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Name: Muhammad Mudassar

University Roll No: 22218

Department: Business & Administration
Class: BBA (Evening) Section (A)
Subject: Freshmen English
Course Code: BBA 103
Semester: 1st

Submitted to:
Ms. Adila Hussain
The Punjab University Gujranwala Campus
TO: Director General, Punjab University Gujranwala Campus Dr Naveed Iqab CH

FROM: Muhammad Mudassar

DATE: 2023 February 9

SUBJECT: Problems Facing Cafeteria

Firstly, the cafeteria is often overcrowded during peak hours, resulting in long waiting times and
difficulty finding a place to sit. This can be frustrating for students and staff members who are in
a rush and have limited time to eat.

Secondly, the quality of food served at the cafeteria is not up to the mark. The food is often cold,
tasteless, and lacks variety. Many students and staff members have complained about the quality
of the food, which has resulted in a decrease in the number of people using the cafeteria.

Lastly, the hygiene and cleanliness of the cafeteria are not maintained properly. The tables and
floors are often dirty, and the utensils are not washed properly. This can lead to health problems
for those who eat at the cafeteria.

I request that you take immediate action to address these issues and improve the cafeteria's
quality, cleanliness, and overall experience. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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