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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación

Course: English III

Code: 90121

Task 2 Writing task


Yohan Acosta



Jun / 27/ 2022

After reading the text, summarize the main points of the fable in the forum as follow:

1. How the town was at the beginning?

At the beginning the town was a beautiful place surrounded with forest, fields and

prosperous farms. Clear streams, birds, great ferns and wildflowers decorated the

landscape, even in winter the town and the places around it delighted the traveler’s eyes.

The town was prosperous, the roads and roadsides were full of green weeds and beautiful


2 How it is now?

Everything in the town changed, chickens, sheep and cows are dead. New kinds of sickness

among people are causing sudden and unexplained deaths, children are dying while

playing. Birds are gone, they fled, the hens brood, but no chicks hatch and the vegetation

and landscapes are lined with brown. Anglers no longer visit the streams since all the fishes

are dead.

3. How it is predicted to be in the future?

The future is predicted to be difficult due to the exposure to chemicals. The white

granular powder that affected people in the town seems to be led or other chemical, then the

air will become poisonous and the rising air pollution will lead to premature aging, diseases

and death.
4. A fable is a story with a lesson; so, in your opinion What is the lesson that this

fable teaches? (One or two lines)

The fable teaches a valuable lesson, since a beautiful place surrounded with

prosperous farms, fields of grain and hillsides of orchards became in a desolated place due

to air pollution and if currently we don’t care about the environment, our fate could be the


A Squirrel in a Razed Forest.


Characters A squirrel, monkeys, wild animals, humans.

Setting The Forest.

The forest was razed, wild animals did not understand

Conflict what was going on and they were facing the


It was an extensive and beautiful piece of land with

The way your region, town or many trees, there were plants and wild animals, birds

city was before. singing and insects humming.

The way it is now Large areas of trees were removed, the forest was

razed to make space for agriculture and animal


Predictions how it will be in the Plants and wild animal species became extinct,

future. consequently in the future there will be global

warming, floods and drought, also soil erosion and

problems for people living around.

2. A Squirrel in a Razed Forest.

It was a beautiful day plenty of sunshine in the forest, some animals were using the

tall trees for shelter and hide from their predators, while others were using them as a source

of food. Many animals were competing for food, others were using camouflage to survive,

the naughtier Tom and Candy, the little monkeys were playing between the treetops, they

were excitedly. The small squirrel called Tammy was happy foraging for food and water,

she was a smart squirrel that loved the forest. Everything was perfect, the pure air, clean

streams, amazing sounds of birds singing, and leaves rustling, it was a perfect place for

animals to live in.

Everything was enjoyable in the forest, but one morning Tammy the squirrel was

concerned because she noticed that suddenly in the forest appeared humans, they were

using machines and were coming and going in a hurry. Tammy asked the little monkeys if

they knew what was going on, but they were afraid and run away. The squirrel noticed that

all the other animals also were fleding because humans were cutting trees down and

additionally, the noise and smoke were unbearable for the poor creatures. Tammy was sad

and didn't know what to do, after a short while, she realized that almost all the wild

animals left, she had not more food, humans destroyed her house and everything around
was desolated, humans removed large areas of trees , so the forest was razed and the

squirrel disappeared as well.

Finally, with the purposeful clearing of the forest nowadays there is space for

agriculture and animal grazing, humans obtained wood for fuel, manufacturing, and

construction, but on the other hand, a lot of wild animals disappeared, other lost their

habitat. The future will be difficult and dark, especially for human beings, since with plants

and wild animal species extinct, there will be global warming, floods and drought, also soil


Link of the Story -

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