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Part 1: Listening Comprehension

(in total 20)

Please read the relevant sections of the script carefully before the video is shown.
You will see the video three times. There will be five minutes between showings.
Your answers will be judged on their accuracy, quality of content, and language
where appropriate. Please write on the given lines and not in the margin.

Textiles are one of the fastest-growing waste streams due to rapidly changing fashion
trends and low prices. More and more clothing is ending up in the garbage – about
half of all textile waste. That's equivalent to about 44 t-shirts per person per year!

Metro Vancouver is a federation of 21 municipalities, one Electoral Area and one

Treaty First Nation that collaboratively plans for and delivers regional-scale services.
Its core services are drinking water, wastewater treatment and solid waste
management. Metro Vancouver also regulates air quality, plans for urban growth,
manages a regional parks system and provides affordable housing. The regional
district is governed by a Board of Directors of elected officials from each local
authority. (

Base your answers on the video.

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Information gathering

1. What do the following figures refer to? Be specific.

2002 - started the faster turnover in fashion seasons and trends (2)

7 times – a survey showed that in the UK women wear a piece of clothing 7 times on
average (1)

10-20 years ago – most clothes were made from organic fabrics

60% - of clothing fibers are plastic


Short answer questions

1. What does the Trans-Continental Textile Recycling company do in Surrey,

and why? Be specific.

It purchases excess clothing from charities and thrift stores and transform them into
new items (3)

2. Why are the products then shipped to Africa?

Local workers add value to the cloths by fixing them (1)

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3. Provide an example of a pure fabric and explain the benefits for the recycling
Wool, cotton, it is remanufactured into new fabric, (2)
4. How are local leaders moving forward?
They are working together and they share experience (3)

5. What has Stacey Flynn’s company managed to achieve?

Managed to create new fabrics entirely out of waste cloths(1)

6. According to Irina McKenzie, how does the FabCycle Pop! up shop exploit all
options to reuse fabric?
They work with many fabrics and find reuse materials for them to use(2)

7. The textile waste is not a problem that Metro Vancouver can solve alone –
name two examples of collaborators that are necessary.
Member jurisdictions
Collaboration with people - They will start educating people in the direction of stop
wasting cloths (2)

Part 2 Text production 1 (10 points)

The clip talks about the need for a push towards circular fashion, and how the most important

way to reduce waste is to reuse. Introduce two of your own ideas of how to raise awareness of

this issue.

Write 80-100 words.

 Second-hand shops to be advertised more, sponsored by the government
 Brands may have free courses that teach people how to transform their old pieces of
clothing into new ones
 Advertisement of capsule wardrobe

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 Government restrictions on how many seasonal collections a brand can make

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