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Roleplaying N° 2

Past simple, past continuous, reflexive pronouns, conectores while, when y and

Nico: Fran, how are you feeling today? You were very sick yesterday.

Fran: Yes, I was feeling dizzy, had a cough and a low fever.

Nico: Oh no, that does not sound good. Did you make an appointment to see a doctor?

Fran: Sure, I went to see the doctor by myself this morning and he said I have a virus.

Nico: What did the doctor recommend you? I think you should get some rest.

Fran: He told me to get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids. He also gave me some

Nico: Did you buy the medication?

Fran: Yes, while I was going home, my mom bought them herself for me.

Nico: She is so sweet. So, will you have to get any tests done?

Fran: No, but if it gets worse, I have to get an appointment with a pulmonologist.

Nico: That is good. Did he say how long it will take for you to feel better?

Fran: He said it could take a few days.

Nico: Do you have to take medical leave?

Fran: Yes, two days. When I recover, I will catch up with my assignments.

Nico: That's good to hear, I can send you my notes. Did you have to wait long to see the

Fran: Thanks. Hey, do you remember the English homework?

Nico: Yes, what is the matter?

Fran: Could you do it by yourself this time? I do not feel well enough.

Nico: No problem, you take a rest. I was already making some progress with it.

Fran: Thank you! I was getting really worried about it.

Nico: You're welcome. Get home and rest. See you later.

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