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Aging around the world- report

The aims of this report are to give information about the attitudes of younger
people in Bulgaria feel about older people and the prospects of growing old
themselves. The final section makes recommendations about how attitudes
could be changed.
Attitudes to older people
Bulgaria is facing rapid population aging. Currently, the high rate of population
aging ranks Bulgaria 4th in the world. Bulgaria is 7th in the world in terms of the
country’s proportion of older adults. After these statistics you can see how
many elderly people live in Bulgaria. In term of the attitude toward them, they
are being respected because of how much they have been trough and for
knowing things that are forgotten now. There are people that are 100 years old
and have lived true several wars that have happened in the past.
Attitudes to growing old
Growing old has two sides: positive and negative. On one hand, while you are
growing old you can grow yourself a happy family. You bring new people to the
world, and you give them love, and you receive the same, and even more. You
can travel with your partner and see the world. On the other hand, after all the
adventures and love, when you reach the age of 80, life isn’t so good anymore.
Your kids are all grown up and live away from you, everyday it gets harder to
live and if you outlive you partner’s life you feel alone. When you can’t take
care of yourself, you are sent to a nursing home. And the ones in Bulgaria
aren’t the best, so after all you have given to the world you end up alone and
We should

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