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षष्ठः पाठः - ६ यग्ु ममाला

We are going to learn a very interesting chapter यग्ु ममाला because it is a garland of beautiful
verses. Apart from that in this chapter we will learn how “word-pairs” are used in the
language. “Word-pairs” exists in all languages however in Sanskrit they are used very
extensively. In English we are familiar with “either --- or” and “neither --- nor” etc, in Hindi
ज ैसे -- त ैसे , जब तक -- तब तक, जब -- तब, इधर - उधर, यहााँ – वहााँ etc are used quite frequently. But in
Sanskrit “word-pairs” are used very frequently because they enhance the beauty of the
language. It is true and to experience the beauty we must also try using “word-pairs” while
practising our writing skills. Let us enter the beautiful world of यग्ु ममाला

In Sanskrit literature word-pairs are very famous, for eg. यदा-तदा, यावत-तावत , ् यत्र-तत्र etc, just as
in the following verse यथा राजा तथा प्रजा we see how the words यथा & तथा are used. The use of
word-pairs embellishes prose and poems.

This is a very interesting verse. It is taken from नीततशतकम written by the great
poet-saint-scholar-grammarian Bhartrihari. Hence the shloka is of four lines and it has many
many deep meanings!!!! The meaning of the verse is—
“When I had little knowledge I was proud like a mad elephant. At that time my mind became
proud like a mad elephant. At that time my mind became proud thinking that I was
omniscient. But when I learnt a little from actual scholars, at that time I realized that I was a
Fool and my pride left my mind like fever leaving the body”

This is a beautiful verse because it teaches us to stay humble when we know more of a
subject, to give respect to the scholars and always have an open mind to learn. This verse is
actually an ancient version of the modern day “Dunning-Kruger effect”

ु तकतिज्ज्ञः अति तदा तिप इव मदान्धः भवतत।

१.अ) यदा मनष्यः
ु ण बधजनसकाशात
१.आ) "मूर् खः अति" इतत मनष्ये ु ्
अवगतम ।्
२.आ) तकतिज्ज्ञः + अहम ् ् अवतलप्तम ्
२.आ) अभवत +
३. कदा मदः व्यपगच्छतत?
Ans:- “Word-pairs” exists in all languages however in Sanskrit they are used very

extensively. In Sanskrit literature word-pairs are very famous, for eg. यदा-तदा, यावत-तावत , ् यत्र-तत्र
etc, just as in the following verse यथा राजा तथा प्रजा we see how the words यथा & तथा are used.
The use of word-pairs embellishes prose and poems.
When we know a little we think we know everything & we close our mind for further
knowledge and learning. We become proud like a mad elephant. This is because we are
under the false notion that we have learnt everything & we need not know any further.
But when we approach a true scholar we realize that we are actually fools and we don’t
know anything. When we realize our true state and accept our ignorance, our pride quickly
leaves our mind. There is no limit in learning and there is no end to knowledge. Knowledge
of any subject is vast and infinite. We should always be open-minded to accept more
As long as the cause of fear is not known till then one must be afraid of fear i.e. be afraid of
the calamity as long as it is not struck. But once the cause of fear is known man must take
appropriate measures.
This shloka is, perhaps, the most applicable verse in the current scenario. We all are
experiencing the pandemic and its effects. During the initial stages of corona pandemic there
was fear and tension coupled with fake news and rumours etc. But now the people are
fighting the virus and are trying to find the cure and vaccine for the same. Hence we are
lucky to witness the practical application of the verse 

१.अ) अगतं भयं वीक्ष्य नरः यथोतचतं कुयाखत।्

् तह = भयातद्ध
२. भयात +

समानाथी शब्ाः
१. गजः = तिपः २. चेतः = मनः ु
३. पतडितः = बधजनः ४. जिः = मूर् खः
५. व्यपगतः = अपयातः ् भीततः
६. भयात = ७. दृष्ट्वा = वीक्ष्य ८. नरः = जनः
तवरुद्धाथी शब्ाः
१. सवखज्ञः X अल्पज्ञः २. मदान्धः X तवनीतः ु
३. मन्दः X बधः ४. सवखज्ञ X अल्पज्ञः & तकतिज्ज्ञः

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