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Research Adviser:

Dinah Oani


Zulueta, Charise Yancy T.

Sarmiento, Shaine S.

Tolin, Timberlyn E.
Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Many students complain about the price of the products in the canteen. The

pupils cannot afford it since it is too pricey because of the minimal allowances they

received. A total of 568 food items were identified, with secondary school canteens

selling a greater proportion of food items than the primary schools 55.5% vs. 44.5%.

(Leng Huat Foo and Ying Jing Tan.,2021). There are also various experiences and

complaints from students regarding the kind or variety of foods, they display in the

canteen. Due to a lack of management ability and experience, the canteen business is

unable to provide sufficiently satisfactory services to students (Lee, 2004).

A canteen must offer products and services that are affordable. Good quality and

affordable costs to the student in a productive and effective way. It is committed to

making sure clear communication between the school and canteen services in order to

maintain positive relationships among teachers and students and canteen workers

(Merriam-Webster Inc., 2014).

The number of students using the school canteen is significantly decreasing as a

result of the price increases. This is primarily because kids would prefer to pack their

own lunch and recess instead of purchasing pricey things from the canteen. Because

fewer students are using the school canteen, the income that the canteen staff receives

will decrease, putting financial burden on them because they depend on the income for

subsistence. Every canteen has a responsibility to give students nutritious meals,

considerate service, and good hygiene practices (Galabo, 2019).

It happens in SSG Oath-Taking, Turn Over Ceremony, and Homeroom Class

Officers School Wide General Assembly on Friday, November 7, 2022, at Davao City

National High School. When a student asks Sir Latanio, "What will be the action on the

overpricing of foods in the canteen?" According to him, the SSG will take care of it and

be in charge of that matter, and they will tell the principal about the overpricing of foods

in the canteen to take action about it.

School canteens play an important role in students' daily lives. The price should

be reasonable for the food quantity served, so the customer would feel that the food and

service received were worth their price, resulting in student satisfaction. The aim of this

study is to assess students' complaints about the canteen food pricing in Davao City

National High School's school canteens. The report also recommends a few minor

upgrades to the services the canteen provides.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to know what the most saleable of the canteen to identify sources

of food eaten during the school day, the types of foods and frequency of purchases from

the canteen and association. The main objective of the study is to analyze the

implications (causes) of food price increase on the high prices of Davao City National

High School canteen, with a view of enhancing food security and stability.

This study focused on empirically analyzing the determinants of high price food

emerging and developing schools canteen and these studies provide important insights

on crucial determinants of food price volatility and its implication.

This study is set out to address the following questions:

 1. Research Question 1

Number of students complains over pricing food in canteen?

2. Research Question 2

What does the number of students complain about?

3. Research Question 3

What is frequency complain of purchases from the canteen?

Theoretical Framework

The Cue Utilization Theory was developed by Jerry in 1972. This approach

primarily focuses on intrinsic and extrinsic indicators to assist customers in determining

the quality of any product. As a result, consumer satisfaction is determined by the

quality assessment. Food quality, food variety, ambience, and staff are reflected as

intrinsic cues in this study, while price fairness is suggested as an extrinsic cue for

assessing student satisfaction.

Conceptual Framework

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study will address the issue of students complaining that food in the canteen

is overpriced. This research will be conducted through survey via website. The primary

objective of this research is to improve the pricing of food in the canteen; they should

set it fairly because students have a limited budget.

Significance of the Study

This study was conducted to determine the Number of students complain the

high pricing foods in DCNHS Canteen. The study results may be beneficial to the

Students. This study will definitely be useful to the students and their allowance.

This study is designed to reduce the amount they spend every day in the canteen.

School Administrators. The results may provide information as basis for policy

formulation and improvement of canteen food prices provided to the

students of DCNHS. This may help school principals to provide assistance in

monitoring pricing of canteen foods to be included in the school improvement plan.

Teachers. This may encourage teachers to give feedback to the administration for

improvements to services like affordable prices.

Future Researchers. This may serve as a basis for those research enthusiasts to

conduct further inquiry regarding the topic of overpricing canteens. This may serve as a

basis for those research enthusiasts to conduct further inquiry regarding the topic of

overpricing canteens. They will be aware of the issues with some of the prices that need

to be resolved, and they will know that some of the costs are high, and we don't support

that since those costs shouldn't be paid by students.

Definition of terms

Pricey - overpriced. Upscale. Valuable. An arm and a leg. At a premium.

Canteen - sells food and drink items to school students through an arrangement with

the school on a regular and recurrent basis.

Customer - a person or organization that buys goods or services from a store or


Pricing - decide the amount required as payment for (something offered for sale).

Purchasing - the organized acquisition of goods and services on behalf of the

buying entity.
Financial - pertaining to monetary receipts and expenditures; pertaining or relating

to money matters; pecuniary.

Hygiene - conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing

disease, especially through cleanliness.

Affordable - low-cost, cut-price, economical, cheapo (informal) in the sense of


Overpricing - is the act of setting a price over the actual value of the product.

Complaints - an expression of grief, pain, or dissatisfaction. SSG- The Supreme

Student Government (SSG) is the foremost co-curricular student organization

authorized to operate and implement pertinent programs, projects, and activities in

schools nationwide.

