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The University of Punjab Gujranwala Campus

Group Member Names: Haseeb Shahid, M.Mudasser,

Abdullah, Rana M.Hammad
University Roll No’s: 22229, 22218, 22221, 22244
Department: Business & Administration
Class: BBA (Evening) Section (A)
Subject: Introduction to Computer Concept & Application
Course Code: BBA 105
Semester: 1st
Assignment No: 01

Submitted to:
Mr. Hamza Ali
Topic: E-Commerce
E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods, services and information through the internet. It
involves electronic transactions, payment processing and the transfer of data. E-commerce
encompasses a wide range of activities, including selling products on an online store, providing
business-to-business (B2B) services, buying and selling stocks and bonds, facilitating payments
and money transfers and providing financial advice. The benefits of e-commerce include
increased flexibility, reduced costs and increased reach for businesses.

How does E-Commerce Work?

E-commerce works by connecting the customer and the seller through a shared online platform.
This platform is typically a website, but it can also be a mobile app or an online marketplace.
Once a business has established an online presence, customers can purchase goods and services
through the site. The customer then submits payment information, the business processes the
payment, and the goods or services are provided to the customer. Generally, businesses will use
third-party payment processing services, such as PayPal or Stripe, to securely manage credit card
information and process payments.
What Are the Benefits of E-Commerce?
There are many benefits of e-commerce for both businesses and consumers. Businesses can
benefit from increased efficiency and cost savings, as well as increased reach and customer
acquisition. Consumers can benefit from improved convenience and access to a wider variety of
goods and services.

For businesses, e-commerce provides a way to improve efficiency and reduce overhead costs,
such as the costs associated with traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Additionally, e-commerce
can help businesses reach new customers around the world, without having to set up a physical
presence. Lastly, businesses can use digital marketing strategies to attract customers to their e-
commerce site, especially through social media and search engine marketing.

For consumers, e-commerce provides improved convenience and access to a wide variety of
products and services. Shopping online is often more convenient than shopping in physical
stores, as it requires less time and effort. Additionally, businesses that offer online stores often
have a much wider selection of goods and services than their brick-and-mortar counterparts.

In conclusion, e-commerce has many benefits for both businesses and consumers. It can help
businesses reduce costs, increase efficiency and reach new customers, while providing
consumers with improved convenience and access to a wider selection of products and services.
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