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Assessment Rubric for the Presentation


This will serve as your written output

Research Title:________________________________________________________________________
Group Name/number:______________________________________________________________
Panel:____________________________ Date:__________________

Criteria 10 8 6 4
1. Student demonstrates Demonstrates an Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates no or
ability to state a clear excellent ability good ability fair ability little ability to
and well conceptualized to describe describe research describe research describe research
problems research problem problem problem problem
2. Student demonstrates Demonstrates an Demonstrates Demonstrates a Demonstrate no or
ability to integrate excellent good fair little understanding
relevant literature understanding of understanding of understanding of of relevant literature
relevant relevant relevant
literature literature literature
3. Student demonstrates Demonstrates an Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates no or
knowledge of excellent good knowledge fair knowledge of little knowledge of
appropriate research knowledge of of research and research and research and
strategies and methods research and methods methods methods
4. Student demonstrates Demonstrates an Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates no or
ability to orally present excellent ability good ability to fair ability to little ability to
problem, objectives, to present orally present orally the present orally the present orally the
approach and plan for the proposed proposed proposed proposed research
research research research research
5. Student demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates no or
ability to respond to excellent ability good ability to fair ability to little ability to
questions about the to respond to present orally the present orally the present orally the
proposed research questions about proposed proposed proposed research
the proposed research research

Name Criterion Criterion Criterion Criterion Criterion Total

1 2 3 4 5

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