to talk with you all this time. I wanted to be with you. Why did you avoid me?


>You were scary

>I don’t know
>You’re important to me

CHOOSE: You were scary

YUI: That night, you weren’t like yourself at all. It was scary.

YUI: I thought that if I avoided you, that feeling would weaken…

And, I might have run away, not wanting to think seriously about what Balder was thinking. Trapped in
by this question, I once again became aware of my feelings.
BALDER: I see… that’s why you’re shaking so much. But I won’t let you go.

CHOOSE: I don’t know

YUI: I didn’t know what to do, so I thought I could be calmer taking some distance from you.

YUI: I didn’t even know what I wanted to do.

I told him my honest feelings. Even those might have been cruel words to Balder.

I might’ve hurt him. My voice shook when I thought about it.

BALDER: If that’s the case, I wanted you to tell me. I’ll tell you how much I love you, no matter how
many times I have to.

BALDER: I don’t care if you love me or hate me, as long as it’s from you… I just can’t stand this

If I love or hate him…When I heard those words, I understood just how far I’d driven him into a corner.

CHOOSE: You’re important to me

YUI: I’m dense when it comes to these things. This is the first time I’ve experienced this.

YUI: It’s not because I hate you, it’s really because you’re important to me.

I didn’t hate Balder. But I didn’t know if I liked him as a friend or as a potential lover. And this confusion
ended up hurting him more than was necessary.

BALDER: I’m important… what cruel words. You’ve dragged my heart through the mud and now you say
that to me.

YUI: I’m really sorry. …I didn’t want to hurt you. Please believe me.

BALDER: Even as you say that, you’re still unsure… Are you testing whether my love is true?

YUI: N-No! I’m not!

(choices converge here)

BALDER: You promised, right? That you would be with me… But, why do you go to Loki?

BALDER: If you just hate me, fine, as long as you won’t become anyone else’s. I’m content with longing
for you in silence.

BALDER: But I don’t want to hand you over to someone else! If that ever happens…

YUI: Gh…

He put even more power into his grip. My mind grew faint from the pain.

LOKI: No, you can’t do that… Let her go!! Calm down, Balder!

BALDER: Why… You knew my feelings, didn’t you? Why did you have to interfere?
BALDER: I don’t have time… I’m different from you! From anyone, everyone! Disappear from my sight!

LOKI: I won’t retreat. You’re the one who’ll disappear. It’s for your own sake, too.

BALDER: Loki… I thought we were friends… I always thought you were my ally.

Balder’s eyes were filled with sadness. Tears welled up in his eyes. His lips trembled. He loosened his
grip on me, and I was finally released.

BALDER: I don’t believe anything you say anymore, Loki… Everyone is an enemy... everyone.

YUI: Balder-san, no… please listen.

I reached out a hand toward Balder’s pained expression. But I didn’t make it. Because…


Suddenly, something strange happened to him.


He crouched down, face twisted in pain.

YUI: Balder-san?!


YUI: Get a hold of yourself! Balder-san!!

LOKI: This is bad… he’s going rampant!

YUI: Rampant?

LOKI: Run! If you don’t want to die, get out of here!

YUI: W-What are you talking about?!

LOKI: Just run already! There’s no time!!

Loki’s face was pale as he yelled. Seeing his uncharacteristic hurriedness, I had an extremely bad feeling.

YUI: I can’t just leave Balder-san…

Before I could say everything, it happened. Suddenly, Balder’s body was wrapped in a strange light.

YUI: W-What?!

BALDER: Gh… h… Ahhh!!

His screams grew louder and louder as the light covered him up. Then…

YUI: …!
I was speechless. My mind went blank. Before my eyes was… a Balder different from the one I knew. It
took some time before I realized that that was his original god form. I felt the terrifying power prickle my

YUI: No way…

YUI: Why… this…

There was clear malice in that power. An aggressive aura that could injure anything nearby. The light
was so strong, I almost couldn’t see anything.

LOKI: His mind grew too unstable and now he’s back in his original form!

LOKI: Uahhhhh!!

A flash of light sliced through the air and sent Loki flying.

YUI: Loki-san!!

LOKI: Damn… it… I can’t… die in a place like this!!

The instant Loki yelled… His form changed. From the sense of overwhelming power, I knew both Balder
and Loki were now in their god forms.

LOKI: Now it’s fair, Balder…!

LOKI: Wha! So fast?!

Light flashed once more. Loki only just managed to avoid it. Balder’s attacks didn’t stop. The flashes of
light came one after another. Loki didn’t even have the space to fight back.

LOKI: This must be a joke, how could there be so much difference in power…! You’re too strong! This
isn’t fair!!

Loki was visibly shaken. Balder was wordlessly backing him into a corner. He looked just like an
emotionless weapon.

YUI: …?!

An eerie sound echoed around the area. It was emitting from Balder. He was storing power in some
disturbing light.

