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A) Think along their lines : penser comme eux

B) Put yourself in their shoes : se mettre à leur place


A) My communication style is the managerial. I feel very comfortable when in a communication the
ideas are diversified. That allows to have a field of vision much the large. because by sharing the
ideas one learns from the other.
B) It is possible to change one's communication style depending on the field in which one is
involved. This allows you to keep the same team spirit.
C) I agree with the author that the field of communication is vast, so the most important thing
would be to master the message and know how to convey it in a professional manner.
D) The author asks us to think before we react, he asks us to prepare ourselves before an
interaction and to practice before we take action. This will allow us to know if we are ready or
not to meet all kinds of personalities.
E) She goes on to say that we may get a pay raise. Because if we are able to get the message
across, we have a chance to get the best offer.

1. serviabilité
2. Créatif
3. Discipliné
4. Flexible
5. Courageux

2. Ne pas atteindre mes objectifs
3. Réaction direct
4. Me désintéresser facilement

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