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Lucas Wolinsky

Professor Sam Gonzalez


February 21,2023

Annotated Bibliography

Pokhrel, Sumitra, and Roshan Chhetri. "A literature review on impact of COVID-19

pandemic on teaching and learning." Higher education for the future 8.1 (2021): 133-141.I

believe this source will be a big part of my research because I am trying to see how and in what

ways did COVID and us being in isolation with the same people for such a long period of time

affect the younger generations social skills as a whole. This article in specific will talk about the

teaching aspect of COVID since many of us were at home struggling trying to learn over zoom.

Some key things the article speaks about are the struggles not only the students went through

trying to learn online but how hard it was also for the teachers. For many of the teachers it was

hard to motivate and keep kids wanting to learn since they were on a screen instead of in their

class. A big worry the article speaks about is since students are online for longer periods of time

it has exposed kids to more harmful and violent content that being in school and not online has

prevented in the past. This article is written by someone in education and someone in the

engineering world. This helps because it gets both aspects of the teaching side and the

technology side of COVID learning. The article is in a peer reviewed journal called Higher

Education for the future. This article will allow me to get the online school side of things and

how difficult it was for teachers and students. It will allow me to look at the origin of why their

social skills are getting worse since all of us students have been used to going to school in person

all of our lives and that suddenly changes in a snap of a finger.

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Zhu, Lin. "The psychology behind video games during COVID‐19 pandemic: A case

study of Animal Crossing: New Horizons." Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies 3.1

(2021): 157-159. This article will help me with the video game side of things. For my article the

main game I will be focusing on is Animal Crossing New Horizons, a game that came out March

20,2020 right at the beginning of COVID. Many people believe this game was dropped at the

perfect moment. Many people used this game as a way to leave the real world and all of this stuff

going on. Many people also used it to be able to have something like a social life especially since

many of us were coped up all day in our rooms. Two main points that I believe are most

important in this article are the writer states that the game enabled people to escape from the

difficulties of life and how many of us use it to satisfy our loneliness with any type of social

interaction. Many people suffered during COVID if it was from loneliness or other social skills

but video games were a way for many people of any age to be able to escape to a “dreamland”.

This article was peer reviewed by a company called publons. The author is Lin Zhu, a student at

the Division of Educational Psychology and Methodology at the University of New York. This

article will allow me to get the side of view on how video games were helpful during the years of

COVID. How people were able to use video games so they can stay somewhat sane.

Pearce, Katy E., et al. "Families playing animal crossing together: Coping with video

games during the COVID-19 pandemic." Games and Culture 17.5 (2022): 773-794. This article

is another article about people playing animal crossing during COVID. This article specifies on

families in specific. Many people did things just to cope with not only the stress but with not

being able to leave their house so they needed to lean on something. For some people this was

video games. Many people used video games as a way to cope with not being able to interact
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with people in the real world. Many people would do this in the game. As for Animal Crossing it

is known to have emotion by design. This allows Those playing the game to use emotions that

they have not been able to have from living the same old boring life since they are not able to

leave their house. As for this article it shows the different types of coping that video games help.

These are Mechanisms of coping and Joint Coping with video games. Many families would play

together so they can not only cope with the individual problems they have going on but also they

are able to spend time with each other and interact with “ another human being.” This article will

allow me to look at the different things not only families but many people did to cope with not

being able to be as social as they used to be on a day to day basis. I'll also show me how a video

game like Animal crossing was beneficial for many people during this time. This is an article in

the Sage Journals “Games and Culture'' Volume 17 Issue 5. It was written by many different


De Pasquale, Concetta, et al. "Online videogames use and anxiety in children during the

COVID-19 pandemic." Children 8.3 (2021): 205. This article differs from the other ones. This

article is more on multiple different video games. But my main goal with this article will look at

how COVID affected students in a harmful way. Also I will try to see if Video games helped or

hurt students. This article in specific is trying to see if adolescents during the time of COVID

gained any type of anxiety from playing these games during this specific time. From doing the

test they found a low result of video game addiction but a moderate level of anxiety. But this

does differ from gender. As for males they use video games to help with self control but as for

females it tends to make them have anxiety. This article will allow me to show the other side of

video games which can be harmful in different ways. What this article does show though is that
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video games will have different effects on everyone. This article is used in a special issued

journal called Recent Advances in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Gupta, Rajeev, and Rajinder K. Dhamija. "Covid-19: social distancing or social

isolation?." BMJ 369 (2020). This source is different from the rest. This isn't an article or a

journal, it is a letter. This letter talks about the struggles we all had in isolation. It speaks about

how isolation can affect many different things like our life. Maybe we turn to alcohol abuse or

we get an eating disorder amongst the tons of other things that can happen. The letter states how

in countries like India they have many old people who need help and need a young person or

anyone at their side. But during isolation they were alone and many of these elders couldn't even

communicate with their families because they didn't know how to work technology. The letter

states we should look into things like interventions so we could be able to get the emotional

connection with others even though we were not capable of doing it up close and personal. This

letter was written during covid to be able to help us during this specific time of isolation and it

was focused more so on the elders in these different countries who didn't have much idea on how

to work technology and couldn't take care of themselves. This letter will allow me to look into

the different points of view on how the isolation affected us in more ways than just our social

skills. It'll also allow me to see how in the midst of covid many people were trying to figure out

things we could do to help ourselves and others during this time. I've also been mainly focusing

on the younger generation but this letter will also allow me to look at the elders and how it was

for them. This letter was written by Rajeev Gupta in the middle of COVID trying to figure out

something we could do at the time in the midst of it all.

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