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Activity 2 – Integrated skills (interests)

C. Read a text about hobbies. Are the hobbies presented suitable for the

a. Choose True, False, or It doesn’t say for each statement 1 – 5 according to the information provided in
the text.

HOBBIES, ONLY FOR THE YOUNG? things. They can develop your imagination and your
artistic side. They can help prevent conditions like
By Arlinton Galeano S. arthritis.

You can start a hobby at any age. There are If you are young, extreme sports such as rock
pastimes for everyone – children, teens, adults, and climbing, water skiing, surfing, sky diving and many
even for the elderly; obviously, according to your others provide you with a lot of excitement and
interests and abilities. Hobbies bring happiness to adrenaline. It doesn’t mean that pensioners can’t try
life and they normally promote physical, emotional these activities. Although they are risky, you just
and mental health. It is also easy to make new need to have the safety precautions and have a good
friends through hobbies. guide.

It is common that municipalities organize many There are some pastimes just to promote
different kinds of hobbies for their residents. entertainment. However, if you take them seriously,
Through their community leaders and organizations they can develop not only mental but sometimes
such as service centers and recreation centers, they physical skills. Playing videogames, playing board
may offer activities like courses, sports services, games, reading and redecorating the house are good
crafts workshops, dancing or friendship activities for examples of this kind. This type of activities can be
all ages. You can search this information online or a good way to prevent boredom.
ask for more detailed information at your local social
services agencies.
Every time you are bored or you consider that you
are not good at anything or even worse, that you’re
There is a variety of hobbies that can be aimed at all getting older for hobbies, think yourself about “what
kinds of people. You just see if they fit your needs are my hobbies?” and explore the many possibilities
and skills. For instance, painting, knitting and wood you have around or simply ask someone for some
carving are great for people who are good at creating advice.
1. T F It doesn’t say The text is only aimed at young people.

2. T F It doesn’t say The text included a series of examples of pastimes that different kinds of people

can have.

3. T F It doesn’t say The text establishes a connection between hobbies and the development of

emotional and physical health.

4. T F It doesn’t say The text shows how hobbies transform people’s daily routines.

5. T F It doesn’t say The text includes suggested places where you can find information about

a. Report on suitable hobbies for the elderly according to the information provided in the text.

Check  ONLY the number of options indicated from the list provided a) – h) that best answer the questions
1 – 3.

1. These three hobbies can help prevent arthritis and d) water skiing 
can be for seniors who are good at creating things:
e) surfing 
a) go backpacking 
f) cooking 
b) learn languages 
g) fishing 
c) paint 
h) sky diving 
d) collect things 

e) carve wood 
3. These four hobbies can help the elderly prevent
f) knit  boredom and develop not only their mental but
sometimes their physical abilities:
g) do crossword puzzles 
a) collecting things 
h) do aerobics 
b) reading 

c) flying kites 
2. With safety precautions and a good guide, the
elderly can choose these four risky hobbies: d) video games 

a) rock climbing  e) gardening 

b) dancing  f) board games 

c) photography  g) house redecorating 

h) watching TV

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