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name : Nila Wahyuni (21117088)

Class : PSIK 3B

Gastritis or inflammation of the stomach or peptic ulcers are a symptom of a disease

that attacks the stomach due to injury or inflammation occurs in the stomach that causes pain,
heartburn, and tenderness in the abdomen. Usually ulcer stomach pain in people this really
could interfere with her daily akitivitas. because of the pain that is like a stab stabbed very
annoying person to perform activities.

According to some studies done in Indonesia, almost 85% of Indonesia ulcer disease.
It was caused because Indonesian people often Forgot the importance of maintaining a diet or
eating at the right hours. Whereas ulcer disease is a disease that is very risky because it can
interfere with daily activities that caused because the pain in the stomach or nausea are

The cause of ulcer disease itself could be because people are not eating regularly,
there are harmful microorganisms, taking certain medications, or other causes such as
alcohol, irregular sleep patterns and stress. Maag also can occur when the patient is late for a
meal, and then while eating the meal ulcer patients with portions that are too much. For
patients who have severe gastritis, ulcer disease is very dangerous and can cause death.

Heartburn can be divided into two categories the first is Gastritis Acute Ulcer disease
is acute inflammation (the body's reaction against microorganisms and foreign bodies marked
by heat, swelling, pain, and impaired organ function), an acute stomach, and usually limited
to muklosa , Acute ulcer disease can occur without any known cause.

The second is Gastritits Chronic Stomach disease in patients chronic gastritis may
experience inflammation (the body's reaction against microorganisms and foreign bodies
marked by heat, swelling, pain, and impaired organ function) infection of type specific
disorder, which causes gastritis of the type-specific ie chronic gastritis.

Ulcer disease can also be seen on the severity of mild gastritis, ulcer is still relatively
mild mild stage where usually everybody was at this stage, if the examination will look
excess stomach acid on the wall. Maag was, Maag at this stage is already causing pain, pain
and nausea painful. Chronic ulcers, chronic ulcers are ulcers that have severe intensity
compared to ordinary ulcer. And the most dangerous can cause stomach cancer, gastric
cancer caused by harmful microorganisms, namely Helycobacter pylori.

Usually symptoms in ulcer disease is the patient felt pain in the abdomen, especially
in the pit of the stomach, patients typically feel nauseous or feel like vomiting, patients
experience abdominal bloating and fullness, patients also usually often feel hungry, and also
symptoms of the latter is that patients often burp and exhaust fart.
Gastritis can be cured but can not be fully recovered, ulcer is a disease that can recur
if the patient is not eating regularly, overeating, or other reasons. Usually to relieve or cure
the patient should take the drug if necessary. But the ulcer can be prevented, that is by eating
regularly, eat, wash hands before eating and do not snack at random.

Medications for heartburn are generally eaten two hours before a meal and two hours
after meals. As for the purpose of drug consumed two hours before the meal is to neutralize
stomach acid, because at that time the buildup of stomach acid is very much in the stomach
and patients must have been small wounds that when exposed to acid will feel sore. Then the
drugs taken two hours after meals aimed at protecting the stomach wall of the acid continues
to be produced. Finally, two hours after a meal, the stomach acid will be used to digest the
food that has been neutralized and will not injure the stomach wall.

Drugs that are commonly used are antacids (Neutralize stomach acid and relieve
pain), Proton Pump prevention of bacterial growth (Stopping the production of stomach acid
and inhibit infection of helicobacter pylori), Agent Cytoprotektif (Protecting the mucosal
tissues of the stomach and small intestine), Anti secretory (able to suppress acid secretion),
Pankreatin (Helps digestion of fats, carbohydrates, proteins and overcome interference
gastrointestinal upset such as flatulence, nausea, and often out of gas), Ranitidine (Treating
stomach ulcers), and the latter of which can be used is cimetidine (Treating dyspepsia)

Patients with ulcers have some restrictions on food and beverages. If the drinks that
stimulate gastric acid among other expenses such as coffee, white wine, citrus juice, and
milk. The food was very acidic or spicy foods such as vinegar, chili and pepper (foods that
stimulate the stomach and can damage the stomach wall). Foods are difficult to digest and
can slow gastric emptying. As this can cause an increase in gastric stretch that ultimately can
increase stomach acid include fatty foods, cake, chocolate, and cheese.

There is also a food that weaken the esophageal valve down causing gastric fluid can
rise into the esophagus such as alcohol, chocolate, foods high in fat and fried food. The food
and drinks that contain lots of gas and also that too much fiber, such as vegetables such as
lettuce and cabbage, fruits such as jackfruit and banana, foods high in fiber such as
kedondong and dried fruit drinks that contain a lot of gas (such as soft drinks). In addition,
activities that can improve the gas in the stomach should also be avoided.

The role of nurses to patients with ulcers are nurses should remind patients not to eat
carelessly, maintain a diet, avoid foods that are prohibited and drinks that can stimulate
increased kambung acid. Nurses also have to explain to patients about the importance of
eating the right time, adequate rest and avoid setres. Because setres able to increase the
production of stomach acid.

Nurses should be alert in the face of a patient with an ulcer. Because if not then this
ulcer disease will be more severe if the patient is unable to obey and keep his diet well. As
already explained earlier this ulcer disease can be cured, but not total because if the patient is
unable to maintain his diet the disease can recur.

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