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Discussion of “Design and Calibration of a Compound Sharp-Crested Weir” by J.

Martínez, J. Reca, M. T. Morillas, and J. G. López

Article  in  Journal of Hydraulic Engineering · August 2006

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2006)132:8(868)


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Chyan-Deng Jan
National Cheng Kung University


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triangular-rectangular sharp-crested weir 共CTRSC weir兲, and the

Discussion of “Design and Calibration compound triangular-trapezoidal sharp-crested weir 共CTTSC
of a Compound Sharp-Crested Weir” weir兲, as shown in Figs. 1–4. The theoretical discharge equations
by J. Martínez, J. Reca, M. T. Morillas, for the four compound sharp-crested weirs are established by lin-
and J. G. López early combing the discharge relations of rectangular and triangu-
lar sharp-crested weirs. The discharge equation for rectangular
February, 2005, Vol. 131, No. 2, pp. 112–116.
sharp-crested weirs can be written as 共Henderson 1966兲
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DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9429共2005兲131:2共112兲

Q = Crd冑2gbh3/2
Chyan-Deng Jan, M.ASCE1; Chia-Jung Chang2; and 3
Ming-Hsi Lee3
Dept. of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering and Disaster Prevention where g = gravitational acceleration; b = weir length; h = water
Research Center, National Cheng Kung Univ., Tainan, Taiwan 70101, head on the weir crest; and Crd = discharge coefficient of the rect-
R.O.C. E-mail: angular sharp-crested weir. The Crd values would depend on the
2 head on the crest H, weir length b, weir height P, and channel
Dept. of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, National Cheng Kung Univ.,
Tainan, Taiwan 70101, R.O.C. width B, as described by French 共1986兲

冉 冊 冉 冊
Dept. of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, National Cheng Kung Univ., 0.7 1.46
Tainan, Taiwan 70101, R.O.C. B B
0.611 + 2.23 −1 0.075 − 0.011 −1
b b h

冉 冊 冉 冊
Crd = 0.7 + 1.46
This paper describes the design and calibration of a compound 1 + 3.8 −1 1 + 4.8 −1
sharp-crested weir consisting of two triangular parts with different b b
notch angles 共simply named as “compound triangular sharp-crest 共2兲
weir,” or CTSC weir兲. Authors of the paper have developed a
The discharge equation for triangular sharp-crested weirs can be
discharge equation for CTSC weirs by linearly combing the dis-
written as 共Henderson 1966兲
charge relations of triangular sharp-crested weirs with different
notch angles 共␪1 and ␪2兲, and discharge coefficient 共Cd1 and Cd2兲,
as shown in the following equation Q=
Ctd冑2g tan
␪ 5/2
2 e
冉冊 共3兲

· Cd1 · 冑2g · tan
· h5/2 +
· Cd2 · 冑2g · tan
冉冊 where ␪ = notch angle; he = h + Kh = effective head; and
Kh = correction head for accounting viscous and surface tension

effects. According to Bos 共1976兲, the values of Kh vary from
· Cd1 · 冑2g · tan
8 2.74 to 0.8 mm for corresponding notch angle ␪ from 20 to 100°,
· 共h − h0兲5/2 − · 共h − h0兲5/2
15 2 as shown in Fig. 5; and Ctd = discharge coefficient for triangular
sharp-crested weirs; the Ctd values also slightly depend on the
The above equation can be rearranged as a function of a single
notch angle ␪. According to Bos 共1976兲, the values of Ctd are
global discharge coefficient Cd
between 0.576 and 0.590 for notch angles ␪ between 25 and 100°,

Cd冑2g tan 冋 冉冊
· 共h5/2 − 共h − h0兲5/2兲
with minimum Ctd共=0.576兲 at about ␪ = 70, as shown in Fig. 6.
The values of Kh 共in mm兲 and Ctd could also be estimated
from the empirical relations: Kh⫽3.9058−3.8558␪+1.1940␪2
+ tan 冉冊
· 共h − h0兲5/2 册 and Ctd⫽0.6085−0.0525␪+0.02135␪2 with the unit of ␪ in rad
共1 rad⫽57.2958°兲, developed by the discussers. For example, at
the case of ␪ = ␲ / 2, Kh⬇0.80 mm and Ctd⬇0.579, respectively.
The resulting global discharge coefficient is given by the follow-
ing equation

冉 冊冋冉 冊 册 冉冊 Theoretical Discharge Equations

␪1 h0 −5/2
Cd1 tan 1− − 1 + Cd2 tan
2 h 2 It is supposed that the theoretical discharge equations for com-

