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One program for Global Goals Graduate Common Course (Education Program SDGs

Practical Training: Summer School in Japan I (PARE)

Name : Raymendo Estomihi Sinaga

IDs : 82224154
Charge : Prof Junjiro Negishi

Chemistry is one of the important sciences as a tool that can be used for sustainable
development in Korumatsunai. For example in the field of checking the quality of river water using
chemical methods such as measuring temperature, phosphorus content, nitrogen, CODand BOD
values and so on. This is important because knowing the water quality index will determine the
environmental health of the river waters in Korumatsunai. If the results are still in accordance
with the standards permitted by the government, it is certain that the aquatic environment is also
good. Meanwhile, if there are results that exceed the standard limits that have been set,
countermeasures are needed. In addition, chemistry can also be used in agriculture, namely by
using chemical measurement methods to determine the elemental content in the soil. This is
important because knowing the elemental content in the soil so that the efficient use of fertilizers
can be applied in Korumatsunai agriculture.
The government in Indonesia deeply regrets the behavior of industrial entrepreneurs who
dispose of their waste in the Citarum river. This can affect the quality of the Citarum river flow to
Jakarta Bay. Because the water has been mixed with mercury and cyanide. Even though the
Citarum river is sometimes still used by a number of people. The government said it would not
indiscriminately address the waste problem. Although some industries are still above the law. The
government will take action against violators according to applicable regulations because twenty
million people live on the banks of the Citarum River and are threatened with contamination from
Citarum waste. Meanwhile, research results from several agencies show that the impact of
Citarum river water is very dangerous. In addition to damaging the skin, river water contaminated
with hazardous substances can cause Kate/kuntet offspring. The government is currently making
efforts to restore the function of the Citarum river. Minister of Research and Technology, M Nasir
said the government had involved educational institutions in both West Java and DKI Jakarta to
secure the Citarum river. The government divides the study into three sectors. Upstream, the
government and other agencies will focus on nature conservation, deforestation, and waste in
rivers. Middle and Downstream the government will solve the problem of the industry dumping
waste into the river. So far, six universities have assisted the government in overcoming the
Citarum river problem. It involves all parties, I think, is very typical of Indonesia, showing the spirit
that is always echoed by the Indonesian people, namely “Gotong Royong” means mutual
cooperation. Because with mutual cooperation, the development and management of river water
quality will be easier to implement because everyone feels the same responsibility to take care
the river.

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