…It seemed like he was trying to release some sort of huge power. I could tell from the air around him. It
probably had more destructive power than anything he’d released before. It was meant to be a fatal
blow to Loki.

YUI: I need to stop him…!

YUI: This is… this is wrong. They’re hurting each other…

Balder was terrifying. My whole body shook. But I couldn’t just stand there and do nothing. So I took a
deep breath and screamed as loud as I could.

YUI: Balder-san!! Please stop…!!

YUI: Don’t attack Loki-san!

YUI: Please, Balder-san!!

LOKI: No, stop! You’ll be killed…!!

YUI: But I need to stop Balder-san…!

YUI: I have to turn him back into the real Balder-san!!

I had to turn him back into the same Balder, the Balder who would always have a kind smile on his face.


Suddenly, Balder froze. The light around us vanished without even a shudder.

YUI: Did he… stop?

Shaking, I peeked over at him. When I did…

YUI: Balder-san…!

The strange form was gone, and the Balder I knew had reappeared.

YUI: …Ah!

He looked exhausted and about to fall over. I swiftly moved to support his unstable body.

YUI: Are you alright? Please answer me.

BALDER: …Huh? What… was I…?

LOKI: Hah… he’s sane again.

Sighing, Loki changed back into his human form.

BALDER: It’s not possible… Did I lose control of my own power…?

YUI: Yes, your god powers…

When he confirmed what I was saying, his face grew dark.

BALDER: So you saw it too. That wretched part of me. I’ve been so desperately trying to hide it…

BALDER: I did my best to hold back my feelings and avoid people at night when the power of the limiter
weakened… So I wouldn’t hurt anyone.

YUI: …!

Balder’s words brought back memories of summer vacation. That day we went far out in the boat… He
grew paler the later it became. So that agitation was born from his wanting to hide his true self.

YUI: I… didn’t know. I knew nothing…

YUI: I had no idea you were dealing with that…

YUI: …But, why? The other gods are fine at night. Why is it just you, Balder-san?

BALDER: That’s because…

Balder hesitated. He was unsure, and tried to speak, but then gave up… that happened a few times in a
row. His expression was mournful… and in pain.

BALDER: Soon, I’m…

BALDER: Fated to die.

YUI: Die…?

YUI: Balder-san…?

I doubted my ears.

YUI: That has to be a lie…! You’re perfectly healthy!

BALDER: I’ve had that fate since I was born. I have an incurable disease. My life is limited. It’s also the
reason I can’t control my powers.

YUI: Is all of that true?

I turned my eyes to Loki. However…


He had a complicated expression on his face, but he didn’t say anything.

YUI: You’re immortal, right, Balder-san…? But you can’t avoid this disease?

BALDER: I’m sorry, but it’s impossible. Just like when I injure myself, it eats away at my body.

BALDER: There’s nothing we can do about it. If I’m careless, then I can’t stop my power running

Balder bit his lip in regret.

BALDER: …This sickness and I… can’t be separated no matter how I try.

BALDER: Long ago, I used to have episodes like this. A lot of people were upset by this. Because of this

BALDER: But the power of light draws people near. No matter how vicious the god.

BALDER: An illness like this is inevitable for a god of light… a cruel but necessary fate. I can’t think of it
any other way…

Though he said all this, he didn’t look like he’d accepted it. He might have forced himself to think that in
an effort to deal with this unavoidable fate. I had nothing to say in the face of the cruel truth.

LOKI: …That’s right. Keep thinking that.

Suddenly, I heard Loki whisper.

YUI: Huh?

LOKI: Keep believing that until you die…

YUI: Loki-san?

Loki left, leaving behind those heavy words.

Those words played over and over in my head. …Keep thinking that.

…Keep believing that until you die.

YUI: What does that mean?

Loki might know something. Something important that Balder doesn’t even know. So I thought about it.
Do I follow Loki to ask him about it, or do I stay with Balder…? There were only two paths before me.
The one I should take is…


>Stay with Balder

>Follow Loki

CHOOSE: Stay with Balder

NEW CHAPTER: Balder Love Ending – “Our Limited Time”

CHOOSE: Follow Loki

CHAPTER 3 TITLE CHANGE: “The Door to Truth”

…I want to ask about it. I want to know the information Loki has. To seek out the truth, I stepped
forward, chasing after his back.

BALDER: Wait. Don’t go, I want you by my side. Stay by me now…

Balder looked at me, a yearning in his eyes.

YUI: But…

I faltered. I wanted to know what Loki knew. If I was going to stop, now was the time. If I chase after
Loki, then… I might learn things I didn’t want to know. Am I really okay with that?

The path I should choose is…


>Stay by Balder’s side

>Follow after Loki anyway

CHOOSE: Stay by Balder’s side

NEW CHAPTER: Balder Love Ending – “Our Limited Time”

CHOOSE: Follow after Loki anyway

NEW CHAPTER: Balder Fate Ending – “The Door to Truth”

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