冉 冊冋冉 冊 册 冉冊
Cd =
␪1 h0 −5/2
␪2 pound sharp-crested weirs by linearly combing the discharge
tan 1− − 1 + tan relations of rectangular and triangular sharp-crested weirs are rea-
2 h 2
sonably and feasibly. Therefore the theoretical discharge relations
The authors have shown that the theoretical discharge equation for four kinds of compound sharp-crested weirs can be written as
can provide a good estimation of flow discharge for the CTSC follows.
In the present discussion, the discussers would provide more
experimental results of four more kinds of compound sharp-
crested weirs, such as the compound rectangular-rectangular The CRRSC weir can be considered as a linear combination of
sharp-crested weir 共CRRSC weir兲, the compound rectangular- two simple rectangular sharp-crested weirs. Fig. 1 shows a sym-
trapezoidal sharp-crested weir 共CRTSC weir兲, the compound metric CRRSC-weir that contains a left rectangular weir, a middle


J. Hydraul. Eng., 2006, 132(8): 868-871

Fig. 1. Compound rectangular-rectangular sharp-crested weir
共CRRSC weir兲
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Fig. 5. Correction head Kh for accounting viscous and surface

tension effects for triangular sharp-crested weirs at various notch
angles ␪ 共adapted from Bos 1976兲

Fig. 2. Compound rectangular-trapezoidal sharp-crested weir

共CRTSC weir兲 rectangular weir, and a right rectangular weir. Therefore, from the
linear combination, the discharge relation for the symmetric
CRRSC weir 共Fig. 1兲 can be written as

Qt = Crd1冑2g共2b1兲h3/2 冑
2 2 3/2
1 + Crd2 2gb2h2 共4兲
3 3
The values of discharge coefficients Crd1 and Crd2 for rectangular
weirs can be determined from Eq. 共2兲.

The CRTSC weir is composed of a rectangular weir and a trap-
ezoidal weir 共which could be composed by a rectangular weir and
a triangular weir兲 as shown in Fig. 2. The discharge equation can
Fig. 3. Compound triangular-rectangular sharp-crested weir 共CTRSC be obtained as

Fig. 4. Compound triangular-trapezoidal sharp-crested weir 共CTTSC Fig. 6. Discharge coefficient Ctd of rectangular sharp-crested weirs
weir兲 of a function of the notch angle ␪ 共adapted from Bos 1976兲


J. Hydraul. Eng., 2006, 132(8): 868-871

Table 1. Experimental Conditions and Results for Flows over the CRRSC Weirs
Channel Characteristics of compound weirs Discharges

Run Width b1 b2 h1 h2 Theoretical Measured Ratio ␣

number 共cm兲 Slope 共cm兲 共cm兲 共cm兲 共cm兲 Crd1 Crd2 Qt 共cms兲 Qm 共cms兲 共=Qm / Qt兲
RR1 149 0.001 25 20 1.3 11.3 0.590 0.587 0.01446 0.01463 1.012
RR2 149 0.001 25 20 1.7 11.7 0.590 0.586 0.01580 0.01633 1.034
RR3 149 0.001 25 20 2.1 12.1 0.590 0.586 0.01724 0.01920 1.114
RR4 149 0.001 50 20 1.0 11.0 0.595 0.587 0.01440 0.01463 1.016
RR5 149 0.001 50 20 1.3 11.3 0.595 0.587 0.01577 0.01633 1.036
RR6 149 0.001 50 20 1.7 11.7 0.596 0.586 0.01777 0.01920 1.080
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RR7 100 0.005 40 20 1.1 11.1 0.599 0.588 0.01449 0.01475 1.018
RR8 100 0.005 40 20 2.9 12.9 0.603 0.588 0.02314 0.02465 1.065
RR9 100 0.005 40 20 4.8 14.8 0.607 0.588 0.03488 0.03660 1.049
RR10 100 0.005 40 20 6.1 16.1 0.610 0.588 0.04418 0.04730 1.071
RR11 100 0.005 40 20 7.1 17.1 0.612 0.588 0.05196 0.05770 1.110
RR12 100 0.005 40 20 8.8 18.8 0.616 0.588 0.06636 0.07530 1.135
Average ratio ␣ 1.062

Table 2. Experimental Conditions and Results for Flows over the CRTSC Weirs
Channel Characteristics of compound weirs Discharges

