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Essay Type Class: 9th

Subject: Biology Chap ter 8 Total Marks: 30

(Section I)

Q#02: Give answers of the following any four short questions. (2*4= 8 marks) i.
Transpiration is necessary evil. Why? ii. How water is transported in plants? iii. How
plasma is separated from blood? iv. Define systemic and pulmonary circulation.
v. What is transpiration pull? Write its causes.

Q#03: Give answers of the following any four short questions. (2*4= 8 marks)
i. Write two disadvantages of transpiration. ii. Why human heart is known as double
pump? iii. What is angina pectoris? iv. State cohesion-tension theory.
v. Write a short note on thalassemia.

Q#04: Give answers of the following any four short questions. (2*4= 8 marks) i.
Define the systole and diastole.
ii. Differentiate between antigen and antibodies. iii.
What is bi-pass surgery? Write its importance. iv. State
the difference between bicuspid and tricuspid valve.
v. What is universal donor and universal recipients?

(Section II)

Attempt the following two long questions. (2*4= 8 marks)

i. Describe the structure of human heart. Also draw diagram.
ii. Write a detailed on ABO-Blood group system.

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