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Italian Origins

27/09/2010 00:22:00

1. Portico: a porch or entrance to a building consisting of a covered and often columned area Enter the house through the portico on the left. 2. Chiaroscuro: monochrome picture made by using several different shades of the same color she painted a beautiful chiaroscuro using just blue. 3. Beccafico: The Orphean Warbler, Sylvia hortensis, is a typical warbler I listened to the beccafico sing in the treetops. 4. Nostalgia: (new latin) longing for something past Nostalgia overcame me as I walked down the street where I once played as a little girl. 5. Impresario: showman: a sponsor who books and stages public entertainments The impresario made selling an entire concert out look easy. 6. Piano: a keyboard instrument that is played by depressing keys that cause hammers to strike tuned strings and produce sounds Jane played the piano with the grace and poise that her instructor had told her to. 7. Villa: originally an upper-class country house, though since its origins in Roman times Mike carefully photographed the ruins of a Spanish Villa. 8. Duomo: cathedral The Catholics made their way into the duomo. 9. Pergola: a garden feature forming a shaded walk or passageway of pillars that support cross-beams and a sturdy open lattice, upon which woody vines are trained. A vine curled its way up the pergola in the palace courtyard. 10. Padrone: An owner or manager, especially of an inn. Jasen negotiated the price of the inn with the padrone. 11. Grotto: any type of natural or artificial cave that is associated with modern, historic or prehistoric use by humans The dilapidated grotto is still a spectacular sight for tourists. 12. Bulletin: to make public. Kristy posted her lost cat signs on the bulletin board. 13. Balcony: an upper floor projecting from the rear over the main floor in an auditorium We got a good deal on tickets because our seats were in the balcony. 14. Barracks: (Australian) specialized buildings for permanent military accommodation The soldiers slept within the barracks.

15. Catacombs: (Greek) ancient, human-made underground passageways or final resting place of refugees or subterranean cemeteries many rumors and ghost stories were told of the old catacombs. 16. Bronze: to give a golden-brown appearance Jackie added a bronze tint to her hair color. 17. Spinet: (French) a small and compactly built upright piano Jack was very good at playing the spinet 18. Zany: buffoon in one of the old comedies Jordan enjoyed watching zany cartoons on the weekends. 19. Breccia: a rudaceous rock consisting of sharp fragments embedded in clay or sand Jace cut his foot on the breccia while walking without shoes. 20. Arpeggio: a chord whose notes are played in rapid succession rather than simultaneously The guitar player finished the song with an arpeggio. 21. Pilaster: (French) a rectangular column that usually projects about a third of its width from the wall to which it is attached The pilaster was for decorative purposes only. 22. Filigree: (French) make filigree, as with a precious metal Amber had a beautiful necklace made of filigree. 23. Ravelin: triangular fortification or detached outwork in front of the bastions of a fortress The ancient ravelin was deteriorating but still intact on the castle. 24. Parry: (French) impede the movement of (an opponent or a ball The swordsman reflected his opponents blow with a parry. 25. Populace: (French) people in general considered as a whole He is a hero in the eyes of the populace.

27/09/2010 00:22:00

27/09/2010 00:22:00

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