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Target Customers:

 College/University Students: Students who are pursuing higher education,

whether in colleges or universities, often face academic stress, deadlines,
exams, and other pressures that can contribute to mental stress.
 High School Students: High school students preparing for exams, dealing with
social pressures, and managing school workloads may also experience mental
 Graduate Students: Graduate students pursuing advanced degrees may face
additional stressors such as research, thesis writing, and juggling work and
academic commitments.

 Busy and Stressed: Students often have demanding schedules, including
classes, assignments, exams, extracurricular activities, and part-time jobs, which
can lead to mental stress.
 Budget-conscious: Many students may have limited budgets and may be looking
for affordable ways to manage their stress.
 Wellness-oriented: Some students may be interested in natural and holistic
approaches to managing their mental health and well-being, including using
aromatherapy products like lavender-scented candles.

Geographic Locations:

 College/University Towns: Locations with colleges or universities, including

campuses and nearby areas, could be potential target markets for selling
lavender-scented candles to students.
 High School Areas: Areas with high schools or educational institutions with high
student populations could also be relevant for targeting high school students.
 Urban Areas with Student Populations: Urban areas with a significant student
population, such as cities or towns known for their educational institutions, could
be potential target markets for selling lavender-scented candles to students.

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