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- It started in 1808 to 1814
- After the fourth collision it made part of the war of the fifth collision and sixth collision.
- in the iberic peninsula

- After France had become an ally of Russia,
France (well Napoleon) counted on all its allies to stop trading with Great Britain

(so that the British had no choice but to declare peace) and they all did.

- to their surprise Portugal continued trading with Great Britain.

- Napoleon decides to send French troops with Spanish aid (in private) to invade

- There are sources that say that the royal family of Portugal was "invited" or stripped
to leave, other sources say that they were kidnapped and killed by the French, what
can be expected from Napoleon?

- Napoleon hated the rulers of Spain (Bourbon Family) all corrupt there.
- Napoleon took as a pretext to protect Spain from the British and to be able to invade
Portugal, his army took strategic military positions
- The Spanish people did not like this at all and on March 17, 1808 the people almost
lynched Manuel Godoy (he really is the one who was in command of Spain)
- Napoleon as a good "!#!"#"$ protects the royal family in France and sends Marshal
Murat and 50,000 soldiers to restore order in Spain.

- something happened on May 2, the people rebelled against Murat's army.

- To improve everything :))) Napoleon decides to give Spain to his brother José, by the
day they arrived the fury of the Spanish people burned so much that the British and
the Portuguese united. When the French saw this, they got frustrated, and when they
saw that they couldn't, they left (not for long).
- But as they say "if you want something well done, do it yourself" Napoleon did the
same thing.

- On November 7, he made a second invasion of Spain and he went there personally.

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