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Discussion Forum 6

by Rohith Reddy Kotrakona - Wednesday, February 8, 2023, 12:26 PM

Number of replies: 0
Operations analytics uses analytical data and technology to improve operational
effectiveness. It involves collecting, visualizing, analyzing, and drawing insights from an
organization's operational performance measures to make better decisions and increase
efficiency or productivity. Sourcing and sales strategies are interrelated (Koot et al., 2021).
Companies must weigh the benefits of one against the potential drawbacks of the other in
order to determine their optimal approach. One key tradeoff is that sourcing from local
suppliers often incurs greater costs but can be faster than international sources. In contrast,
sourcing internationally usually comes with lower prices at a longer timeline for Delivery or
product availability. When weighing these decisions, companies may consider factors like
quality control, safety compliance requirements, shipping fees, and taxes. As far as sales
strategies go, companies must balance profitability with customer satisfaction levels (Koot
et al., 2021). Offering discounts might increase immediate profits but could affect long-term
relationships if customers begin expecting them every time they shop on-site or come into
the store. Companies should focus on offering quality products at competitive prices to
balance profitability and customer satisfaction. A combination of rewards programs with
special offers for loyal customers and creating value-added services such as free shipping or
discounts will encourage repeat visits from existing customers while also attracting new
ones. Offering personalized service tailored to each customer's individual needs is also
important in providing an enjoyable shopping experience that results in satisfied buyers
who are more likely to return and recommend the business to friends and family.

 An integral end-to-end supply chain strategy should include five primary components
procurement, production, distribution and Delivery, customer service and support, and
analytics (Koot et al., 2021). Procurement involves sourcing suppliers who can provide the
required inputs at a cost that meets business objectives. Production is responsible for
transforming those inputs into finished products according to quality standards. Distribution
and Delivery ensure the timely movement of inventory through warehouses and fulfillment
centers to reach customers quickly and fulfill orders on time. Customer Service/Support
handles inquiries from consumers. It provides aftersales services if needed, while Analytics
assesses overall performance data from all stages of the process allowing improvements
where necessary or opportunity exists (Ogbuke et al., 2022). All these aspects must be
managed efficiently with communication between stakeholders so that any gaps or
constraints along each component's processes are identified early enough for corrective
action resulting in an effective end-to-end supply chain network

Week 5 Discussion
by Sara Fatima Khatoon - Wednesday, February 8, 2023, 6:33 PM
Number of replies: 0
Regarding supply chain it is a perception related to its linearity among the individuals. But
this states wrong about the strategy as supply chain is developed to deal with the
perception. This strategy’s implementation makes the strategic alignment possible in the
entire supply chain. Besides, this strategy enables the traction to be the smallest. Supply
chain particularly has two major aspects they are supply chain at source and sale.  Supply
chain specifically at the source represents the entire actions are present, which comes under
within the supplier’s umbrella, while supply chain at the sale represents the entire actions
are present, which comes under within the distributors umbrella.

The two distinct supply chain consists of different strategies with different trade-offs
(Searcy., and Ahi., 2020). Trade off in the strategies at source are described in context to the
quality of the material and what would be the material acquisition’s cost. Simultaneously, for
obtaining the superior quality material so thus it necessitates the superior cost with it.
Similarly, trade off exists in context to the delivery of the material with the production of
final product. Thus, making it evident that if the materials are delivered timely than along
with it the production of final product will also be on the time. Trade off in the strategies at
sales experience are described in context to advertising and what would be the count of the
total final product that are sold. Moreover, if the higher count of products is required to be
sold than, it necessitates advertising which requires higher cost to be paid.

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