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Subject: Biology Chapter 8 Total Marks: 30

(Section I)

Q#02: Give answers of the following any four short questions. (2*4= 8 marks) i.
Write the role of nitrogen in plants.
ii. Differentiate between organic and inorganic
fertilizers. iii. What are fertilizers? Give one example.
iv. Describe the role of vitamin C in body.
v. What are major and trace minerals?

Q#03: Give answers of the following any four short questions. (2*4= 8 marks)
i. What are vitamins? Name types of its
ii. State the role of magnesium in plants.
iii. What is scurvy? Write its symptoms.
iv. Define the term peristalsis.
v. Discuss briefly the role of calcium and potassium in human.

Q#04: Give answers of the following any four short questions. (2*4= 8 marks) i.
What is bile pigment?
ii. Why obesity is known as mother of
diseases? iii. Write a short note on gastric gland.
iv. Define the term villi.
v. Differentiate between bolos and chyme.

(Section II)

Attempt the following two long questions. (2*4= 8 marks)

i. Discuss the role of liver in human body.
ii. Write a detailed note on digestion in stomach.

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