Services - a system supplying a public need such as transport, communications, or



This chapter presents an overview of related literature and studies, on the

Complain Level of students in terms of high pricing foods available at the

school canteen which gathered and collected by the researchers in different sources.

That will help to develop this study.

School Canteen

The school canteen is a great place to promote an enjoyment of healthy eating.

For students who frequent the canteen, the food they buy contributes significantly to

their overall dietary intake and nutrition. To help kids learn and absorbthe knowledge

taught to them in class, it only makes sense to make sure the greatest food is provided.

In 1744 (in a recollection from. c. 1710). “store in a military camp” from French cantine
“sutler’s shop” from Italian cantina “winecellar vault” diminutive of canto “a side, a

corner, an angle” thus it is perhaps another descendant of many meaning that were

attached to Latin canto “corner” in this case, perhaps “corner for storage”. A Gaulish

origin also has been proposed.

Students Complain

Almanzaet al. (1994) believed that the main factors affecting students’ satisfaction

with canteens were the quality of meals, the location of canteens, the hygiene of meals,

and the price of meals.

According to Ginger Arboleda (2010), she said that food industries are inevitable

especially in a country of endless works. We need a place where we can eat while we

work and study. In a school, there are numerous activities that drain the students'

energy. A school will have a canteen where students can eat, unwind, and get some

energy back for the rest of the day. Additionally, she claims that the ambiance and

atmosphere are crucial qualities that every canteen needs to possess, and that they

play a role in gauging customer satisfaction by incorporating emotional factors.

High Pricing of food in Canteen

According to State Government of Victoria (2016). Price is the amount of money

expected, required or given in payment for something. The canteen needs to make sure

that they provide a variety of inexpensive items that can satisfy the students' hunger and

meet their vitamin demands. They must provide kids with goods that they can purchase

with their small change or pocket money.

Iris (2018). An increase in the food and drink prices are being implemented in the

CSA Canteen starting the Academic Year of 2018-2019. As of now the normal prices for

a meal including drinks in the canteen would reach an estimated amount of P80. For

students who only get 100 pesos daily allowance, they would only be left with P20, and

that is for lunch alone. This doesn't include the expenses for school funds being
solicited for educational purposes, such as photocopies, project funds, and etc. From

this alone, one can see that having an overpriced canteen does not really help students

and their families' wallet. Other schools that experience the same problem is in LPU-

Manila. With the movement of providing healthier options for school canteens rising, the

future prices of the products may increase with them as well as adding more expenses.

Chapter 2


Research Design

The researchers use the descriptive method in the present study. This method

use to assess the demographic profiles, such as sex and age, of each of the

participants. Additionally, each respondent asked to fill in a survey questionnaire in

order to determine the factors that may affect their attitudes and perceptions when using

the survey. Since the researchers aim to get the level of satisfaction to the school

canteen prizes and describe the present situation in Davao City National High School.

The main goal of this type of research is to describe the data and characteristics

about what being studied.

Research Respondent of the study

The respondents of this study are all grade level students of Davao City National

High School. The researchers will explain the purpose of the study and how important

their participation is. Also it is voluntary to be participants in the study and not forced.

It aimed to measure if there is significant difference in the assessment on food

prizes at the school canteen when group according to their sex and grade level.
Furthermore, it aimed to degree on the off chance that a significant connection is


Research Instruments

In order to carry out of this study, research use questionnaire to be answered by

the students of Davao City National High School.

In certain that the question are relevant to the level of satisfaction to the school

canteen prizes. The questionnaire was approved and validated by the students.

The survey questionnaire aims to get the level of satisfaction to the school

canteen. The respondents will be rating each component using the following scale: (1)

very dissatisfied (2) moderately dissatisfied (3) Neither Satisfied (4) Moderate Satisfied

(5) very satisfied.

Data Collection Procedure

Seeking Permission from the Respondents to Conduct the Study. The

researchers sought permission from potential respondents by giving them informed

consent, informing them of the potential benefits of answering the survey, as well as

their potential risks and their rights to withdraw and refuse participation.

Administering the Questionnaire. The researchers only administered the

questionnaires to students through a survey with multiple question types via a Google

Form. The researchers did not set a time to answer the survey so that they could clearly

read and understand each statement.

Retrieving the Questionnaire. Researchers are patiently waiting for complete

responses to the questionnaires. In addition, one member of the research team

collected all questionnaires after respondents completed the survey.

Scoring, Encoding, and Tallying the Answers. The researchers scored the

questionnaire using the Likert scale provided in the questionnaire. One member of the

research team tallied the raw scores in spreadsheet software.

Results. The responses were tabulated using Google Forms. The researchers used

Google Forms to conduct the survey.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

The following statistical tools were used in the treatment and Analysis of the gathered


Mean. This was used to determine the level of canteen food prices and student’s

Complains of Davao City National High School.

Pearson r. This statistical tool was used in determining the Significant relationship

between the canteen high food prices and student Complains of Davao City National

High School.

Regression Analysis. This was used to determine the Significant influence of the

domains of canteen service quality (Tangibility, assurance, reliability, responsiveness,

and Empathy) on the student satisfaction of Davao City National High School.

Table 1. Distribution of demographic profile of the respondents

Variables Group Frequency Percentage (%)

1.1 Sex Male 8 23.5%
Female 26 76.5%
2.1 Students JHS 9 26.5%
SHS 25 73.5%

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