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Evo nekoliko kreativnih ideja za igre koje se mogu koristiti u nastavi stranog jezika:

1. "Pictionary" - U ovoj igri igrači crtaju riječ ili frazu na ploči, a drugi igrači
pogađaju na kojem jeziku je riječ ili fraza.

2. "Vješala" - U ovoj igri igrači pogađaju riječ ili frazu jedno slovo po jedno slovo
dok se ne ispunjavaju sve riječi. To može biti izvrsna vježba za učenje pravopisa i

3. "Scrabble" - Ovo je klasična igra u kojoj igrači koriste pločice s slovima kako bi
složili riječi. Može biti izvrsna vježba za učenje novih riječi i poboljšanje

4. "Memory" - U ovoj igri igrači se natječu kako bi pronašli parove kartica s

riječima na njemačkom jeziku. Ovo je dobra vježba za učenje vokabulara i
prepoznavanje riječi.

5. "Charades" - U ovoj igri igrači glume riječi ili fraze bez govorenja. Ostali igrači
pokušavaju pogoditi na kojem jeziku je riječ ili fraza.

6. "Role play" - U ovoj igri igrači preuzimaju uloge i simuliraju situacije na

njemačkom jeziku, poput naručivanja hrane u restoranu ili kupovine u trgovini.
Ovo može biti izvrsna vježba za poboljšanje govornih vještina i sigurnosti u
razgovoru na njemačkom jeziku.

7. "Taboo" - U ovoj igri igrači pokušavaju objasniti riječ bez korištenja određenih
riječi koje su povezane s tom riječi. Ovo može biti izvrsna vježba za učenje
sinonima i poboljšanje govornih vještina.

8. "Word association" - U ovoj igri igrači povezuju riječi na njemačkom jeziku s

drugim riječima koje su povezane s tim riječima. Ovo može biti dobra vježba za
povezivanje riječi i poboljšanje vokabulara.

9. Word Bingo: Create bingo cards with German words and phrases on each square.
The caller then calls out words and phrases in German, and players mark off the
corresponding square if they have it on their card. The first player to get a row or
full card calls out "Bingo!" and wins the game.

10. Word Jumble: Create a list of German words and phrases, then jumble up the
letters in each word. Players then have to unscramble the words and write them
down correctly. The player who unscrambles the most words correctly in a set
amount of time wins the game.

11. Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of German words and phrases and hide objects
around the classroom or outside that match those words. Students then have to
find the objects and say the corresponding German word or phrase when they
find them.
12. Memory: Create pairs of cards with German words and their translations. Players
turn over two cards at a time and try to find a matching pair.

13. Storytelling: In groups, each player takes turns adding a sentence to a story in
German. The story can be as simple or as complex as desired. This game
encourages creativity and language usage.

14. Simon Says: The teacher gives commands in the foreign language, such as
"Simon says touch your nose" or "Simon says jump three times," and students
have to follow the instructions. This can help students practice listening and
following directions in the foreign language.

15. Jeopardy: Create a Jeopardy game board with categories and point values, and
ask questions in the foreign language. This can be a fun way to test students'
knowledge and encourage friendly competition

16. Human Bingo: Create bingo cards with statements or questions in the foreign
language (e.g. "Has a pet", "Can speak another language", "Has traveled outside
the country"). Students have to find other students who match the statement and
have them sign the corresponding square. The first student to fill out their card

17. Speed Dating: Students sit in two lines facing each other and have a short
conversation in pairs in the foreign language, then switch partners every few
minutes. This can help students practice basic conversation skills and get to
know their classmates.

18. Find someone who: Give students a sheet with statements or questions in the
foreign language, and have them find someone in the class who matches each
statement. For example, "Find someone who has a sibling", "Find someone who
can play a musical instrument". This can encourage students to interact with each
other and practice speaking in the foreign language.

19. The dictionary game: Have students randomly select a word from the
dictionary in the target language and then write a fake definition for it. The
other students have to guess the correct definition.

20. Sentence relay: Divide students into two teams. The first student on each team
writes a sentence in the target language on a piece of paper, then passes it to the
next student, who has to add another sentence to the story. The first team to
complete a coherent story wins.

21. Cultural scavenger hunt: Create a scavenger hunt with clues in the target
language that lead students to important cultural landmarks or symbols related to
the language being studied.

22. Crosswords: Create crosswords puzzles with clues in the target language. This
can be a fun way to practice vocabulary and spelling.
23. Speed games: Create flashcards with vocabulary words or phrases and have
students compete to see who can match them the fastest.

24. Storytelling chain: Students sit in a circle and take turns adding a sentence to a
story in the target language. This can help develop creativity, speaking skills, and
listening skills.

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