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To: Dr.

Naveed Iqbal, Head Of Business Department

From: Muhammad Awais(Roll No:220032)

Date: 2023/2/10

Subject: The problems facing in the campus as a Freshman.

Dear Director General,

I am writing to bring to your attention the various problems that new students at the
University of the Punjab, Gujranwala campus, are facing on campus. As a freshman, I
have personally experienced and observed several issues that need your immediate

Firstly, The university has no hostal for the students and there are limited number of
hostels around the campus and the high demand of students has resulted in a
situation where most students are left without any viable options for housing. This has
resulted in students having to resort to expensive and often unsafe off-campus

Secondly, the transportation system within the campus is not well-coordinated. This
has made it difficult for students to get to their classes on time, especially those who
live off-campus. There are long waiting times for shuttle buses, which results in
students missing classes or arriving late.

Thirdly, The university does not have adequate technology, particularly in terms of
equipment and software for research, which limits the ability of our staff and students
to stay competitive in their fields. Even that the attendence has been enrolled offline,
that's why a student does not know about his attendance of all his subjects. So that he
can improve his attendance in that particular subject, where it is shorten.

Fourthly, the availability of basic amenities such as clean drinking water, proper
lighting, and functional restrooms is a major concern for students. These facilities are
not properly maintained, which results in students facing discomfort and inconvenience.

I strongly believe that addressing these issues will greatly improve the overall
experience of new students at the University of the Punjab, Gujranwala campus. I
would appreciate if you could take the necessary steps to address these problems as
soon as possible.

Thank you for considering my request.

Muhammad Awais, (Roll No. BBA220032)
University of the PUNJAB, Gujranwala Campus.

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