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वर्णानणां सांवणदः।
This is a very easy and interesting chapter. This chapter is very important because in future
many grammar concepts will be based on this chapter. In our textbook this chapter is given in
the form of a conversation which need not be studied by heart. Here we must learn the heart
of the chapter and that is the Sanskrit Alphabet System. This chapter is very easy because it is
based on our बणरणखडी which we have learnt in our previous standards; the only difference is
that in Sanskrit we have सोलणह खडी  instead of बणरणखडी

In Sanskrit we have 50 letters. All the languages of India are derived from these 50 letters.
Hence a person who knows Sanskrit can easily learn any Indo-European Language easily.

In Sanskrit there are 16 vowels and the vowels are called स्वरणः
Vowels are independent which means we can produce a vowel as it is without the help of any
other letter. Following are the list of letters

अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ऋ ॠ लृ लॄ ए ऐ ओ औ

The highlighted vowels are called ह्रस्वस्वरणः (short vowels) and the non-highlighted vowels are
called दीर्ास्वरणः (long vowels)

अां अः  these two are called अनस्वणरः

ु & ववसर्ाः and they depend on other

vowels for pronunciation. Since they depend only on other vowels for
pronunciation they are called स्वरणवितस्वरः

The vowel ॠ लृ & लॄ are rarely used at all hence we just have to be aware of their
pronunciation. Rest all vowels are the same and we know how they are used because they are
the same like Hindi, Marathi etc.
The remaining 34 letters of Sanskrit Alphabets are called consonants. In Sanskrit, consonants

are called व्यञ्जनम and ्
these व्यञ्जनम cannot be pronounced in their pure form hence they are

always connected with स्वरः i.e. a vowel for eg क् is a pure consonant, we cannot

pronounce hence it is always mixed with the vowel अ so the final consonant is given –

क् + अ = क
In Sanskrit grammar, however in many places consonants will be given as pure consonants
only but we need not take tension about it because everything will be cleared by then. The
main purpose of this chapter is a thorough and a perfect knowledge of all the letters. Just as
we know English alphabets by heart in the same way we must know the Sanskrit letters by
heart and based on the below notes all of us will understand that Sanskrit alphabet system is
a systematic and scientific arrangement of letters based place and effort of articulation.

क ् ख ् र् ् र् ् ङ ् = कण्ठ्णः  Throat

च ् छ् ज ् झ ् ञ ् = तणलव्यणः  Palate

ट ् ठ ् ड ् ढ ् र् ् = ा णः
मूर्न्  Cerebral

त ् थ ् द् र् ् न ् = दन्त्णः  Teeth

प ् फ् ब ् भ ् म ् = ओष्ठ्णः  Lips
य ् र् ल् व ् Semi vowels

Now here the letters have different positions

य् = तणलव्यः  Palate
र् = ा ः
मूर्न्  Cerebral
ल् = दन्त्ः  Teeth
व् = दन्तोष्ठ्ः  Teeth+lip

् ्
श ष् स

श् = तणलव्यः  Palate
ष् = ा ः
मूर्न्  Cerebral
स् = दन्त्ः  Teeth

ह् = कण्ठ्ः  Throat
This is how the letters of Sanskrit alphabet are arranged in such a scientific way so that there
is no stress, no difficulty when we are speaking the language.

(ळ)् this letter was used in ancient Sanskrit, however this letter is not used in normal
Sanskrit. Hence we need not to focus much on this letter. Since we know Marathi, we know
how to pronounce and use this letter
अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ऋ ॠ लृ लॄ ए ऐ ओ औ अां अः
क ् ख र् ् ङ
् र् ् ्
् ्ज झ
चछ ् ञ् ्

ट ् ठ ् ड ् ढ ्र् ्
् द् ् र् न् ्
पफ ् म
् ्ब भ ् ्

य र् ्ल ् व ्
श ष् स
् ्

ह ्ळ् *

के वलम उत्तरणवर्
१. तणवलकणां पूरयत
आ, इ, उ, ॠ respectively
२. अर्ोदत्तेष ु वर्ेष ु योग्यां वर्ं वलखत।
र् ्
Q.3 is for reading alone.

े रां वर्ं वचनत।
४. समूहत

१) ठ ्
२) छ ्
३) क्ष ्
४) च ्

ु शब्दां वचनत।
५. शद्धां
१) रुचण
२) पृथ्वी
३) ऋर्म ्
४) ऋवषः
५) ववश्वणसः

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