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Clarity 5%
Content 5%
Organization 5%
Focus 5 %
Total: 20%

Course/ Year/ Section: _________________

Group Number: _________________
1. _________________________________ 6. ______________________________
2. _________________________________ 7. ______________________________
3. _________________________________ 8. ______________________________
4. _________________________________ 9. ______________________________
5. _________________________________ 10. _____________________________

1. Which of the philosophical perspectives had the greatest impact on Philippine

education? Answer the question using three paragraphs. 20 Points

2. How did John Dewey influence the field of education? Answer the question using
three paragraphs. 20 Points

3. How does the 1987 Philippine Constitution ensure that teaching will attract and
retain its rightful share of the best available talents? Answer the question using
three paragraphs. 20 Points

4. What is the importance of including technical vocational education in the

Philippines educational system? Answer the question using three paragraphs. 20
5. Create a conceptual framework regarding the differences between academic
freedom and freedom of expression here in the Philippines Explain all shapes and
symbols used in the conceptual framework. 20 Points
6. Write a 3-paragraph essay on "School as the Heart of Formal Education". Use
RA 9155 to strengthen and enhance your essay. Fill it with 5 local-related literature
and 5 international literature. Remember to cite the references. 20 Points

"School as the Heart of Formal Education



7. Write your insights about Executive Order No. 356. Answer the question using
three paragraphs. 20 Points


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