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Persuasive advertising: is a type of advertising used by business to

create brand loyalty, this type of advert is designed to invoke an
emotional response. (eg. in soft drink ads are often seen young people
having fun).
Commercials: is a type of advertising that is seen by people on TV or in
Endorsement: is when in an advertisement there are famous people
(eg. George Clooney for Nespresso or Emma Watson for Loreal)
Slogan: is a simple phrase that accompanies a brand and contains a
persuasive message. The idea is that people remember the message
(eg. I’m love it for McDonald’s and what else for Nespresso).
Jingle: is a short sound used in advertising that makes customers think
of the brand when they hear it.
Logo: is the symbol of a company and people recognise the company
from it.
Trademark Ⓡ or ™: is the legal registration of the license of brand
The use of colors: is a very important factor, many times in
commercials there are the same colors of the logo of the company.
The use of songs: is very important to choose the right song for a
commercial, customers can recognise the brand from a song.
The use of images: is important in a print advertising or in social media
through images

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