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“ The Goldfish Named Wetlang

“Thursday morning11am. At last no school for today but wait! I have a lot of things to do in school and I am at home–this is a disaster;

This is the time where my favorite pet will come named Wetlang.

I need my Goldfish Wetlang to help me get through the day. My pet needs to tell when to do things, when to have fun and when to
rush. He controls all of my decision in life especially when I am enjoying what I am doing at that moment. He thinks of what is important
to me and mostly, non important things matter to him at all times.

My mom hates my pet Wetlang – every time that she will ask me to do a household chore, Wetlang will always come to the rescue
and will delay that until I forget about it. I will have fun until I hear my moms scream and at that time, Wetlang will go back to its hiding
place and let me do all the work.

You see all of us have that one goldfish pet named Wetlang. In the society we live in, we were given this pet at one point of our lives.
Let me introduce you to Wetlang. He is that virtual pet we always use to delay things. In school, we adore him when we are
focusing on other non curricular activities. We would always call out “ wetlang “ if people are talking to us and we are playing
computer games or when we are too busy with out mobile phones. This pet feeds of our delaying tactics. He enjoys moments
where we were able to push back activities or delay an activity or assignment for another day. And it is not just during non school
activities that Wetlang flourishes, he also loves deadlines, exams and assignments.

We use Wetlang when we are busy reviewing, when we are answering assignments and when we have a deadline. This pet is
selfish and he only wants the attention of its owner on the fun and sometimes non value things. At home, he is being used over
and over again by its owner every times family member is asking its owner to either wash the dishes, clean up or set up a
table or even do other chores. Wetlang wants the world to stop and he just wants us to focus our attention on what we are doing,
either browsing thru social media, online games or sometimes just lying around doing nothing. The best trait of Wetlang is that it is a
goldfish –it has a very short memory attention span and its owner would always forget things. From the topics the professor have
discussed to the “utos” the owner’s mom asked the owner to do. This is where the bad side of Wetlang comes in –he feeds its owner
with such rush that when the deadline is fast approaching, the goldfish and owner already forgot what they need to do and this pet
will hide and let its owner do the hard work.

At home, this pet causes a lot of nagging and scolding because the owner will sometimes forget what is being asked of him and the
parent will have to repeat itself and at times, the parents will get mad because the chore has not been done for hours. And this is
because we spent all of our time with our pet goldfish named Wetlang. So I want to ask you –how do you take care of this pet?

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