Run Width b1 b2 h1 h2 Theoretical Measured Ratio ␣

number 共cm兲 Slope 共cm兲 共cm兲 共cm兲 共cm兲 ␪ Crd1 Crd2 Ctd Qt 共cms兲 Qm 共cms兲 共=Qm / Qt兲
RT1 149 0.001 25 20 1.3 11.3 90° 0.590 0.587 0.579 0.01449 0.01463 1.010
RT2 149 0.001 25 20 1.7 11.7 90° 0.590 0.586 0.579 0.01586 0.01633 1.030
RT3 149 0.001 25 20 2.3 12.3 90° 0.590 0.586 0.579 0.01811 0.01920 1.060
RT4 149 0.001 50 20 1.0 11.0 90° 0.595 0.587 0.579 0.01442 0.01463 1.015
RT5 149 0.001 50 20 1.4 11.4 90° 0.595 0.587 0.579 0.01629 0.01633 1.002
RT6 149 0.001 50 20 1.8 11.8 90° 0.596 0.586 0.579 0.01837 0.01920 1.045
RT7 100 0.005 35 20 3.3 13.3 90° 0.599 0.588 0.579 0.02458 0.02560 1.041
RT8 100 0.005 35 20 4.3 14.3 90° 0.601 0.588 0.579 0.03043 0.03170 1.042
RT9 100 0.005 35 20 5.0 15.0 90° 0.602 0.588 0.579 0.03491 0.03660 1.048
Average ratio ␣ 1.033

Table 3. Experimental Conditions and Results for Flows over the CTRSC Weirs
Channel Characteristics of compound weirs Discharges

Run Width b1 b2 h1 h2 Theoretical Measured Ratio ␣

number 共cm兲 Slope 共cm兲 共cm兲 共cm兲 共cm兲 ␪ Crd Ctd Qt 共cms兲 Qm 共cms兲 共=Qm / Qt兲
TR1 149 0.001 25 20 1.3 11.3 90° 0.590 0.579 0.00723 0.00806 1.115
TR2 149 0.001 25 20 3.1 13.1 90° 0.590 0.579 0.01314 0.01436 1.093
TR3 149 0.001 25 20 3.6 13.6 90° 0.590 0.579 0.01507 0.01633 1.084
TR4 149 0.001 50 20 1.0 11.0 90° 0.595 0.579 0.00733 0.00806 1.096
TR5 149 0.001 50 20 2.3 12.3 90° 0.597 0.579 0.01340 0.01436 1.072
TR6 149 0.001 50 20 2.7 12.7 90° 0.597 0.579 0.01564 0.01633 1.044
TR7 100 0.005 40 20 2.2 12.2 90° 0.601 0.579 0.01176 0.01335 1.135
TR8 100 0.005 40 20 4.1 14.1 90° 0.605 0.579 0.02175 0.02335 1.074
TR9 100 0.005 40 20 6.9 16.9 90° 0.612 0.579 0.04070 0.04550 1.118
Average ratio ␣ 1.092


J. Hydraul. Eng., 2006, 132(8): 868-871

Table 4. Experimental Conditions and Results for Flows over the CTTSC Weirs
Channel Characteristics of compound weirs Discharges

Run Width b1 b2 h1 h2 Theoretical Measured Ratio ␣

number 共cm兲 Slope 共cm兲 共cm兲 共cm兲 共cm兲 ␪ 1, ␪ 2 Crd Ctd Qt 共cms兲 Qm 共cms兲 共=Qm / Qt兲
TT1 149 0.001 25 20 1.3 11.3 90° 0.590 0.579 0.00726 0.00806 1.110
TT2 149 0.001 25 20 3.0 13.0 90° 0.590 0.579 0.01299 0.01436 1.105
TT3 149 0.001 25 20 3.5 13.5 90° 0.590 0.579 0.01500 0.01633 1.089
TT4 149 0.001 50 20 1.0 11.0 90° 0.595 0.579 0.00734 0.00806 1.098
TT5 149 0.001 50 20 2.2 12.2 90° 0.597 0.579 0.01298 0.01436 1.106
TT6 149 0.001 50 20 2.7 12.7 90° 0.597 0.579 0.01581 0.01633 1.033
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TT7 100 0.005 35 20 1.6 11.6 90° 0.597 0.579 0.00887 0.00991 1.117
TT8 100 0.005 35 20 3.6 13.6 90° 0.600 0.579 0.01794 0.01949 1.086
TT9 100 0.005 35 20 5.0 15.0 90° 0.602 0.579 0.02599 0.02960 1.139
Average ratio ␣ 1.098

charges are equal to the theoretical ones. If ␣ is greater 共or less兲

Qt = Crd2冑2gb2h3/2 冑
2 2
2 + Crd1 2g共2b1兲h1
3 3 than 1.0, it means the measured discharges are greater 共or less兲
than the theoretical ones. In the present experiments, the average
␣ values are 1.062, 1.033, 1.092, and 1.098 for the CRRSC weirs,
Ctd冑2g tan共␪/2兲h5/2
+ 1e 共5兲
15 CRTSC weirs, CTRSC weirs, and CTTSC weirs, respectively.
According to this result, we may conclude that even though the
theoretically calculated discharges by Eqs. 共4兲–共7兲 were slightly
CTRSC Weir smaller than the measured ones, the theoretical discharge Qt
modified with a correction factor ␣ 共i.e., Q = ␣Qt兲 could well de-
The CTRSC weir is composed of a truncated triangular weir and
scribe the discharge over compound short-crested weirs.
two rectangular weirs as shown in Fig. 3. The discharge equation
can be obtained as

