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Why do crimes and criminals exist?

A crime is a fact, a legal matter, and it is not an opinion. As society changes, some acts
that were once considered criminals are no longer considered so. Similarly, certain previously lawful acts
can become illegal. Greed, rage, jealousy, vengeance, or pride are all reasons for committing a crime.
Some consider a life of crime better than a normal job. Others experience an adrenaline rush after
successfully committing a violent crime. Others commit crimes on the spur of the moment, out of rage or

There is a various reason why people commit crimes. These various factors are social, economic, and
cultural. These factors influenced an individual to engage in illegal activity. Peer pressure and school
failure are two social causes. Social issues are poor parenting skills, peer influence, children who are
neglected and abused, peer-influenced, drugs and alcohol, and lastly education failure. Education is a big
part of committing crimes but because of their low educational qualifications, their work records were
mainly comprised of low-wage jobs and regular periods of unemployment. Compassionate and loving
parents who respond to their child's basic needs instill self-confidence and an interest in social situations.
A parent's neglectful style appears to cause a child or student to ignore development focus and do as she
or he wants. Both drugs and alcohol impair judgment and lower inhibitions, making it easier to commit a
crime. Substance abuse, especially with alcohol, leads to "stranger violence," a crime in which the victim
has no relationship with his or her attacker.

In addition to social reasons, there are also economic reasons for people to commit a crime. Poverty and
a lack of jobs are two of these factors. Some people have a big family to support but do not have enough
resources to do so. Some people are unable to find work. This is what motivates people to steal. People
should not have to do illegal acts to support their families; instead, they may apply for government
benefits. If parents are unable to provide their children with what they want, their children can resort to
stealing. Hatred is a cultural reason. Any criminal offense which is perceived, by the victim or any other
person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice. When they communicate with government officials,
coworkers, families, and even fellow travelers, people are often faced with feelings of dissatisfaction,
annoyance, and resentment. The subject is subjected to factors that contribute to violent acts, including,
sadly, not only violent political rhetoric but also media coverage of similar acts.

As a result, three socioeconomic variables can be described as playing an important role in our perception
of crime incidence: unemployment, wage levels, and the prevalent level of income inequality. An
individual who commits crimes is influenced by a combination of these factors. We live in a stereotyped
society where only those cultural groups are considered to lack social, educational, and economic
standing, leading them to bring criminals.

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