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Femur Fractures in Professional Athletes: A Case Series

Glossary of Terms

Concomitant: accompanying especially in a subordinate or incidental way

Anterograde: on the anterior surface of the bone

Retrograde: on the posterior surface of the bone

Trendelenbeurg gait pattern: hip instability during walking due to hip abductor weakness on one side (side of the femur fracture)

Dorsalis pedis artery: carries oxygenated blood to the lower extremity; pulse can be palpated on the dorsal surface of the foot

Popliteal pulse: the popliteal artery runs deep to the patella and its pulse can be palpated on the posterior surface of the knee with deep

Reduction: in orthopedics, this is a type of procedure that returns bone fragments to their correct alignment and secures them in that

Prophylaxis: preventative measure

Antalgic gait: walking with a iimp

Buck traction: longitudinal skin traction that is applied to keep the leg extended without hip flexion

Supine: lying on one’s back (as opposed to lying in a prone position on the stomach)

Anti-coagulation: blood clot prevention

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