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तृतीयः पाठः - डिजीभारतम ्

Today, the whole world is talking about “Digital India.” What is

the meaning of this term? Necessities of man change with the
passage of time. During the ancient era, knowledge was
imparted by oral transmission.

Afterwards, man used palm leaves and birch barks to record

information, this gave birth to scripts and epigraphy. With the
invention of pen and paper, it became easy for man to store
huge quantities of information on permanent surfaces. With the
emergence of printing press, mass production and publication of
books became possible. Due to scientific progress, all activities
of man are being taken care by computers.
Newspapers and books can be read in computers. This reduces
the pressure on trees for paper and it will reduce
deforestation. Computers will ensure the conservation of

It is not necessary to carry liquid cash for shopping. Debit

cards and credit cards have taken the position of liquid cash.
Even in banking sector every transaction takes place by
computers (digitally, Core Banking System – CBS). Different
types of apps make cashless transaction possible and

Physical tickets are not necessary for travelling by bus, train or

plane. Letters can be sent instantly by e-mail. Cashless
hospitalization is also possible because of digitalization.
That day is not far when we can do all our transactions and
activities jut by our mobile phone. There will be no need to
carry cash in one’s pocket. Passbooks and cheque books will not
be needed. Even for studies, there will be no need for physical

One will not require to carry notebooks or papers for writing, or

dictionaries for learning new words (everything will be done
digitally). To travel to unknown places, there will be no need for
physical maps. Every activity can be done just by one device

For buying vegetables, fruits, for booking rooms in hotels, for

paying fees to hospitals, schools and colleges, for every activity
one mobile is sufficient. Thus, we Indians are moving ahead in
the direction of complete digitalisation.

डजज्ञासा = curiosity चलदूरभाषयन्त्रम =् mobile

उत्पद्यते = is created phone

परवडतथडि काले = in changing रेलयाियात्रापत्रम =् railway

times ticket

् afterwards
अिन्तरम = वाययु ाियात्रापत्रम =् airway

कर्थदस्य = of the page ticket

प्रडवड ः = सौकयेण = comfortably

सन्दर्शयथ = after showing

डचडकत्सालयः = hospital
ु = pocket
द्रुतर्त्या = very quick
ु म=
शल्क ् fees

१. सम्पूणडथ वश्वे २. कालपडरवतथििे ३. रूप्यकाणाम ्
४. कर्थदोद्योर्े ५. संर्णकयन्त्रेण

१. डकम?् २. कस्य? ३. के ष?ु
४. कुत्र? ५. डकमर थम?्

ु िे र्ृह्यते स्म।
(क) प्राचीिकाले डवद्या मख
(ख) वृक्षाणां कतथि ं संर्णकस्य प्रयोर्ेण न्यूितां यास्यडत।

(र्) डचडकत्सालये रूप्यकाणाम आवर्शयकता ु यते।
अद्य िािभू

(घ) वयम "डिजीभारतम"् इडत डदडश अग्रेसरामः।
(ङ) वस्त्रपटके ्
ु रूप्यकाणाम आवर्शयकता ि भडवष्यडत।
(क) मौडखकम –् ज्ञािम ्
(ख) मिोर्ताः – (भावाः)
(र्) टडिता – (सामग्री)
(घ) महाि –् उपकारः
(ङ) मद्रु ाडवहीिः – डवडिमयः
१. छात्राय २. डि िथ ाय ३. लताय ै
४.सरेु शाय ५. अध्यापकाय

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