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presentation on topic World Health Organization

prepared by gulevich denis

Today we will look at what is definition of World Health Organization, then Governing Bodies

And last one, WHO's mission


a special agency of the United Nations, consisting of 194 member states, the main function of which is
the solution of international health problems of the population of the Earth.

2) First Governing Bodie is The World Health Assembly is the highest decision-making body of WHO. Its
sessions, which include delegations from all WHO Member States, focus on the health agenda set by the
Executive Board. The main functions of the Assembly are to determine the direction of the Organization,
appoint the Director-General, oversee the financial activities of the Organization, review and approve
the proposed program budget. Its annual sessions are held in Geneva, Switzerland.

And second governing bodie is The Executive Committee consists of 34 members technically qualified in
the field of health. Members of the Committee are elected for a term of three years. The substantive
session of the Board, which agrees on the agenda for the forthcoming Health Assembly and adopts
resolutions for submission to the Health Assembly, is held in January.Another, shorter session is held in
May, immediately after the Health Assembly. The main functions of the Committee are to implement
the decisions and policies of the Health Assembly, to provide it with advice and general assistance to its

3) And now I want to told you about who’s tasks The main tasks of WHO are: providing international
recommendations in the field of public health; setting health standards; cooperation with national
governments in the field of strengthening national health programs; development and transfer of
appropriate technologies, information and health standards. WHO activities are carried out in
accordance with general programs for 5-7 years, planning is carried out for 2 years. Currently, WHO is
developing the Health for All in the 21st Century program, the main goals of which are: prevention of
major pandemics, elimination of certain diseases (poliomyelitis, etc.), improvement of access to quality
medical care, implementation of global and national health information systems

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