Qt =
Ctd冑2g tan


2e − h1e 兲 + Crd 2g共2b1兲h1

Bos, M. G. 共1976兲. Discharge measurement structures, Int. Institute for

Land Reclamation and Improvement, Wagemingen, The Netherlands.
CTTSC Weir Henderson, F. M. 共1966兲. Open channel flow, Macmillan, New York.
French, R. H. 共1986兲. Open channel hydraulics, McGraw-Hill, New York.
The CTTSC weir is composed of a CTRSC weir and two trian-
gular weirs as shown in Fig. 4. The discharge equation can be
obtained as

Qt =
Ctd冑2g tan

2e − h1e 兲 + Crd 2g共2b1兲h1
3/2 Closure to “Design and Calibration
of a Compound Sharp-Crested Weir”
Ctd冑2g tan 冉冊
␪1 5/2
2 1e
by J. Martínez, J. Reca, M. T. Morillas,
and J. G. López
February 2005, Vol. 131, No. 2, pp. 112–116.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9429共2005兲131:2共112兲
Laboratory Experiments and Results
J. Martínez1; J. Reca2; M. T. Morillas3; and J. G. López4
Laboratory experiments were conducted for comparing the mea- Professor, Dept. of Rural Engineering, Univ. of Almería, 04120 Almería,
sured discharges with the calculated discharges by the theoretical Spain. E-mail:
equations for water flows over the four kinds of compound short- Professor, Dept. of Rural Engineering, Univ. of Almería, 04120 Almería,
crest weirs. The experiments were conducted in two rectangular Spain. E-mail:
Graduate Student, Dept. of Rural Engineering, Univ. of Almería, 04120
flumes—one has a channel length of 1,100 cm, width of 149 cm,
Almería, Spain. E-mail:
height of 25 cm, and slope 0.001; the other has a channel length 4
Professor, Dept. of Rural Engineering, Univ. of Almería and Director of
of 1,900 cm, width of 100 cm, height of 100 cm, and slope 0.005. the Horticultural Research and Development Center “La Mojonera”
The flow discharges were between 0.00806 to 0.0753 cms, and 共Almería兲, 04120 Almería, Spain. E-mail: jgabriel.lopez@
the flow depths 共h2兲 were between 11.0 cm and 18.8 cm. The
measured discharges 共denoted as Qm兲 were also compared with
the calculated discharges 共denoted as Qt兲 by using the theoretical
Eqs. 共4兲–共7兲 for flows over the four kinds of compound short-crest The writers wish to thank the discussers for their comments. They
weirs, as shown in Tables 1–4. The ratio of the measured dis- provide more experimental results of four additional kinds of
charge and the theoretically calculated discharge is denoted as ␣ compound sharp-created weirs, such as the compound
共i.e., ␣ = Qm / Qt兲. If ␣ equals 1.0, it means the measured dis- rectangular-rectangular sharp-crested weir, the compound


J. Hydraul. Eng., 2006, 132(8): 868-871

rectangular-trapezoidal sharp-crested weir, the compound The four kinds of compounds sharp-crested weirs analyzed by the
triangular-rectangular sharp crested weir, and the compound discussers have a discontinuity in the transition between the two
triangular-trapezoidal sharp crested weir. They establish the dis- parts of the weirs. This is the reason why we have not considered
charge equation of these weirs by linearly combining the dis- any of them.
charge relations of rectangular and triangular sharp-crested weir. According to their results, the discussers conclude that the
They extend the same methodology applied in our work to other theoretical discharges were slightly smaller than the measured
weir geometries. Their contribution is very interesting and valu- ones. For this reason, they recommend to apply a correction fac-
able. It completes and validates the approach followed in our tor ␣ to calculate these theoretical discharges. They have obtained
work. Their discussion, slightly more elaborated, could have been average ratio ␣ values for the different geometries. The average
an interesting original research paper. values are very close to one but a significant variability is ob-
In our work, we studied the performance of a compound tri- served in the experiments. The discussers don’t describe their
angular sharp-crested weir consisting of two triangular parts with experimental device and they don’t specify the accuracy of the
different notch angles. The purpose of our work was not to ana- head and discharge measures. For these reasons, we can’t assure
Downloaded from by National Cheng Kung University on 06/21/16. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

lyze different sharp-crested weir geometries but to design and that the differences between the theoretical and observed values
calibrate a compound sharp crested weir that can provide accurate are due to the effect of variables not taken into account in the
measurement for a wide range of flows without discontinuities. theoretical equations, or on the contrary, to experimental errors.


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