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Gracelyn Gibson

Media Relations Specialist



Palmquist University is a college campus situated on the northwest side of Hosea, Wis.
Approximately 10,000 students attend the school which has a 56% graduation rate. The
Accreditation Committee of the American Bar Association oversees the accreditation of U.S. -
based law schools that request ABA accreditation. More than 40 states, including Wisconsin,
require graduation from an accredited law school as a condition for practicing in the state.
Palmquist has recently named Michael J. Henry as the new chair of this committee.
Henry joined the staff at PU in 1999 after he earned his law degree from the University of
Michigan. He has served on the committee for the past six years and will serve as chair for one
year with the committee’s other 19 members. Last year, Henry served as a vice chair where he
did an outstanding job. Henry’s lasting impact and success made him an obvious candidate for
the chair position.

Gracelyn Gibson
Media Relations Specialist

Fact Sheet

 Michael J. Henry is a professor at the School of Law at Palmquist University.
 Henry was named the new chair of the Accreditation Committee of the American Bar
 His position was effective as of January 26, 2023.
 Palmquist Univ. is in Hosea, Wis.
 Henry has served on the committee for six years and served as vice chair last year, which
makes him an obvious choice for the new chair position.

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