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Essay- The benefits of training students to think positively

Thinking positively is so much more than smiling or wearing clothes with more
bright colors, it can help us build skills that last much longer than a smile. And
training students to transform their mindset from early age is something
important. There are many benefits from this, but in this essay, I am going to
discuss two of them.
The first is that it reduces stress. Deadlines and low grades put a lot of pressure
on students. They are stressed, because they want to make their parents proud
by having good grades, but in order to get them they have to work really hard
and turn in a lot of homework’s in a short period of time. But when they don’t
think about making their parents happy, but in order to learn something new,
they will put their best and won’t take schoolwork as a chore.
The second thing is increasing creativity. Stress is its biggest enemy. It can
affect the parts of our brain that foster learning and creativity. When our brain
releases stress hormones, our focus and memory functions are reduced. To
stay creative, we need to keep ourselves calm and relaxed.
In my view school days should be enjoyable for us to develop properly. School
should be taken seriously, but stress can hurt our health. By teaching students
positive thinking, they will evoke a lot of energy that ca be used towards
determination and hard work, ultimately leading to success. It gives us the
chance to want to explore our thoughts and move out of our comfort zones.
Nadin Ruseva

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