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Dangers of Eating Spicy Food in Excess

Spicy food is a flavor that is a favorite of most people. People will feel incomplete if there is no
spicy taste in their food and they think the spicy taste can increase appetite. Especially nowadays
many unique foods are served with a spicy taste. Spicy lovers are definitely eyeing these foods
and making them their favorite foods as well. However, behind this delicious spicy taste there
are some dangers that will be caused. The following will explain some of the dangers of
consuming too much spicy food to health.

The danger of consuming too much spicy food is that it can be affected by gastritis (ulcer). This
results within a rapid rise in stomach acid in response to irritation of the stomach wall due to
spicy food. It is also at risk of experiencing stomach acid rising to the esophagus which results in
the chest and throat feeling hot and burning. In addition, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting,
flatulence, and diarrhea will also arise.

The next danger is that it can cause a sense of heartburn. This is because eating spicy foods can
speed up movement in the intestines which makes diarrhea easier. When spicy food reaches the
colon, the irritating effect can be felt immediately. Then, the body will send more water to the
intestines, making it easier for feces to come out of the colon.

And the last danger is insomnia. When eating spicy food, the condition of body temperature will
increase. That is why the body can sweat after eating spicy food. The study published within The
International Journal of Psychology states that the dangers of eating spicy can hurt the stomach
and activate chemical hormones which can keep people awake at night.

In any event, adding a spicy flavor to food is fine. However, it is advisable not to overdo it
within eating spicy foods because something excessive will bring bad things. Consuming too
many foods with a spicy taste is known to bring harm to the body. Among those dangers are
having an ulcer, heartburn and even being able to have insomnia. For this reason, immediately
reduce the intake of spicy flavors to maintain a healthy body.

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