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Nowadays, an alarming problem is that violent crime rates have increased

considerably, particularly among young people under 18. To me, I strongly

agree that lack of educating from parents is the main reason of this situation.
This below essay will analyse clearly my view.
The first reason that can be easily seen is that in modern life, parents almost
spend their time on working to earn money. Obviously, there is less time to take
care of and supervise their children carefully. In addtion, gap between parents
and children have been expanded; so these children have rarely had chances to
share their feelings to their parents as well as learned from family side.
Moreover, there are plenty of negative items such as violent films, bad things
from Internet of crime that survive around us, without parents’ control, children
have been influenced on those things easily.
Another factor that needs to be mentioned is that unstable marriage life have
led to a surge in divorce rates. Having a broken family and shortage of love from
both mother and father have caused distraction of those youngsters in their study
and some significant negative impacts of their psychology. As a result, children
with immature character have become more aggressive, behave rudely and
particularly imitated violent film or plunged headlong into social evils.
However, it is undeniable that parents is not the only factor that leads to
increase young violent crime percentage. Since it depends on conceit of these
youngsters about protecting themselves from harmful impacts, In spite of
dealing with the above sitiuation, some of those children have lived positively.
Neverthless, from what has been considered above, parents have played a vital
role to prevent growth in crime rates.
In conclusion, personality development of chilren is unable to be perfect
without supporting frome family side. Futhermore, a propriate nurture of parents
not only has helped to drop crime in youngsters but also produced good citizens
for our future.

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