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MCT/MST Formative Observation Report Form

The MST (Mentor School Teacher) and the MCT (Mentor College Teacher) will use this form
to formally observe the pre-service teacher’s performance and to give formative feedback
based on the selected teaching competencies.
Mouza Saeed Nabet Mohammed
Student name: Student ID: H00412716

MCT name: Maitha AlMarri Course code: EPC 3903

Sheri Venketas Placement Al Refaa

MST name:

Observed by: MST MCT

Subject: English Date: 13/03/2022

Professional Dispositions
Focus Area: Care, initiative, and consistency of performance
• Responds actively to students’ needs
• Cares for students’ well-being
• Serves students and/or the school beyond the classroom
• Shows initiative and self-direction
• Initiates communication with family members and responds promptly to concerns
• Interacts effectively and responsively with families to support student learning
• Applies new knowledge of content or methods actively and reasonably
• Demonstrates consistent performance throughout TP

Mouza demonstrates professionalism in her work by arriving on time, behaving professionally and
maintaining a well-organized classroom. She shows a genuine care and positivity towards her
students, evident through her appropriate communication with them. Mouza proactively takes
initiative in the classroom, providing assistance where needed. She mostly implements feedback
from previous observations to continuously improve as an educator. Her communication skills are
also excellent, demonstrated by her ability to effectively interact with her MCT and prioritize
observation schedules. Overall, Mouza's conduct is a reflection of her commitment to the teaching
profession and serves as a model of a dedicated professional.
Areas for improvement:
Send the lesson plan within an appropriate time frame for your MCT to review.
Planning for Teaching & Learning
Focus Area: Developmentally and culturally appropriate unit and lesson planning
• Engages in day-to-day and long-range planning

• Develops focused lessons

• Identifies appropriate flexible grouping strategies based on instructional goals

• Identifies and selects activities/strategies that engage students

• Applies knowledge of diverse ways of knowing and prior experiences to design culturally
responsive practices
• Integrates and effectively responds to issues of diversity (e.g., stereotypes,
prejudices, institutional barriers, discriminatory policies, privilege, power) in planning,
designing, implementing, and evaluating responsive practices

• Selects materials appropriate for diverse student populations (e.g. language

proficiencies, special needs, gifted, cultural groups, gender)

Mouza's lesson planning was well-prepared and thoughtful. Her learning outcomes were clearly
defined and realistic for her students to achieve. The activities she designed were age-appropriate
and aligned with her students' developmental level, ensuring their engagement and appropriate
challenge. She utilized the gradual release model ensuring she gave guided practice, collaborative
learning opportunities and individual/independent work. Overall, Mouza's lesson planning reflected
her dedication to her students' learning and created an effective learning experience.
Areas for improvement:
Provide more detail for the differentiation activities. Outline how to differentiate by outcome, by
level, by learning style, etc. Do not just say ‘I will give them something else to do’ as this is not clear
what to do.
Think of time management/distribution of time over different activities. For example, you gave 10
minutes to the collaborative activity where students write two words on a card, but only gave 6
minutes to the individual activity where students write three sentences.
Managing Teaching & Learning
Focus Area: Classroom management strategies
• Demonstrates ability to turn unexpected situations into teachable moments
• Applies effective procedures for managing individual, small group, and whole class activities
• Responds positively and equitably to appropriate and inappropriate behaviour
• Uses appropriate strategies to redirect off-task behaviour
• Implements appropriate approaches to guide positive behaviour
• Manages disruptive behaviour effectively
• Implements efficient procedures for use of materials
• Generates enthusiasm and/or appreciation for learning

Mouza implemented a good classroom management plan and was mostly effective in motivating
her students and maintaining a positive classroom environment. She reminded students of the
classroom rules and consistently followed up throughout the lesson. She also utilized positive
reinforcement to motivate students by offering stickers and rewards for exemplary behavior. Her
modeling of appropriate behavior further reinforced positive conduct. She mostly managed any
disruptive behaviour well.
Areas for improvement:
When you want students to focus with you on the board, make sure that they have their books
closed and pencils on the table. Otherwise, they will not listen and will proceed to do their
work/be distracted. Some students were working in their books the entire time you were
explaining. Ensure you have student’s attention and focus before giving instructions.
Think about the noise level in the classroom and whether that is appropriate or conducive to
Think about procedures for the distribution and collection of materials to ease transitions and
lessen any wasted time.
Implementing Learning
Focus Area: Learner-centred teaching strategies and techniques, and use of appropriate
learning technologies
• Demonstrates knowledge of a variety of student-centred teaching strategies and
techniques, and learning technologies appropriate for the Early Childhood context
• Uses student-centred strategies and techniques to promote learning
• Uses a wide variety of appropriate learning technologies, resources and activities to
promote learning

Mouza's lesson implementation was good and she followed her planning and preparation well. She
gave direct instruction, allowed for guided practice, and encouraged collaborative activities and
independent work. Her presentation of subject material and delivery of instructions was good.
Areas for improvement:
Avoid using more difficult words to explain concepts (e.g. contradict) and instead focus on using
illustrative examples.
Give more time to practice at the start of the lesson. Some of the vocabulary words were difficult
and some of the pictures were not clear in the card writing activity.
Assessing Learning
Focus Area: Assessment data to inform planning
• Examines recorded student assessment data available with MST/school
• Interprets available student assessment data to determine teaching and learning next steps
• Utilizes student assessment data in lesson and unit planning

Mouza demonstrated a consistent commitment to monitoring student progress and offering
constructive feedback and support. Throughout the class, she actively circulated among student
groups, reviewing their work and providing guidance as needed. At the conclusion of each lesson,
Mouza engaged with students by posing questions to assess their understanding of the material
covered. She used an exit ticket at the end of the lesson and checked for understanding by using
self-assessment to check understanding of the learning objectives.
Areas for improvement:
Is there a criteria for writing sentences?
Focus Area: Reflection on teaching and learning
• Reflects actively and consistently upon own practice to enhance teaching and learning
• Considers making necessary adjustments in teaching and learning based on learners’
• Determines appropriate instructional actions based on self-reflection
• Evaluates how these instructional actions demonstrate foundational understanding (Theories of
child development, interplay of developmental domains, learning approaches, approaches to
teaching and learning in ECE context, content areas in ECE, health, safety, and nutrition in early
years etc.)

Mouza says: “I think that I did all the requirements. I did different activities, first for the low level to
cover their needs, then the medium activity, then the higher level. Then I tried to use the exit ticket
and the Kahoot! There was no time to use it”
Areas for improvement:
Mouza says: “next time, I want to control more the class management and use more strategies, but
I will keep their movement and talking within limits.”
Action Plan (Objectives, actions, implementation timeline, resources):

Continue to think of developing classroom management strategies (for distribution and collection of
materials, for transitions, for behaviour management, for noise management, etc.)

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