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Literature: From they called us enemy

1. Which of the following is an element unique to graphic novels and comic books?
A dialogue
B speech bubbles
C narrative
D text

2. What can you infer from the tombstones on page 680?

A The tombstones were expensive.
B The war was expensive.
C Many soldiers were dying.
D Many cemeteries were full.

3. Why did the author include the reasons some Japanese Americans answered yes to questions 27
and 28?
A to contradict the rationale of the NO-NOS
B to confuse the reader about the right way to respond
C to suggest that the government was right to ask the questions
D to show there were other ways of thinking about the questions

EXERCISE Using Commas Correctly

If a sentence below is missing a comma, write the two words that should be separated by a
comma, and add the comma. If an unnecessary comma is present, write the two words without
the comma. If the sentence needs no commas, write C. Remember: Commas are needed
between independent clauses when the clauses are connected by a coordinating conjunction.

 EXAMPLE: Thomas Jefferson was tall, red-haired and brilliant. red-haired, and

1. Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence served as ambassador to France and

founded the University of Virginia.

2. Jefferson was an inventor, a scientist, an architect and the third President of the United


3. His father had been a smart, prosperous, Virginia planter, who also possessed extraordinary physical

4. The young Jefferson spent a lot of time reading Shakespeare, Swift, and Addison in his

father’s library.

5. Jefferson’s scientific studies at William and Mary College included chemistry anatomy, zoology, and

EXERCISE 2 Proofreading a Paragraph

Proofread the following paragraph. Insert commas where they are needed.

In the course of conducting research for the Garbage Project Rathje developed what he calls “the First
Principle of Food Waste.” When people eat the same foods day after day they tend to waste less food. To take
one example look at how an average family uses ordinary loaves of sliced sandwich bread. Such loaves are
used in meal after meal so very little is wasted. With specialty breads (such as hot dog buns) there is more
waste and why do think this is the case?
Vocabs: Choose the correct option
Unit 11

1- not respectable, not esteemed

a) placid

b) disreputable

c) superficial

d) endemic

2- worthy of imitation, commendable

b) disreputable

c) conclusive

d) exemplary

e) potent

3- to stick out, thrust forth

a) placate
b) misconstrue
c) allude
d) protrude

4- to understand, get to the bottom of

a) allude
b) fathom
c) protrude
d) placate

5- serving to settle an issue

a) endemic
b) potent
c) stark
d) conclusive

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