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Year 12 Writing Sophistication Checklist

Grammar/phrase Yes my writing No my writing No my writing

has this. doesn’t have this doesn’t have this
but I know how and I don’t know
to do this. how to do this.
Active construction SVO
Passive construction
Passive construction OSV
Me verb
Ter verb
Me-kan verb
Me-kan adjective
Me-i verb
Yang clause
Pe prefix (noun)
Per prefix (noun)
Pe-an affix (noun)
Per-an affix (noun)
Ke-an affix (noun)
Negator (tidak, bukan)
Memper prefix (verb)
Modal verbs eg. Suka, harus,
Se prefix +nya (adverbs) eg.
Comparatives eg. Lebih/kurang
… daripada, se, paling, ter
Prepositions (eg. Antara, dari,
di, untuk, akan)
Conjunctions (eg. Bahwa,
sedangkan, walaupun,
sedangkan, sehingga, supaya)
Complex sentences with
multiple clauses
Imperatives, eg. Lah, dropped
me, jangan, dilarang
Exclamations, eg. Bukan
main… (adjective) +nya/
alangkah (adjective) =nya

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