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Robi Erin T.

Bernardo ABM 11-2

Les Misérables

A story about a man, Jean Valjean who spent 19 years of his life in prison just because of stealing a loaf of
bread for his sister. After being released, he had a hard time finding a place to stay, to work at, or even just eat
just because he was on parole. But a church and Bishop Myriel took him in, and even after Jean Valjean stole
some silver from the church, he still saved him from getting arrested and helped Jean Valjean to change his
ways. After some time, Jean Valjean is running a factory where he met his worker Fantine, he tried to get
involved with her but she refused. After being rejected by Fantine, Jean Valjean then started abusing other
women in the factory which made them really mad at them. A co-worker of Fantine then revealed that Fantine
had a secret child, so she ended up to get fired and became a prostitute. Fantine was being abused by one
customer, Javert then arrived; a police inspector who was also tracking down Jean Valjean, he then arrested
Fantine and not her abusive customer. A guy pretended to be Jean Valjean and since he didn’t want him to
suffer, Jean Valjean revealed his true identity and went into trial. When he was in custody he escaped and went
to visit Fantine who was dying, he promised Fantine that he’ll find her daughter Cosette and take care of her.
After the death of Fantine, Valjean found Cosette with the Thénardiers; cruel and ruthless innkeepers, Jean
Valjean paid them 1,500 francs just to take Cosette with him but the last minute, Monsieur Thénardier
demanded Jean Valjean to pay him 1,000 crowns or give back Cosette, but in the end Valjean ended up taking
Cosette with him back to Paris.10 years later the Thénardiers lost the inn, changed their names to Jondrette, and
formed a gang which tried to rob Valjean and Cosette but then Marius; a guy who was in loved with Cosette and
the guy whom Eponine loves found out about the Jondrettes’ and immediately goes to the police where Javert
was an inspector. As Jondrette ambush Valjean, he ordered him to write a letter to Cosette telling her to go back
to the apartment, they’ll take her as a hostage until Valjean pays 200,000 francs. He wrote the wrong address
which bought him time just to escape from the Jondrettes. Javert ended up arresting all of the members of their
gang, and only Valjean who they were trying to kill and who Javert really wanted to arrest escaped. Moments
later, the gang escaped and they tried to rob Valjean’s house but Eponine threatened them that she’ll scream.
She then sent a note to Valjean’s house as a warning telling them move out, she was trying to tear apart Marius
and Cosette. She also told Marius that there was going to be a fight at the barricade at the Rue de la Chanvrerie,
she did this with a plan of dying there with Marius since she cannot take to see him be with Cosette. Marius was
wounded, he was found by Valjean who saved him and took him to hide in the sewer, but then Monsieur
Thénardier was there, hiding also from Javert, thinking that Marius was already dead he asked Valjean to give
him what’s inside Marius’ pockets and he’ll give him the key to the sewer. Javert and Valjean then had their last
encounter, he arrested Valjean but he pleaded to let him take Marius to his grandfather, Javert then agreed,
after that he let Valjean go, and killed himself by jumping into the river. Cosette and Marius then got married,
Marius thought that Valjean was the one who tried to kill him so he took away Cosette from him, but later then
they found out that Valjean was actually the one who saved him. And in Valjean’s death bed they reunited,
Valjean died happy by the side of his adoptive daughter Cosette.

This 1860 novel by Victor Hugo had been performed in different countries and had been adapted by many, and
by watching this it has helped me gain a perspective in life. Showcasing how corrupt the prison system was
before, how broken the system was for women and how they’ll sacrifice and work in order to just provide food
for their families, and seeing how a person could really change. I observed that the story has shown different
types of love; Eros, Philos, and Agape even though it wasn’t intended to be a romance novel. The show is
notable for its casting, and also how they catered the characters, the plot, the pacing.

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