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Eastern and Western

Perspectives on the Self

My name is John Jasper B. Garcia, and I was born

on October 28, 2001. My parents have always
been supportive of my decision to pursue a
career as a criminology student and potential
law enforcement officer. When it comes to
myself, I believe western and eastern cultures
are interchangeable. As a future law
enforcement officer, I will be respectful to those
I interact with, treat people of all cultures
equally, and perform my job properly.

My mother and father became my inspirations

when I started a criminology course because of
all the hard work and effort they make just so I
can study, graduate from college, and have a
good future. They are also my pillars of support
when I am struggling . My uncle, who is now a
police officer, is another source of inspiration for
me. By the time he finished his education, he was
a working student who studied in the morning
and worked at night due of his determination
and diligence. Furthermore, like you, I am a
working student, doing this to support my
parents and my study.

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