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Nowdays travelling through flights within the country or abroad has became usually

common. In addition due to the low cost of tickets a vast numbers of individuals
travels from aircrafts and this has lead towards the increasing proportion in air
traffic. There are some who advocate that governments should increase the tax rates
which will help in the reduction of the noise, pollution and air traffic. I totally
agree with this point of raising the taxes.

To intiate with, the increase in taxes will lead towards the increase in budget of
government. Which will be helpful for the ongoing and further development of the
aircarft construction sites. Due to the high rates not many masses will be able to
buy an ticket and this will lead towards to an average growth of peoples in plane.
For instance, many government polices and travel booking apps provide many
discounts that an average man can travel through air and that has lead towards the
fast filling and high growth till all the seats are jammed. Moreover due to more
transportation of planes the upper atmosphere of earth is getting polluted and we
don't even have an idea about it. In addition, the garbage which is disposed from
the plane is directly polluting our land's environment.

Furthermore, many bird species are getting harmed due to the noise pollution in the
air. The low cost tickets increases the traffic in plane but it does not benefits
the government and due to this the government has to work under the low budget this
leads to towards consturction which stays pending over for years. To illustrate in,
according to an airline survey it has proven that due to less increment in
construction it takes whole 20 years to build and airport. This issue can be
resolved if the government will have an higher budget. Moreover its is quite
difficult to book an air ticket in the times of vacation cause due to the less
price of tickets they get sold out quite quickly.

To conclude, I totally agree with the argument that government should increase the
tax rates cause this will be more benificial to the aircarts committee and our
government. The traffic, growth of masses in aircrafts will be reduce and also
it'll help in slight rose up of our economy.

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