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The City School

Topic Letter Nursery

March 2023
Dear Parents,

In March, we welcome the spring blooms with hopes and excitement. Our focus this year is to
enhance 21st century skills amongst our young citizens by engaging them in collaborative learning
class projects.

21st century skills are tools that can be universally applied to enhance ways of thinking, learning,
working and living in the world. The skills include critical thinking/reasoning, creativity/creative
thinking, problem solving, metacognition, collaboration, communication and global citizenship.

We would like to update you on the learning opportunities that your child is going to experience in
the coming weeks.

Best regards,
School Management

In the month of March, 2023 your children will engage in varied fun and academic activities to
enhance their learning and skills in the areas given below. They will:

Personal, Social & Emotional Development

 talk to others for resolving conflicts

 suggest solutions to everyday problems
 memorise and recite dua for eating meals
 demonstrate tolerance for all religions
 believe that Allah is the Sole Creator and Prophet Muhammad is His last and most beloved
Prophet (for Muslim children)
 understand gradually how others might be feeling
 demonstrate awareness of the feelings of others (empathy)
 recite dua for sneezing
 listen and respond to religious/moral stories

Communication, Language and Literacy (CLL -English)

• recognise key characters and events of the stories ‘I Love Bugs’ & ‘The Gingerbread Man’
• comprehend and answer questions related to a story ‘I Love Bugs’
• listen and retell stories and recognise the sequence of events in ‘Just Helping my Dad’
• use talk to connect ideas, explain what is happening and anticipate what might happen next
• recall and relive past experiences
• recognise and name /zz/, /qu/ and know the sound the letters represent
• write the letter that represents the phoneme /zz/, /qu/ with correct formation
• identify and recognise a variety of objects with letter sounds /zz/, /qu/ from the environment
• recognise the digraphs /ch/, /sh/ & /th/ and know the sounds they represent
• write the letters that represent digraphs /ch/, /sh/ & /th/with correct formation
• write words with digraph /ch/, /sh/ & /th/
• blend and write cvc words using all taught phonemes
• relate the taught letters to the objects in the environment
• recognise capital/small letters (Mm – Tt) and associate them to their related vocabulary
• recognise and write letters (Mm – Tt) independently
• recognise and write letters (Aa – Tt) in sequence independently
• recognise and read tricky words ‘my’, ‘she’, ‘are’ and ‘they’


• count orally numbers in correct sequence up to 45

• recognise and write numbers up to 20, along with number value
• know the last number reached when counting a small set of objects (up to 20)
• recognise and place numbers according to tens and ones up to 20
• recognise and write missing numbers in a number sequence 1-20
• identify what is one more and one less up to number 20
• describe and compare objects using height as the measurement attributes
• use ordinal numbers ‘1st, 2nd, and 3rd to indicate position in a sequence
• recognise and use language relating to months of the year
• describe and compare objects using temperature (hot & cold) as measurement attributes
• understand position without pointing (through words ‘over’, ‘under’, ‘above’, ‘below’)
• begin to describe a familiar route
• solve real world mathematical problems with numbers up to 10 (addition stories)

Understanding the World

Exploring the topics ‘Growth in Plants’, ‘Transport’ and ‘Seasons & Weather’, the learners will:

• recognise that plants are living things that need sunlight, water and food to live
• observe plants in their surroundings and talk about the ones they like/dislike
• recognise plants and explore their basic features
• identify and name few common flowers
• plant seeds and identify how to take care of plants,for example by growing a small seedling in a
disposable glass
• observe and record the growth in plants
• identify different means of transport
• name different parts of a car, bicycle and boat
• discuss the traffic rules and signs
• 0bserve and explore daily weather conditions
• explore and discuss different seasons, based on observations and experiences
• identify how the changing seasons affect our food, clothes and lifestyles

Expressive Arts & Design

• create sound by clapping, snapping and stomping

• create loud /soft & fast /slow sounds
• explore sounds as a medium to express feelings & emotions
• know the tune and lyrics of songs
• enjoy and take part in the songs doing actions
• use clay to make models/basic shapes
• explore, use and refine a variety of artistic effects to express their ideas and feelings
• use apps to sketch different shapes and colour them
• make imaginative and complex ‘small worlds’ with blocks

Physical Development

• while participating in different activities, they will differentiate between:

o smells: bad and good
o tastes: sweet, bitter and salty
o temperatures: hot, cold, warm
• perform different types of body rolls (tucked sideways roll)
• go up steps and stairs, or climb up apparatus
• take part in some group activities independently which they make up for themselves, or in teams
• show respect for other’s personal space while playing
• explore movement using a prop with control and coordination
• improve the ability to use large-muscle movements (wave flags and streamers, paint and make
• turn and jump over a rope

‫•‬ ‫‪explore hardware to develop familiarity and acquaint them with key vocabulary associated with‬‬
‫•‬ ‫‪Recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools‬‬
‫•‬ ‫‪Begin to operate a camera/tablet/ iPad and use it to take photographs‬‬

‫روزرمہےکوااعقت‪/‬رسرگویمںےسقلعتمدہایاترپلمعرکیا‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫'‪'۱‬ی'ے'رحوفیجہتیکوصیتاوررصبیاچہپن‪،‬ڑپاھیئاوراھکلیئرکی‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫اسدہاافلظیکادتبایئآوازاوراسےکاطمقبرحفیکاچہپن رکی‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫اسدہاافلظیکادتبایئآوازوںیکاچہپنرکیاوردرسرحوفاتبی‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫رحوفیکتربیت‪'،‬ا'ی'ش'رحفیجہتیکآدیھااکشلیکاچہپناوراھکلیئ‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫'ا'ی'ے'رحوفیجہتیکتربیتاجانن‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫دنچوشیپںےکیماتبی‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫دنہیسیتنگ‪۱-۱۰‬یکاچہپن‪،‬ڑپاھیئاوراھکلیئرکی‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫اتکب'وخوبش'یکوصتتریڑپاھیئرکیاوروساالتےکوجایتدانی‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫انسیئیئگاہکوینںےکیرےںیماسدہوساالتےکوجایتدانی‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫اہکینےکامہوااعقتاوررکداروںےکیماتبیاوراےنپدنسپیدہرکدارےکیرےںیمیترکیا‬ ‫‪‬‬

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