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The Ultimate
The air we breathe, the water

we drink, the natural elements

that we see around, they all

constitute the environment. But

there is still a lot to learn about

from the environment, and a

lot to learn from it.

The Ultimate

River teaches to move continuously, to reach our


Trees teach us to always give.

Animals teach us to be united with everyone.

Mountains teaches us to be on our decisions in

each every situation and not give in.

Sun teaches us to be
Birds teaches us to fly high and
punctual. high with great courage.
The Ultimate
Nature Finds the “Good in
A Volcanic Eruption can bring forth all
sorts of death and destruction. But the
ashes of the eruption create fertile soil.
Even such a horrific event can have good
outcomes, so why cant we?
Even During A Storm, Nature is
Somehow "Always at Peace"
Nature somehow always manages
to recover from storms, and
ALWAYS stays calm during storm. It
always gives a warning call before it,
and heals quickly after it. We should
be like this.
Environment Reminds Us That All Good Things Do Not Require
When's the last time money has bought you happiness? Probably when
you got a new toy or got a promotion in your job. But these bursts of joy
are short-lived. Immediately you get the stress of your new job and the
stress of breaking the new toy. But happiness given by nature always has
a long lasting impression.
The Ultimate
Environment teaches us that for
everything there is a season and
the right timing. Sometimes in our
life we want certain things to
happen right now. It is hard to wait
for the fruits of our actions and we Divine Timing
expect results immediately. This is Environment is always doing
especially ingrained in us now with things on time, may it be from
the fast results of the Internet, bringing seasons on time to
where you can look up questions keeping migration patterns on
and get instant answers. But the check. But our human
really good things in life – self- involvement in these natural
discovery, meditation, things have affected the
contemplation, self-transcendence balance, confusing everything
– are not like instant coffee. They and everyone. We should do
take time, practice and effort. things on time, and also be of
good influence to thers.

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