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John Bernard Salvatera

Jaylord Antonio

San Rafael Abajo is frequently plagued by crime within their barangay. A crime is a deliberate act that
causes physical or psychological harm, property damage, or loss, and is punishable by law. There are numerous
types of crime, and nearly everyone will be a victim of one at some point in their lives. Crimes are caused solely
by the consumption of alcoholic beverages, third-party relationships, gossip, littering violations, rage, ESTAFA,
VAWC, child labor, bullying, and theft.

The following are the crimes that happen most frequently in our barangay, according to the study we
did to determine the answers to our inquiries. To begin with, people in this place frequently commit crimes
while intoxicated because they lack self-control. Usually, when they fight, neither party is aware that the other
could die. As a result, they commit this crime since drinking alcohol makes them aggressive. Third, the third
party is a problem for many married parents, in which one of them cheats and has an affair in secret. Because of
betrayal, some families in our barangay ended up as broken families, unable to repair their marriages or
families. Third, there are the gossipers, or as we call them, “The Marites.” There are a lot of fake news and fake
people in our barangay, and once they hear the news, even if it is false, they will spread it to the other Marites,
and this is where chaos begins. The fourth violation is littering. One of the reasons people litter is a lack of
public trash cans or overflowing cans that aren’t frequently emptied. Communities can help to reduce littering
by increasing the number of garbage cans available and cleaning them regularly. Fifth, there is the issue of
anger: many people in this subject fight because of their uncontrollable rage, which causes them problems. The
sixth type of fraud is ESTAFA, which occurs when the perpetrator misrepresents himself as someone else or
claims to be able to do something they are not. The seventh is the VAWC, in which many people, due to a lack
of education, force their wives and mistresses or lovers to live in the same home or sleep in the same room.
Threatening or coercing the victim into performing a sexual act. The victim is being sexed. Child labor in larger
cities, which ranks eighth, is primarily caused by dysfunctional family structures and economic hardship.
Financially stressed families struggle to meet their children’s rising expectations, and may even forget to feed
them properly. The ninth issue is bullying, which causes students to experience intense emotions such as
anxiety. Bullying has been linked to a variety of issues, including anxiety, depression, stress, anger, and low
self-esteem. It may also harm academic performance. Bullying behaviors are linked to later-life violence and
criminal behavior. Last but not least, the theft. their behavior may indicate stress at home, at school, or among
friends. Because they are experiencing emotional or physical abuse, some people may steal as a cry for help. In
other cases, kids and teenagers steal because they don’t have enough money to buy the goods they require or
desire. To obtain well-known name-brand products, for instance, people can steal.

In conclusion, I fully believe that a criminal record does not last a lifetime. If someone has changed and
feels regret for their past, they should be treated like a regular human being. While keeping youngsters out of
trouble, they might also teach them about the cost of time, health, and family. The social root causes of crime
include inequality, a failure to share power, support for families and neighborhoods, a real or perceived lack of
access to services, a lack of community leadership, a lack of value placed on the children and individual well-
being, and an excessive reliance on television as a form of recreation. Poverty is another aspect of this crime
that exists. To avoid a crime from turning into an act of violence done by one or many against a private citizen,
it is essential that the penalty be immediate, necessary, minimal, appropriate to the crime, and determined by
law. Improving the security surrounding homes, places of business, or public spaces to discourage criminal
behavior ensures the aesthetics of your property and the surrounding community. We can change our routines
by setting rules and putting up signs in useful places. Boosting the likelihood that a criminal will be
apprehended to prevent crime from occurring. People often say that humans are virtually like animals in terms
of our survival instincts. To alternate between conformity and deviance as necessary, deviant people frequently
adhere to social standards while also employing neutralizing measures. This is why neutralization theory is
most commonly associated with people.

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