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Hello, my name is
Allisson Atoche. I am 16
years old. I am from
Callao,Peru and I study
at “Raul Porras
Barrenechea School”.

I live in Carmen de la
Legua-Callao.It´s on
the coast of our
country. It's beautiful!

My favorite landmark is
the Otuzco windows,in
Cajamarca. It's in the
Andes of Peru.
They're incredible!

My favorite talent
is Julio Garay. He
is 25 years old. He
is a famous
engineer,he lives
in Huamanga-
Ayacucho. It's in
the Andes of Peru.
He studied at San
Cristobal de
University and
speaks Quechua
and English.

Julio is making cookies

against anemy, specially
for poor children and
people in need,and he´s
donating Nutri Hierro
cookies in his community.
He is amazing !

By:Allisson Atoche -5th “A”

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