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If you are given the chance to choose how your teacher will assess your understanding of the

lesson, which would you prefer: A written test or a performance task? Why? Answer in not less
than three sentences.

Writing responses to questions on paper or on a computer is a typical assessment method. They can be
helpful in assessing a student's understanding of procedures, concepts, and facts. They are simple to
administer, grade, and contrast with the results of other students. They do not account for other
abilities, such creativity or critical thinking, and they have restrictions when evaluating students'
capacity to apply their knowledge in practical settings. Performance tasks, on the other hand, are
evaluations that call for pupils to show off their abilities and comprehension by finishing a work or
project. Performance activities are more difficult than written assessments and can give a truer picture
of a student's ability because they give pupils the opportunity to show off.

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