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Subject: Biology Chap ter 3 Total Marks: 30

(Section I)

Q#02: Give answers of the following any four short questions. (2*4= 8 marks) i.
Viruses are Acellular. Why?
ii. Define Systematics and Taxonomy. iii.
What is two kingdom system of classification?
iv. Write down any two causes of deforestation.
v. Define the term species. Give examples.

Q#03: Give answers of the following any four short questions. (2*4= 8 marks)
i. Why mule is infertile?
ii. What is endangered and extinct species? Give one
iii. Why are viruses not included in any kingdom? iv. Write
down two characters of kingdom fungi and Monera.
v. Write any two importance of biodiversity.

Q#04: Give answers of the following any four short questions. (2*4= 8 marks)
i. What is taxonomic Hierarchy? Name the taxon in
order. ii. Write down any two rules of binomial
nomenclature. iii. What is base of five kingdom
classification system? iv. Describe the classification of
v. Define Systematics and Taxonomy.

(Section II)

Attempt the following two long questions. (4*2= 8 marks)

i. What is binomial nomenclature? Explain the significance of this system.
ii. Discuss the main causes and effects of deforestation.

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